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 (happiness, amuses, cowardice, caution, warmth, intellect)

(Luke is of age in this one-shot, and will always be of age unless stated otherwise :/)


(No ones pov)

He felt a warm feeling bloom in his chest as he sat in the field with almost no purpose. In the corner of his eyes, he saw the human that had been a part of his life for as long as he could remember. Their presence was almost as great as Simeons, only he felt different about them. He didn't feel butterflies in his stomach when he saw the other angel, only when he saw the human. He often went to Simeon for help and answers but only got a chuckle in response and then his famous line was "you'll figure it out soon enough" which in return only made him more confused. So he had just stopped asking knowing he would get no further answer.

A pair of small glasses rest on the lower part of his nose, he begins to feel them fall before a finger pushes them up and he is now faced with the human he admired so much, they held a warm smile on their lips as they looked down at him. A blush coming to his cheeks from embarrassment but he says nothing as they take the space next to him.

"Luke there must have been a reason for calling me out here, so why won't you tell me?" their arm wraps around his shoulder pulling him closer to their body. A small chuckle leaving their lips as they take the yellow polaroid camera from his lap and into their own hands. He felt all of his emotions bubbling then turn down as he realized he could never say he had any feelings for them. He was becoming a coward, he already was but not as much as this or so he thought it may have just been the wrong moment but he could never put his finger on it.

"It's been a while since we hung out, I wanted to see you again." That wasn't a total lie since they both split ways after their exchange program ended with the Devildom, and they chose to stay in the Devildom rather than return to their own world. While he went back with Simeon to continue work under Michael and they both rarely got time off. It had been a few weeks since he had seen them and he wasn't about to let this opportunity slip from his very hands. So he took it and asked them to meet and to his luck they agreed.

"You're still thinking of me even though you are so busy, so cute!" they mutter softly, looking at him again with an even softer expression that reminded him of when they were both back in the Devildom and they would often spend their days together.

"Stop" he mumbles out shyly as he looks down at the ground, his glasses once again slipping from his nose, he felt a slight annoyance but pushed it aside when he heard the snap of a camera seconds later. His eyes widened when he hears the film being developed, he tries to grab it but they don't let him as they stick it up in the air. "Give it (Y/N)" he states out in an embarrassed tone as he still tries to reach for the photo but they keep moving it from him.

"But you look so cute, I just had to!" They chuckle, still waving the photo in the air and above their head, not showing any sign of letting it go, and with one forcing movement he pushes himself and his fingers make contact with the photo. But he ultimately loses his balance and falls forward. Both of their chests make contact, and they stare at each other with wide eyes and the photo loses its importance as they have no idea what to do now. A shocked noise leaves his lips as he forces himself up with a red face and his hands cover it to hide what just happened hoping it was all some dream.

"I am-" he begins but is cut off by their stern expression, and the photo is back in their hand. He feels their eyes bore into him as they look at him. He sees a red tint on their cheeks as well and he begins to feel a cautious feeling grow inside him, still not knowing what to do. A tug at his collar sends him forward and his lips crash onto theirs, he watches as their eyes are closed and he still has no idea what to do as this happens. He pushes himself forward, closing his eyes as well but his eyes are snapped open as soon as he hears the camera click once again. Pulling away he sees an amused expression on their face as they hold up the new photo. Once again he tries to reach for it, his heart racing as their hands brush together.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to give you a copy unless you want to do it again?" they state once again waving the photo in the air. 

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