~Simeon❤(Miss Me )~

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(Readers Pov)

“Will you miss me?” he mutters, his fingers trail up the skin of my arms, a shiver running down my spine. His blue eyes bore into me as he waits for my answer. 

“Of course,” I whisper, running my hand fingers through his dark brown hair, his eyes closing slightly as his head rests on my shoulder as if it was a sign to continue. A soft chuckle leaves his lips 

“That makes me feel better.” he pauses pressing his hand to my cheek to make me face him. A small smile is on his lips as he looks up at an angle.“I don’t know what I would do without you” he mutters, pressing his lips to my forehead and a blush coming to my cheeks just as he pulls away. 

“I’ll always miss you even if you are away for a second.” My voice is just below a whisper, the tree branches sway in the wind creating some noise, along with the sound of a few birds chirping their tunes to their heart’s content. “Maybe that’s a cheesy thing to say,” I mutter the last part slightly louder as it’s followed by a sigh. His hands rest on my shoulders pulling me closer to him. His head is tilted to the side slightly as he frowns. 

“I love cheesy sayings” his nose rubs against mine as he laughs under his breath. His eyes lock with mine before he presses his lips quickly to mine. “I don’t want to leave.” he mutters as he pulls away slightly but not fully “All I want to do is hold you in my arms for the rest of our days.” he hums quietly. My heart quickly beats in my chest as I cup his cheeks before pressing his lips to mine again, I could feel him relax under the touch before I pull away. 

“Stay with me then,” I state his eyes narrow and he frowns once again. 

“You know I can’t, we’ll just be aiding another kingdom for a few days” he whispers again holding my body closer to his. “Can we just stay like this for a while?” he asks, pressing his chin to my shoulder, releasing a loud huff.

“Would you like to spend the night with me?” my voice just barely a whisper makes him look up, a small frown stuck to his lips. 

“What would we do if I was caught sneaking out of your room later? I can’t ruin your image like that” he mutters again this time his voice is rougher as he pushes himself away from me, yet not fully his arms resting on my sides. 

“Would you really think I would care?” I ask, bringing my hands up to his face cupping his cheeks as he looks at me.

“You’re right, I’m sorry, but yes I would like to…” his voice trails off as he takes my hand. A soft smile is on his lips as he drags me back into the room. I quickly grab the door closing it behind me. A chuckle leaving my lips as he lets go of my hand falling back onto the bed with his eyes closed. Seconds later soft snores escape his lips making me move a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I lay on the bed next to him with my arms behind my head, from the corner of my eyes I see his still sleeping figure. Turning my body to face him resting my hand in his. 

“Will you miss me while you’re gone?” the sentence slips past my lips as a whisper, knowing he wouldn’t respond, soon I close my eyes to be met with darkness… 

Days had past and today had been the day the knights would return after their long trip to the nearby kingdom. It was nothing too dangerous yet the trip seemed to be somewhat of a danger with the many cliffs and animals that did pose a threat to the knights. Yet to my reports no one was hurt or in critical danger which made a relieved sigh fall from my lips. Yet no one knew whether it would be day or night they would be walking through the gates. 

Though as the sun fell behind the mountains it was becoming more evident that they would be returning late at night while everyone was asleep. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep yet the stress of everything got to me and I had fallen asleep in the silence of my room. 

Only hours later would I hear a small tapping on the window from across the room, my eyes narrow and a groan had left my lips as I tried to wake myself up. My limbs stringing with a sore pain from sleeping at the desk. The tapping continues until I open the window to be met with a figure getting ready to throw another rock but stops seeing the window has been opened. 

“Your majesty,” the figure mutters, bowing slightly, the voice seeming to be unfamiliar until they look up to show bright blue eyes, a smile is on his lips as he is dressed in full armor with an exhausted look on his face. “Did you miss me?” 


~Sorry for the short and very bad updates school has been a little stressful with ACTs coming up 😔😔 but it's the weekend so I'll hopefully finish the "Your Knight In Shining Armor" one shots and move onto the other drafts I have been waiting to post. So thank you for reading this far ~

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