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The reader wants to talk to Mammon about adding another person into their relationship. But is scared to ask for fear he will be disgusted and leave them. (this is short)

(The Readers pov)

I watch as his chest falls down and rises as he sleeps peacefully, his hand resting under his head. A smile resting on my lips as I run my fingers through his white locks.  He had always been supportive of anything I wanted to do. Somewhat out of character for a demon. Yet there he was. Yet even so he was quick to distance himself if something went wrong or certain questions were asked. 

We both had been very secretive about our relationship, no one knew we had been dating which had made me somewhat worried that he didn’t care for me as much as he said he did. But he would just say he was fearful of me being judged for being with him. Which had also made it very hard to come out to him about how I felt, wanting to add another person to the relationship. It would always be scary to ask the question. For fear that your current partner would be grossed out about wanting another person in the relationship, or the other person could feel as though they aren’t enough and get discouraged

At times it could be a lose lose situation where both people would feel left out since the extra person that was added could take more of a liking to one of the original partners. 

I feel arms wrap around my waist as I look down. I see his blue eyes staring up at me with a tired expression, his lips are soon pressed to my arm as he pushes himself closer to me, a smile coming to my lips. 

“Good morning Mammon” I mutter, still running my fingers in his hair, causing him to moan softly as he leans into the touch.

“Good morning” he whispers, still looking at me, we both sit in the awkward silence as he turns to look away from me, his eyes closing again acting as if he wants to go back to sleep. 

“Mammon.” he only hums as he answers, my heart racing slightly still fearful about what he would say if I asked, everything could go wrong, he could think I was gross, he could leave me for what I say next. “What would you think of adding another person?” I mutter softly in hopes that he would hear me. 

“What do you mean?” His voice is hoarse as he speaks in a tired tone, his words are hard to hear as he speaks. 

“Like you know, add a partner to the relationship?” My voice gets lower as I continue, his eyes not looking at me as he sits up next to me with his arms resting on his lap. Before I could continue I’m cut of by him leaning back against the bed frame and speaking 

“Is there someone you are thinking about?” he asks, his eyes just barely open as he sits there. 

“I wanted to look for another partner with you, someone we could both agree on?” I feel my words being stuck in my throat as he looks at me with a small smile. 

“I’m open to it, as long as we both agree” I feel my eyes water as I look at him, his eyes widen and he presses his hand to either side of my face “wait why are you crying?” he runs his fingers under my eyes to stop the tears from falling farther down my face. 

“I thought you would think I was disgusting and leave.” my voice cracks, a small laugh leaves my lips as my hands are pressed to his, a look of worry flashes in his eyes as he looks down at me. 

“I’m open to anything if it makes you happy, your happiness is so important ok?” he whispers pressing his lips to my forehead and he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me down back onto the bed “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you”

“Would we have to tell your brothers?” I mutter, making him shrug his shoulders. 

“If you want to we could, but I won’t share you with any of them” he growls pressing himself against me again. 

“I think we should avoid telling them we are looking for someone else until we get that person” 

“Yeah you’re right, Asmo might jump right in” Mammon mutters and he shudders at the thought of it. 

“I don’t think I could deal with that” 

Dancing With You| Obey Me! x reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now