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Satan cons the reader so that they could be together, claiming there is an entity that wants them to be together so they must do what it says. That is how their pact started out of loneliness that the reader was feeling. (Satan is a yandere, and this is not fit for some readers as this mentions murder, manipulation, and other topics)

(The Readers Pov)

It had been as if we were the same, our movements, and thoughts had been the same. But we seemed to never get along. When I was with him I changed for the worse and I didn’t know what I had become. That was until he showed me, and I soon hated what I saw. I had lost everything because of him and his lies. I had lost everything I had ever wanted. 

“I want to end this, Satan” my voice is rough as it echoes through the seemingly empty room we both were in. I hear his sharp breaths at my demand, and a chair shifting in the darkness. 

“How long have you wanted us to be apart?” His voice is dull, I couldn’t see his facial expression. I could only see him standing in the dark. My heart was racing as I knew I couldn't really see him, but he could see me. 

“Since you came to me” I murmur, this causes his figure to shift slightly as he leans somewhat out of the shadows. 

“That's over five years (Y/N)” he huffs out in a tone I couldn’t read at the time. He inches closer, the light that was in the room falls to his face and I can see the hurt look he was wearing. His eyes stare at me with annoyance and anger. A part of me wanted to take back everything bad I said about him, but I knew this is what had to be done. “Are you forgetting the pact we made? The one you asked for?” he snaps his fingers dig into his arms as he scowls at me. 

“I regret it, we’ve both changed because of it. I was lonely and you were there when you shouldn’t have been” I say, I watch the anger fall from his face as it is replaced with hurt and betrayal. 

“We can work this out, it wants us to be together” he slowly says trying to take my hand in his but I shift away from him. “I want us to be together, you must still feel something for me” his voice breaks filling with slight sadness but also anger. A frown pressing to his lips as he finally grabs my hand. 

“I don’t want this” I whimper trying to pull away from him, but he was stronger than I was, he forced me forward.

“You do want me, don’t let your mind lie to you,” he says, his voice softening as he watches a few tears slip past my eyes. He lets out a calm sigh as his arms wrap around me in an embrace. “We are meant to be together, you and I.” He shifts his attention to me as his hand cups my face, pulling me closer until his lips are pressed to mine.

“Should we be doing this?” my voice barely comes out as a whisper as he looks at me with a loving expression, a smile pulling to his lips as he takes my face with his hands. Keeping me there so I don’t leave. 

“Of course, but first there's something I need you to do for me” he hums under his breath as he never looks away. His thumb wiping away the few tears from before as he leans ever so close. 

“What is it?” I ask, my heart racing at his tone, not sure of what he needed me to do, his expression was alluring along with his affection. I lean into his touch while looking at him. 

“Your family wants us to be apart” My eyes widened at the mention of my family, at one point they had been supportive of the relationship, but I had been unaware that they were now against it. “They called me the other day, saying I should leave. That you deserve much better than what I could ever give you” my hands rest against his hands as I stare at him with shocked eyes. 

“Why would they say that they loved you? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I ask, trying to make sense of everything, did they find out that he was a demon?

“I wanted nothing more than to tell you, but I began to believe that what they spoke was true. I don’t know what I would do without you,” he whispers, tears fall from his eyes making my heart break. 

“What do we do?” my voice breaks again, not wanting to be without him. After all, he supported me through everything, my dreams and such. When my family didn’t. He loved me when I was breaking, he put me back together when everyone else ran away. 

“We need to get rid of them” his hands trail away from mine as he once again pulls me into a hug 

“How do we do that?” my hand runs through his blond hair and I lean my head against his, soon pressing a kiss to his head which makes him push himself up. 

“We need to kill them. There is no other way…”

I was empty, lost in what to feel at this point. For I had no idea what I should feel at this moment, without him I wouldn’t be doing this. Blood falls from my fingertips, as my breath is forced past my lips. I feel his eyes boring into me as he watches me from behind. 

“This is what you wanted, remember?” he whispers, allowing his arms to snake around my waist, my back hitting his chest. His lips hover just above the bare skin of my neck. “With them around, we could’ve never been together.” he chuckles as his hand rests under my chin and he forces me to look up from the ground. 

I can’t say anything as my words are cut off from the shock of it all, my eyes land on their bleeding figures. They become something I no longer know, their chests no longer rise or fall with the breaths that they used to take. A near slight sob leaves my lips and I feel him tense against me

“Why are you crying? Everything is fine now” he whispers, pressing his lips to my jaw, his touch feels more soothing than before. I lean against him as I feel my lungs tighten from the breath I was holding in. Through my teary eyes, I looked in the mirror that was in front of us. I see his blond hair drenched with blood and his horns that were pointing outward were dripping blood. His fingers trail down to my waist as I see his once green nails painted red. I look at what should be me. Yet I see something I don’t know, someone stares back at me with a smile. “I love you so much (Y/N)” he says louder than before looking into the mirror as well, he wears a smile similar to the one with him. Both are something I don’t know.

Mirrors show us who is really watching. 

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