Luke❤(Paper Planes)

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Luke and the reader are both humans that work in a small office, Luke finds himself in love with his boss and makes an effort to make it known to them. (luke is out of character :/)(readers lines are underlined)

(The Readers Pov)

“What?” I mutter quietly under my breath as something taps my forehead suddenly, looking down at my desk I notice a paper plane bent at the tip, other than that the plane has been perfectly made. I looked around to see who had thrown it, coming across a blond haired male sitting only a few desks away from me with a red tint to his cheeks but a smile on his lips as he looked at me. 

“Read it” I hear him whisper loudly across the room, looking back down at the plane that now rests in my hands. Opening the neatly folded paper, I’m faced with sloppy handwriting, a small smile forming on my lips as I stare at the black ink. 

Hi, You look great over there, I couldn’t help but hit you up ;)

I laugh as I read it, still feeling his eyes bore into me as I look at him to see his smile fade. I quickly turn to my computer, the word showing up as I type, I see him look down as soon as he hears a ding coming from his computer. 

We have computers you know

It isn't as romantic this way, not even close if I’m being honest here.

In what way was hitting me romantic?

It had romantic purposes behind it

I grab one of the empty sheets of paper on my desk, trying to fold it into the shape of a plane. It takes only a few more minutes until I put the plane into my hands admiring my work, my eyes scanning it’s surface  to make sure there is no surface that is too rough. Grabbing a pen I press it to the paper 

You don’t look too bad yourself

Dropping the pen I once again pick up the folded plane and aim it at him, he doesn't notice me getting ready to throw it at him, a smile falling to my lips as it shakely moves in the air, grazing his hair and falling behind him with a small skid that you could hear in the offices silence. 

He looks my way with wide eyes before turning his chair around to pick up the bent plane, a smile is once again on his lips. I look back down at the paper I had been working on previously. The sound of paper being folded catches my attention, but a small hum right in front of me snaps me out of my work. I see him standing there with a large smile on his lips holding a smaller plane in his hands. 

His hands shook slightly, he was nervous anyone could tell just by the look in his eyes, now that he was up close I saw how beautiful he was, to his bright blue eyes and his blond hair. I took a deep breath taking the plane from his hands and unfolding the middle of it

    Would you like to go on a date some time?

I smile looking down at the paper, pressing the plane down to the desk and grabbing a pen writing a few words down before pushing myself up from behind the desk, giving him the plane back to him, slipping the coat on from the back of my chair. I can see a blush on his face as he opens the paper plane, just standing there with a confused expression. 

“You coming?” I question in a flirty tone making him snap his attention to me, rushing back to his desk putting the plane down and all under a minute running back to me. 

“Really?” I pause in mid step as I look at him, cocking an eyebrow at him. He hesitantly holds out his hand wanting me to take it, I smile at him sliding my hand into his allowing our fingers to intertwine. 

“Aren't you afraid to be seen with your boss?”

“No, if I was I wouldn’t have asked you out” he whispers softly looking down at the ground, the blush still staying strong on his face. 

“Bold, most people would be uncomfortable with the idea, they could think I’m claiming favorites”

“After seven months of working for you, I’ve grown to not care. It’s our life and we chose what we do with it” he states looking ahead, I nod and smile , he soon turns to look at me taking both of my hands into his as we stand just right in front of the office door, “did you like the planes?” 

“Of course, it would’ve been hard to say no to that” 

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