Barbatos❤(Smile For Me)

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The reader has been trying to get Barbatos to smile more, but Barbatos isn't one to smile much especially for others. (this takes place when Barbatos first becomes a demon and before the exchange program)

(No ones pov)

Blue skies rest above both the human and demon, they both lay under a cherry blossom tree that was still blooming. It was a stunning sight to see and something Barbatos had seen only a few times. Since he didn't leave the Devildom that often only when (Y/N) had convinced him to do so, he never minded being with them, often loving to be with them. He had only wished for more free time. He lets out a soft sigh when he feels their fingers graze his hand, which he accepts taking their hand into his. The warmth of their skin becoming one in a way.

"Barbatos thank you for visiting me today" they chuckle, looking his way, he turns his head to face them as well, they smile widely at him making his heart flutter. Something that only happened when he was with them. He had been gradually changing because of them for the better. Diavolo had even been noticing taking praise in the growth in character, which Barbatos didn't quite understand. Nor could he say anything about this relationship because it was forbidden. Not by Diavolo himself, but by his father.

"It's no trouble at all, really," he says smoothly as they tighten their hold on his hand and he unconsciously does the same "I do enjoy visits with you" his voice becoming almost a whisper at the last part yet they manage to catch it.

"I enjoy these visits too, if only we could do it more often." they sigh pressing themselves back against the grass fully, no longer leaning on their lower arms. But he can still feel their intense gaze on him. He lets a smile come to his lips but tries to quickly hide it before they can see it. But knows he failed when he sees their figure snap up from the grass. "Did you just smile?" they ask with a smirk leaning in his direction

"I have no idea what you are talking about, surely you must be-" he begins, trying to make them believe it had been a hallucination of sorts. They cross their arms over their chest, a doubtful frown rests on their face.

"I know I saw it! Don't lie to me" they say leaning closer pressing both of their hands to his face, thumbs resting at the corners of his lips and pulling them upwards "you're so handsome when you smile" they state dreamily still keeping their hands on his face before he grabs both of their wrists pulling them away from his face.

"Please don't do that again" he murmurs, his lips pressing into his normal frown making them in return frown back before they let out a displeased moan.

"I love it so when you smile!" they gush out in a cheerful tone making him stare at them, he could feel his heart beating quickly. Maybe because he was so intrigued by them and wanted to give them everything they ever asked for. Yet he only knew it was because he cared deeply for them and wanted them to be happy.

"You seem to be too happy about this" his voice low as he pulls them closer, his hands wrapping around their waist, chests crashing against each other and their noses touch slightly. A blush comes to their face from the little distance between them, but they don't pull away from him.

"I promise I'll make you smile every day, no matter what," they say in just a whisper, hands pressing to his shoulders. One of his hands slides up from their waist, his fingers trailing up their body until his hand freely cups their face.

"I'll keep you up to it." his voice spills from his lips in an affectionate tone, he sees a few of the cherry blossoms fall into their hair, but makes no effort to brush them away. "Don't let me down" and with that their lips meet for the first time...

"Did you think I forgot?" they whisper, intertwining both of their fingers together. Both of their breathing fills the room they both sit in. He sits next to them with a dull expression, as the tense air is forced into his lungs making it harder for him to breathe.

"No I never did," he whispers, lifting their hand, pressing it to his lips softly for a split second. He hated this, being away from them was harsh on the both of them. He only knew behind their smile they felt the same. Both of them wanted something they couldn't have, not yet, and possibly never. "You made a promise after all" all they can do is hum as their grip on his hand becomes tighter.

"Before this moment fades, can you do something for me?" they ask, making his eyes widened as the tears he had been forcing back, freely fall down his face. They sigh softly, lifting their hand and press it to his cheek. He leans into their touch, his tears soaking their hand.

"Anything," he whispers breathlessly as he struggles to keep his sadness at bay and stop himself from fully breaking down. Knowing if he did it would be bad for the both of them, mainly them since he had not wanted them to remember him this way.

"You really mean it?" they chuckle, a cough slips past their lips before they close their eyes slightly, forcing them open to stare at the demon before them. A smile is pulled at their lips.

"Of course. Just say anything, and you shall receive" his voice breaks, still not fully sure what they would ask, but deep down he was all but sure what they would request and it was something he would never do unless it was for them.

"Smile for me" 

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