
816 26 1

(Power, Elegance, Formality, Authority, Dominance, Seduces)

(This is Not fit for some readers...)
(The Readers Pov)

Gradient eyes of hues of red and black stare back at me, a calming smile is pulled at either side of his lips. Lucifer was a figure of pure authority right under Lord Diavolo, being able to control those around him by using his power and his wits. He was truly someone to look up to. A soft chuckle slipped past his smile as he leaned forward in his chair that was just across from me, a desk being the only thing between us. His gloved hand rests against his cheek as he stares intently at me, true intentions being hidden elsewhere as it was no longer in his eyes or smile.

"Sorry for summoning you to my study unexpectedly" he states slowly, his hand now pressing to the clean desk, he pushes himself up to where he is standing towering over me. "This may be out of character for me, but truth be told I just wanted to have your company" he whispers, leaning closer as his eyes once again lock with mine, a soft tint of red coming to his cheeks as he speaks. I hadn't realized before but he was in his demon form, his black wings resting proudly on his back as he blocked an amount of light from hitting in front of him.

In every aspect he had every reason to be prideful in himself, he was stunning and held a sense of elegance in him. Each time he took a step he was dripping with pride knowing just how powerful and beautiful he was. It was a sense of confidence everyone wanted for themselves but not everyone could obtain. He made it seem effortless.

"So you were thinking of me?" I hum out in a teasing manner causing his eyes to narrow at me, his hand is lifted to rest on the back of my head causing me to be brought forward and closer to him. Instead of a smile he has a smirk on his thin lips.

"You are in no place to tease me" he whispers softly inching forward until his nose brushes against mine "A mere human like you..." He pauses and I feel his hand slide under my chin. His eyes covered by his eyelids as his smirk becomes wider "Couldn't dream of being successful in that art" he whispers, pulling away from me. Sitting back in the large chair behind him, his gloved hand runs through his hair as he looks back at me. He effortlessly changes out of his demon form a few black feathers falling to the ground from his wings. Staying behind as he runs his hand over his thigh.

"You're speaking lowly of me Lucifer '' I mutter pushing myself out from the chair I was sitting in, my fingers trace the desks top as I walk behind it to where he was. "It really hurts my feelings." whispering the last part as I place my hands on his shoulder, my legs rest on either side of his hips. A chuckle escaped his lips as his hand rested on my waist pulling me down fully onto his lap, my legs slipping through the holes on each side of the chair.

"Oh really?" he hums, his fingers tracing down my waist to my thighs before resting his hands firmly on them, he leans closer where his nose is brushing against mine again, this time his lips hover over mine. "I can make you feel better about it" his voice is low as he speaks, his right hand snakes up my side and is soon cupping my face as his thumb runs on my cheek. "Would you want that?" he asks almost breathlessly as he inches closer but stops before our lips meet. I only nod, causing him to shake his head and dig his nails into my thigh, this makes me jump from the suddenness of the pain. "Your eyes are saying yes," he pauses as his thumb runs on my bottom lip "but I need you to say it now" I swallow the lump of nervousness in my throat as I try to look away but his hand forces me to keep looking at him "now no need to be nervous, just tell me what you want" he states pressing his lips to mine softly letting his hand once again fall down to my lower back and pulls me closer.

"Yes I would want that" I mutter against his lips, my fingers tangling into his hair trying to pull him closer, but he pushes the chair closer to the desk and his hand is pressed to my stomach, a gasp leaves my lips as my back is slammed against the desk. My legs still wrapped around his waist as he is now standing in between them. His hair falls over his eyes just before he leans back down to press his lips to mine again. Soon leaving a trail of kisses to my collar bone, a cold feeling flushes on them as he moves seconds later. He pulls away looking down at me with a wide smirk,

"Say it louder (Y/N), I want to hear you" he mutters under his breath, a sadistic tone lacing his voice as he stares down at me with a hungry look. Almost as if I was prey to him and he was the predator. I feel the heat rise to my face at the demand he was making, wanting to disappear in this moment but I knew he wouldn't let me leave, not now at least. Before I can say anything his hand roughly cups my chin forcing me to look at him, his pointer finger and thumb rest on the side of my lips "come on, Spit it out, say that you want me" he growls out making my heart race at the tone

"I want you" my voice breaks as I speak trying to not look at him, his chest pressing against mine and it becomes harder to breathe under his weight but not too much. His finger taps my cheek and he shakes his head in an disappointed manner

"Say it like you mean it, or I'll leave you like this" he spits out leaning closer, his other hand tangled in my hair pulling my head back making it even harder to speak or breathe. "You both know we don't want that" I grab his collar forcing him down, crashing my lips against his in a quick motion

"I want you, Lucifer"

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