Luke❤(A Peaceful Day)

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~Luke and the reader meet by chance on a peaceful day, Luke soon grows feelings for the reader and they feel the same, over the days Luke stops seeing the reader only to find out they died, leaving behind a letter. (this is not fit for some readers, this mentions depression. Also Luke is an adult and so is the reader)~

(Luke's pov)

Just trust me, everything will be alright. I can’t say everything will get better at this moment, but I want you to follow me and pray for better days. We can look for our happiness together so Don’t be afraid to take my hand because everything happens for a reason. Just like how the leaves fall off trees, it’s so new life can begin. 


The wind blows the leaves that stay on the trees, everything is calm it almost seems to be too peaceful, the sound of the small waves that crash on the small body of water, at that moment I see the movement of small fish and the swaying of plants that have called the small lake their home. My eyes soon close as I take in all the sounds just like its music. The moments by myself seemed to get worse as the lonelier I became because the older I got, age was something no one could stop. It would take each body different amounts of time to be affected. Time is supposed to heal all wounds. Some wounds seem to be too large and deep to heal no matter how much time passes. 

They would always find a way to come back and haunt me. I still remember sitting in this spot with them as our fingers would intertwine together either with the sun shining down or the pale moon along with the stars any moment with them was perfect. The reflection of the light would create beautiful pictures on the surface of the water as the trees would sway in the breeze. A smile would always be on their lips no matter the time of day. I just didn’t know the whole truth behind that smile. 

I held a small piece of paper between my fingers. My heart raced even with the calm atmosphere. I felt the sadness that clawed at my very being. I push myself to stand as I now look at the old wooden deck I had been sitting on. I bite my tongue to stop myself from saying anything or letting out a sob. Everything kept coming back to me. When they smile at me I still can feel the euphoric feeling filling my body. It was intoxicating. The first time I saw that smile I wanted to be around them more… 

“Hey are you ok?” a small voice comes from behind me making me turn to face them. My eyes narrow at them they hold their hand out to me but I ignore them soon pushing past them 

“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine” I wave my hand over my shoulder before I stuff my hands back into my jacket pockets walking farther from them. My feet scrape against the sidewalk as I barely even pick them up. I stop when I hear thunder rolling. An annoyed sigh leaves my lips as I walk faster down the empty road. Not even two whole minutes later rain begins to pour down harshly. Even as the sun was still shining it was still falling. I feel heavy raindrops begin to soak my shirt and pants. The white clothing soon became stuck to my skin. I turn sharply as I hear rushing footsteps I see them running holding an umbrella over their heads with a smile on their lips. I could tell the rain had gotten them before they pulled out the umbrella. The sun shines down hitting their eyes and skin making them look stunning even from a few yards distance. They stop in front of me holding the umbrella over both of our heads. Soon the raindrops fall around us. 

“I’m happy I brought an umbrella or else I wouldn’t have an excuse to see you again” they chuckle as they look at me I feel my heart race. They take my hand before walking forward, still holding the umbrella over us. They look back the same smile still on their lips. “Come on I’ll walk you home” 

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