💐Barbatos❤(Bluebell pt2)💐

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~Everlasting Love, Loyalty~
~A part two was requested. I wasn't so sure what was wanted, so this is time skipped from the first part. I hope it's up to peoples satisfaction, I also have no idea what has been up with wattpad but it almost always refuses to post chapters on this story and just saves them as drafts. So sorry for the delay of when this was posted...~

(Its wedding time ;))

(The Readers Pov)

“Are you nervous?” I hear a soft voice ask, causing me to turn and face the now open door. A head of Blond hair pokes out from the door. Satan walks in fully dressed, his suit was black and his tie was a light blue. Something he was against wearing due to the colors yet all of the brothers had been when they found out the theme. 

“Of course.” I chuckle sitting down in the chair closest to the window staring out at it for a split second before turning my attention to Satan again. His hand presses against the chair as he leans forward, calmly. 

“Well, I’m not sure what to say since this is the first wedding I’ve ever attended. And it's to you and a demon who I was sure would never settle down with anyone.” Satan chuckles as he mentions Barbatos, since no one believed he would find time for a partner since he was always doing whatever Diavolo told him to do. And now soon he would have to take a week or two off from taking care of the Demon lord.

“It’s been a few years, I’m surprised he even agreed to have so many people here..” I mutter softly, tapping my finger on the table next to me. I hear a small chuckle from Satan's lips as he takes the seat across from me. 

“Everyone changes how they feel about certain situations. But mainly it was Diavolo who had invited so many people out of pure excitement” a loud laugh leaves my lips as I watch a smile fall on the males lips. 

“He did seem really happy, so much that he took planning everything into his own hands, much to Barbatos’s distaste since he had wanted to do things a certain way. But I’m happy they planned it together” Barbatos may have been tense about it at first but he soon grew to the idea, Diavolo had been all for it since he was almost too happy to keep anything to himself. This stress grew on Lucifer as he was by both of them so he was also part of the planning even if he didn’t want to. 

“So you both never really said why you picked bluebells for the wedding flower” Satan voices takes me out of my thoughts. No one knew about the pack Barbatos and I made. We had kept it a secret from everyone, and we both never really talked about it since. He had kept his promise and was wholly loyal which wasn’t out of character for the demon. 

“Well, there were Bluebells in the castle when Barbatos and I made a pact almost two years ago. I had taken one while I was there, so we both chose the Bluebell to be the flower”  I mutter resting both of my hands on my thighs leaning upward to keep myself from hunching over. Satan has slight wide eyes as he looks at me 

“You both formed a pact almost two years ago? And didn’t tell anyone?” Satan mutters pressing his hand to his chin “I am aware he does have pacts with other humans, but I wasn’t sure he would make another one so soon after Solomon” a loud knock causes both of us to turn to the door roughly as Diavolo stand in the the door with a smile

“It's almost time, let's get going!” before any of us can respond he is out of the door leaving Satan and I alone again. I rest my head against my hand chuckling lowly 

“He is such a child, it's hard to believe he is the demon lord.” Satan only nodded before pushing himself up, taking my hand in his, it didn’t take too long to get down the stairs and through a large door which the castle seemed to have a lot of.  

His green hair catches my eye, instead of wearing his normally green clothing he was sporting a black suit jacket with a pale blue under shirt and tie. Satan's arm was wrapped with mine as we both walked down the narrow path that had a thin carpet on top of the tile. I had at first laughed when I found out the wedding would be held at the castle, but I had understood it more as the days when it became closer to this day. Satan's arm slips from mine as he turns to take his seat that wasn’t too far away. Mammon and Asmodeus stood closest to me, Asmo was wearing a dress since I couldn’t get him to wear a suit because it was “too bland”, and he didn’t want to wear a suit like he did.  

A hand slipping into mine snaps me out of my thoughts and my eyes meet with green ones as he stares at me with a soft smile. One that still makes my heart race, almost as if that was the first time I’ve seen it. Lucifer stands in front of us, looking as if he didn’t want to be there as he held a small piece of paper with what he was supposed to say. He let out a loud sigh and looked at both Barbatos and I. 

“Let’s get started…” 

I sat in a chair next to Barbatos, we both were watching a drunk asmodeus dance sloppily with his date who also seemed to be just as drunk. I look over to Barbatos who smiles once again at me and his hand tightens against mine, a small chuckle from him fills the small gap between us. Somewhat loud music blasted through the room. It was a small wedding since Barbatos didn’t want to invite a lot of people and neither did I, just the ones close to us, which happened to be a hand full of chaotic demons, two angels, and a human. 

“This day went quick, are you sure you’ll make it a week without work?” I whisper into his ear chuckling at him, soon pulling away from him to meet his gaze that seemed to be calm. 

“Of course, I’ll get away from all these rats in the castle” he states stopping slowly after the word rat leaves his lips and he shudders in disgust and somewhat fear. 

“There are equal amounts of rats in the human world, if not more” I mutter jokingly as I rub my chin with my eyes closed feeling both of his hands grab onto my shoulders. “No, No I’m just kidding. No need to be so tense Barb” I laugh watching his shoulder loosen as he rests back in his chair. 

“You better be, I don’t want to be killing rats up there” his fingers run through his messy hair, it had been kept before Diavolo decided to put Barbatos into a hold and rub his hand through his hair because he was too excited about everything, even trying to do the same thing to me, but had been stopped by a chuckling Barbatos. 

“So if I became a rat, you wouldn’t love me any more?” I ask, causing his upper lip to curl slightly as he thinks about the question before shrugging his shoulders. 

“I can’t answer that” his thin fingers pressing to his lips as his mauve colored nails caught the lights of the room. I push him slightly making his hands catch mine before he pulls me upward in a split second. The music calms down slightly and it's a soft tune, he pulls me against his body and his hand rests on my waist as he walks back slightly. “Care to dance?” he mutters softly as his eyes lock with mine again this time holding a look of love and affection in them. I nod slightly before he begins to sway with the music, I follow with his steps, I secretly thank Lucifer that he taught me how to dance or I would’ve looked so stupid. 

“Do you think you’ll ever regret this?” I ask, making him look down at me with a confused expression as he and I continue to dance. 

“What do you mean?” his voice is just a whisper as he narrows his eyes. 

“Making a pact with me?” 

“How could I? It was nearly two years ago and my feelings still haven’t changed… I did promise you” he pauses, stopping in his slow movements pressing his fingers under my chin and leaning closer.”It wasn’t some sentence I spoke to make you swoon, I truly meant what I said.” a small smile coming to his lips as his lips press to mine for a split second  “I pledged my loyalty to you as long as I should live”

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