💐Leviathan❤(Clovenlip toadflax)💐

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~Please notice my feelings for you~

(No ones pov) 

He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, what drew him to you. In the end he knew he would never truly understand how he fell for someone who was in the same world as him, and a human at that. He had only liked animated characters, never real people who would make him question everything in his life. But that’s how it happened. He loved you. 

He loved when you would listen to him ramble on about the things he loved, and really cared for as no one else would. Seeming that he was too annoying for any of his brothers. He loved it when you would hug him, he loved the feeling of being close to you, feeling your arms around him made him feel safe and welcomed, seeming to be a weird feeling for a powerful demon. His heart skipping beats every time he would look at you and when you would catch him staring at you only to shoot him a smile. 

A sigh leaves his lips as he leans back in the tub he had claimed as his bed, his arms resting behind his head as he looks around the blue colored room. Boredom had flooded through him as he had spaced out from watching a new anime that had come out just last night. He had watched plenty of anime that depicted love and romantic relationships but still couldn’t find the right steps to take himself. The shows had always made it seem way easier than it was, they never really showed the process of it. Which had been something he needed at this moment, before one of his brothers swept you off your feet before he could. The thought of one of his brothers being the one by your side made him sit up and press his hands to his chin. An annoyed feeling went through him, surely you wouldn’t go for one of them right?

Another sigh leaves his lips, nails digging into his skin lightly as he watches the moving pictures on the screen still not really paying attention lost in his thoughts. He had always heard humans were sensitive beings and often liked being seen and appreciated, they often liked to receive things from another. He at one point wanted to type a letter to show his feelings but that had fallen through since he would be found out the moment he slid it under your bedroom door. Since he was the only brother to use a computer constantly. 

His plans were constantly thwarted by either himself or his brothers. He hated it but it was to be expected, since he knew that his brothers shared some sort of relation with you. He hated how nervous he was to confess. Afraid that maybe you would push him away. How was his friendship with you supposed to be fixed? A harsh knock on his door snaps him out of his thoughts as he turns his attention to the door. Before can respond, a dark figure slides through the space of the door and its frame. And in that moment he feels his heart race as he watches the smile on your lips. The blue tint of his room covers your skin. He smiles unconsciously as he looks at you, he shakes his head slightly as you turn to close the door behind you. 

He would never say it out loud but he believed you were stunning, better than any anime character. Which was out of character for him and he himself was shocked when he thought it himself first. A blush would bring itself to his face and at times he was thankful for the blue lights in his room whenever someone was near. Including you, you never seemed to notice his longing stares, the blush coming to his cheeks each time he saw you was something he couldn’t help. He wanted nothing more than to tell you how he felt. But the thoughts always lingered in his mind.

 A shaky breath leaves his lips as he feels arms wrap around him and your body pressing against his. Your fingers begin to tangle in his hair as you pull him closer, the tub seemed to be smaller than he remembered as he only now can tell how close you are to him. A hum leaving your lips caused him to look at you with a flushed expression. As your eyes lock with his and a calm smile on your lips. 

“You seem to be nervous, are you?” your voice makes him snap out of his thoughts and he shakes his head roughly as he feels your body only moving closer against his. Your fingers slipping from his messy hair. His hands lifted in the air as to not touch you though he wanted to but at this moment he was very unsure of what to do. “I wanted to hang out with you” a smile on your lips is all it takes for him to feel his chest tighten and his heart race continuously as if it shows no sign of slowing down for even a second. 

He wondered if he had gone with the idea of flowers if you would be by his side as his lover and not just a friend he had so deeply loved. He had wondered if he wasn’t so scared if you would feel the same as he did. Did your heart race just like his did? 

“How do you feel about me?” The question is in the air before he can realize and a look of confusion is on your face as you press your body against his more only this time his arms are wrapped around you, encouraging the affection not fully taking it in, in his mind at least. 
“I care about you, why is there a way you want me to feel?” you chuckle pressing your cheek against his shoulder looking up at him with a loving look. This only caused him to take his bottom lip in between his teeth as he bit at it with an anxious feeling. 

“I want you to feel the same as me” he whispers, not looking at you, he feels your fingers mess with his hair then slide under his chin pulling him down so he was looking at you “will you ever notice my feelings for you?”

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