~Satan❤( Strangers )~

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(this is not fit for some readers as this mentions depression, sexual moments, and drinking)

(The Readers Pov)

When the cold glass touches my lips, I forget everything around me. That's something when I was younger that I was never hoping to say. Drinking had been a constant in my family, my father and mother were strong alcoholics soon after taking the kingdom after a long war that had lasted over five years. The stress of everything soon got to them and drinking was the only way they could numb the pain of it all. After all, they wanted to feel nothing. And I found myself feeling the same way.

I had met a blond knight who was set to stay by my side by my father soon before he was killed. The blond knight I had gotten close to yet I knew it was wrong to get close to someone when I know they might leave and never come back. I had later learned his name was Satan. He was mostly at my side during the day while at night I was left alone to my own thoughts, loneliness was one of the things crawling in my mind. 

Even though I had everything anyone could ever want, That still wasn't enough to fill the void. At some point, I wonder if that's how my parents felt on a daily basis even before they died. 

A soft hum leaves my lips as my nails repeatedly hit the table lightly, the room-filling the silence that was growing tense. My left hand holding the glass, my wrist moving in a circular motion. The strong smell of liquor stays in the air. A soft knock is on the door making me turn my head slightly to it. 

“Come in” I mutter, my cheek pressed against my hand as I wait for the door to open. A nauseous feeling runs through me as I take a deep breath. The sound of heavy footsteps comes from behind me and the closing of the door. I pear from the corner of my eyes seeing a head of blond hair. 

“Why are you still up?” Satan asks thickly, his voice filling the room. His gloved hand resting on the table as he waits for me to respond 

“I couldn’t sleep,” I spoke quietly, pressing the glass to my lips not looking at him anymore, the liquor starting to kick in. The burning sensation runs down my throat and stays in my chest for a second before disappearing. He hums sitting in the chair across from me, his legs cross over each other as his eyes bore into me. He was wearing casual clothing which had brought me some shock, as I had only ever seen him with the required armor each knight had been given. He was wearing a baggy shirt and black pants. His boots had a slight heel on them yet it wasn't enough to make it painful to walk. 

“Is there a reason for that?” he asks leaning forward both of his elbows resting on his knee as he stares intensely at me. 

“There really is no reason for it, I could be asking you the same question,” I state a small smile on my lips as I look at him with my arm pressed against the counter. “You should be sleeping after a long day of being a knight”  a loud chuckle leaving his lips

“Whether or not it’s day or knight I’m still a knight, my job is to protect you and the people of this kingdom” he states his teeth pushing past his lips as he smiles. 

“Well, you were drafted. You could’ve quit three years ago.” I mutter standing up to grab another glass “Is there a reason you stayed?” I looked over my shoulder to see the smile slightly fell off his lips. 

“Not really,” he says his fingers trace his jawline as he attempts to answer the question to the best of his abilities. “Though my parents would prefer me to not come home so I guess they played a part” 

“I see,” I hand him the now full glass he takes without question. Soon pressing it to his lips, a deep sigh comes from him as he leans back against the chair. I stand looking at him, none of us say a thing. “I hardly know a thing about you, and I’ve been by your side for five years, at this point we still are practically strangers,” I say loudly, it comes out past my lips before I can stop myself. 

“I would see us as more than strangers” he chuckles, pressing the glass down on the table a smirk coming to his lips as I look away. 

“Really?” my voice cracks as I still feel his eyes boring into me yet I can’t stop myself from looking at him and in the corner of my eyes I look at him.

“I see you looking at me” he chuckles pushing himself up from the chair, his heels footsteps echo until they stop right behind me. “Do you want me?” he whispers into my ear, my heart races as his hands rest on my waist pulling me closer to his chest. His lips trail down my neck as he hums softly. 

“No” I mutter as sternly as I can but my voice cracks as he bites down on my shoulder, his tongue slides over the now broken skin. 

“Don’t lie to me, your body always tells the truth” his fingers slide up to the collar of the shirt I was wearing, his nails dig slightly at the fabric. 

“I’m not” I whisper, just before he turns the chair so I’m now facing him, a red hue is over his cheeks and his eyes are glossed over with lust but the smirk was still on his lips. 

“We both want this, you know it” he states under his breath as his face inches closer to mine until he stops right when our noses touch. I can barely hear his breathing over my rapid heart rate. “So do you want me?” he asks again this time his voice holds soft but playful aggression. I turn my head, biting my lip so as to not talk or look at him but he grabs my chin making me look at him.   

“Of course I do,” I mutter as I hear a sigh leaving his lips, he lets my face go before his hands go back to my waist, his eyes locked with mine. In the blink of an eye, my back is pressed against the table as he hovers over me. In the dim light, all I see is his smile and glowing eyes. 

“After tonight we don’t have to be strangers.” 

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