~Lucifer❤( Night Falls)~

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Night had fallen over the kingdom, the stars shine in the darkness being slowly drowned out by the darkness of the sky, and the brightness of the moon. I stare once again at the dark-haired male. His red eyes shined from the light of the moon. A smile is on his normally stern and serious face. Lucifer was a top knight in the kingdom, completing missions others had believed to be impossible, he was perfect and too good at everything he did, and he knew it. He was prideful to an extent that was nice to see in a knight; he was confident but not too much. Never over-confident to the point he overestimated his abilities. Maybe that's what made him so attractive, other than his perfect figure, and face that seemed to be carved by angels. It was almost as if he was a god stuck in the body of a human. It was an unreal feeling. His gloved hands rested on mine, while his fingers intertwined with mine in a swift motion. He was a person anyone would be lucky to have by their side. I know I felt the pressure and tense manner he always had, it was intimidating. 

“What’s wrong? you seem to be out of it”  he mutters, pressing his hand to his chin as he looks down at me with somewhat worried eyes. His pale skin clashed against his dark armor, the blue designs make him stand out more. 

“I was thinking about you” I smile cupping his face in my hands. His black hair falls on the tips of my fingers as a small blush comes to his cheeks. I smile at him as he smiles back, soon pressing his lips against mine for a quick moment, I couldn’t think of anything else. 

“Well, that makes me feel somewhat better,” he says, pressing his pointer finger to his lips as a small hum left his mouth. He pushes himself away and looks at the space between us “Are you worried about this upcoming mission?” he asks, making my heart drop at the thought. Though I was with him I still couldn’t get it out of my mind. 

“I have a bad feeling about this,” I mutter but he grabs my hands forcing me closer to him. A rare smile on his lips gave me the feeling that maybe I had been overthinking yet the feeling still lingered as he smiled lovingly at me. He presses my hands to his chest as his red eyes lock with me. 

“It’ll all be fine, nothing will be able to tear me from you. My heart, it only beats for you. If it were to stop beating. my love for you will carry on.” he says lowly his breath washing across my face. The smile never fell from his lips as he continued to talk. “I’ll come back to hold you in my arms no matter what. That's a promise” he presses his lips to mine for a second before he pulls his face away from mine. 

“I tried to get them to let you stay” tears begin to fall freely from your eyes, you don’t even try to stop them as his hands cup your face. His thumbs run under your eyes to wipe away the tears. 

“Everything will be fine, I’ll come back to you,” he says before pulling away. His fingers slip past mine before he walks into the distance. Even his words couldn’t calm my racing heart. 


Weeks fly by, the nails on my fingers almost disappear as I wait for any response to what may have happened. A war with another kingdom found itself unable to be stopped by mere words and laws. A power-hungry emperor was one ruling the other kingdom over seeking power wherever he may find it. I had only hoped it would not reach us yet it did. Causing the kingdom to send every knight they could find, whether they were experienced or not. 

My eyes snap to the window as I hear shouts and cheers. My heart raced as I searched for him. Though I couldn’t see anything. I push everything away from me and storm out of the room trying to get outside as soon as possible. The eyes of others bore into me as I ran through the halls and rooms. Everything seemingly goes as slow as it could, almost to the point I could see their faces as I was running. My heart raced quicker than ever as I forced open the castle doors. My breaths are heavy as I see the eyes of the knights stare at me but I could care less. My eyes scan the crowd hoping to see him until I see a few bodies getting pushed out of the way, a taller figure appearing from the crowd. A mop of messy black hair catches my eyes. Tears poke the corner of my eyes. 

His taller figure pushes past the crowd. Blood falling from multiple cuts on his face and from the top of his head. His red eyes widen as his eyes meet with me. Before I could stop myself from staying there I rushed to him jumping up to him wrapping my arms around his neck pressing his lips to mine. I feel his arms wrapping around my waist pulling my body closer. A few loud and shocked gasps filled the area but I ignored them as I pulled away looking at him with blurry vision. My hands cup his face a small smile on his lips as he hovers over me 

“I told you, I would come back to you” he mutters as we both continue to ignore those around us as multiple questions are thrown at us. I had not said anything about my relationship and neither had he so it would come as a shock that a noble was in a relationship with a knight.

“I missed you” I mutter with a smile on my face. 

“I missed you too” 


My eyes snap open to reveal a dark room, only the moon and stars shining through the thin curtains. A stinging pain finds itself coming to my head as tears fall from my eyes. My knees pressed against my chest. 

We had won the challenge of war, yet almost none of the knights had returned, a small few of them had stumbled through the kingdom's gates to declare the enemy had surrendered meaning our victory was secure. I had remembered searching for him with no luck, I almost regret asking where he was. The looks of pity and dread flooded through most of them as one of the men pushed through holding a blood-stained sword and a few others pushed past as well carrying a body. One that had been wearing armor that was black with hints of blue, a mop of blood and dirt-covered hair came to the picture giving all the news I had needed to know. 

He in fact had died during the battle. They had placed his body in front of my feet not knowing the reaction I would have almost afraid of what was unknown to them. I fell to my knees clutching his pale and dead body to me. My hands resting on his head forcing his body to my chest. I remember that was the first time I had cried in front of the people I had sworn to protect and keep untied. I had pressed my lips to his head not caring about the blood nor the dirt or even the fact I was crying over him. 

My chest felt heavy and my lungs were burning. The pain of losing him seemed to have no end in sight as the night’s moon was falling behind the mountain and the walls of the kingdom. I could still hear his voice even in the darkest nights it had been almost as if he was right there by my side. 

I had only wished he was and that this was all some harsh dream, maybe I had even wished he wasn’t real and my mind was so lonely I had made him up to fill the void. Yet everything I had wished fell apart each night as I was left to my thoughts again. 

Each time night fell from the kingdom I was drowned in the painful truth. 

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