Mammon❤(Flower Petals)

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(both Mammon and the reader are humans,) After Mammon receives news that he will have to travel to New York for work, he leaves the reader, promising to come back soon after. But shows up years later.
(Readers Pov) 

I really hated spring, watching those around me radiate happiness. Something I felt envious they still had in their lives. I feel even more lonely since he had left. 

As the flower petals had fallen at one point around us, I had realized I was always alone even when he was around.


“God the cherry blossom petals are falling.” he said  blankly as he held out his hand letting a few fall onto his palm. I sighed, only pressing my lips into a thin line as I continued to look at him. Both of us had stood under the umbrella before but he had pushed himself away to catch a few petals that had begun to fall. 

“It’s spring” I stated with humor “what did you think would happen, that they would fall upward?” his eyes met mine, his lips forming into a small smile his white teeth poked past his lips. As he had only blinked a few times as he maintained eye contact with me for only a second before breaking it. I feel his hand slip into my free one. 

“I have to tell you something.” my heart drops at that simple sentence, knowing something wasn’t right, the grip he has on my hand tightens as he looks back at me. 

“Yes?” I ask voice cracking as I respond to him watching something that I couldn't point out flash in his eyes. 

“Business is taking me places, I have to go to New York for a meeting.” he places his hand onto my shoulder, he smiles but I can see some sadness mixed into it. “I’ll be back.” he whispers the last part, causing me to sigh but nod at him. 

“How long will you be gone?”  stress was overwhelming him, it pained me to see him like this. His hand is moved away from my shoulder and rests on the back of his neck. Many questions poured and ran through my mind, but I knew I shouldn’t ask anymore 

“Roughly six months.” A sad scoff leaves my lips and I feel tears start to fall from my eyes, not wanting him to leave, especially for that long. 

“And if-” I stop myself from speaking as he grips my shoulder again, placing his forehead against mine. His warm breath washed over my face and I shuddered. “What if you don’t come back?” 

“I’ll be back I promise. Until then I’ll call you everyday, ok?” he mutters, making me nod at his plan, he soon pulls away taking my hand into his, he smiles, his smile never seemed to fail in making me feel something each and every time. “How about we go home, just you and me?” 

“What do I have to lose?” I chuckle sadly, knowing that this was going to be the last time I would see him for a while. 


It had been two years and three months since he left. Bitterly I remembered. He had promised to call everyday, yet that only lasted a month or so. Then the calls stopped all together, and then so did all contact with him. It had roughly been two springs without him, the last time I saw him those years ago. With his false promises. Though I had a feeling the moment I saw the glint in his eyes, that he wasn’t going to come back. Along with the pain that flashed in my chest when he spoke. Maybe if I had just taken that to mind instead of holding onto that false hope, I would be spared the pain that I feel now. 

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