Leviathan❤(be ok)

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(this was requested, once again sorry if this is not what you wanted) since the reader is human they have had to deal with bullying from the demons around them, one day Leviathan finds out about it and comforts the reader (also it mentions that Leviathan takes online classes but he is there in the classroom for the lessons so I just made him go to his actual classes, not online for story plot) (this is not meant for some readers as this mentions bullying, physical and mental)

(The readers Pov)

They laugh, mocking me under their breath thinking that I didn’t hear, maybe they wanted me to hear but were just pretending to hide it. I don’t say anything as their mocking has become something I’m used to. Walking down the halls and receiving constant glares daily, most demons, especially the female ones, were envious of the relationship I had with the brothers and the new exchange students. 

I had split ways with Mammon and Leviathan, since they both had different classes then I did and chose to walk with me until I was halfway to class. Which was comforting in some aspects but kind of annoying since all they did was constantly bicker. Just as I was about to walk into class I felt a hand roughly rest on my shoulder pushing me into the wall. My eyes narrowed as I looked up at the demon in front of me as she smiled 

“Where are your protectors, huh human?” she scoffs looking at both corners as a few of her friends circle her to block the view around her and I. I don’t say anything as I push past her and her friends once again trying to get into the classroom, but a hand is slammed onto my shoulder and a growl leaves her lips “It’s not wise to ignore me weakling” she once again states harshly. 

“They went to class, just like where we should be '' I muttered, grabbing onto her hand that was resting on my shoulder and forcing it down to her side before pushing my way into the classroom just before classes started… 

The bell rings signaling class has ended and it is the end of the day, making me sigh with relief as the flood of homework that I would have to do was causing me to get a headache. I push myself up from the chair, a loud slam in front of me causing me to jump at the force of it. 

“Where do you think you are off to, we still didn’t talk human” the same demon from before snaps making me roll my eyes as I tug the jacket of the school uniform closer to my body. 

“I have a name, and I thought I made it clear that I don’t want to talk to you”  I mutter loud enough for her to hear, this makes her growl and grab me by the collar forcing me to drop all the papers and notebooks from my classes. A grunt leaving my lips as I’m forced to the ground harshly. 

“Do you think I would ever address a human by their name? I don’t see you as anything important so why would I act like it?” she snaps lifting her foot and slamming it on to my leg then kicks my stomach soon after. It was at times like this I felt weak, and fragile in the world of demons. I was a human thrust into this world with no magic like the others had and I was powerless against them, and each day that only seemed to show more. I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a sharp pain on my jaw and cheek, a soft moan leaving my lips as blood pours out of my mouth from her kick. “You have no reason to be here! You're such a waste of space!” she shouts loudly, sending another kick at me “you’re so weak, that's the only reason they are around you! They want to feel useful and protecting something like you gives them that satisfaction” before she can kick me again she is pushed away, and a familiar voice makes me look up

“What the hell do ya’ think you’re doing!” Mammon shouts pushing her away again, a growl leaving his lips as a dark aura surrounds him, a hand pressing against my hand makes me snap my eyes to see Leviathan with widened eyes next to me. My heart stops as he looks at me with worry, he was one of the people I never wanted to see this. I didn’t want him to think I was weaker than I was. Before he can say anything I push myself off the ground and away from him, tears poking the corner of my eyes as I rush out of the classroom… 

My hand rests against my bruising skin as I look in the mirror to see my lip was busted. My eyes were red from crying previously. Leviathan may have been a shy demon and not open to contact but all of that caused me to become closer to him. And it felt like a betrayal that I never told him anything that was happening, I never wanted him to see that and think I lied about being fine. Would he even want to be friends after seeing me get beat up like that. 

My hands rest against my eyes trying to stop myself from crying, but the tears don’t seem to stop as the thought of him ending our friendship when he realized I was too weak to protect myself, maybe she was right. That I was weak and when they realized I couldn’t even stand up to a weaker level demon, they would drop me and find someone else. 

A knock echoes through the room stopping me from crying, I rub the sleeve of my shirt over my eyes to get the tears away, before I can say anything and tell whoever it was to go away the door opens to reveal the indigo haired demon. 

“(Y/N)” his voice is soft as he closes the door behind him slowly walking into the room with quiet steps. “I-” before he can say anything he stops himself sitting down on the bed next to me. 

“Don’t say anything Leviathan… I’m fine” I mutter, not looking at him, resting my chin on the palm of my hand as I push myself away from him. 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” he mutters trying to put his hand on my shoulder but stops himself forcing his hand back to his side. “We would’ve helped you” 

“I don’t need help Leviathan! I should be able to protect myself!” I snap at him, tears once again falling from my eyes as I look at him, his eyes widened at the tone of my voice “but I can’t and I wish I could but I don’t stand a chance against them” my voice breaks slightly as I feel his arm snake around my shoulders pressing me into a soft hug. I could tell he was anxious at the thought of hugging someone. My head rests against his shoulder as I press myself closer to him, I feel him tense up from the amount of contact. 

“I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner..” he mutters awkwardly, running his hand up and down my back at least attempting to comfort me as I force myself closer to him, my tears no doubt soaking his clothing. 

“I shouldn’t need you guys every second. I don’t want you to think I’m so weak.” I mutter, finally pulling myself away from him but his hand still rests on me, hesitant in a way. 

“None of us think you are weak, I sure don’t… you’re one of the strongest people I know” he states quickly looking away with a harsh pink color to his cheeks as he bites at the inside of his cheek not looking at me from embarrassment “even for a normie” he mutters the last part under his breath.

“You don’t have to lie Leviathan..” I state pressing my back against the bed looking up at the ceiling, I hear him take a deep breath before he quickly takes my hand into his. 

“B-but I’m not! You have to trust me” he shouts, the blush on his cheeks gets darker as he looks down at my hand and back at me, my heart racing from the contact “everything will be ok, I’ll protect you next time!” he states loudly making me chuckle slightly his eyes landing back on me 

“Thank you, Leviathan.” 

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