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~Eternal Love, devotion~

(The Readers Pov) 

His lips press against my forehead as his arms hold me against his body. I feel his chest move up and down with each breath he takes. His heart beats at a steady pace, calmly like music to my ears. It had been one of the days Lucifer had no paper work since Diavolo had given him the day off which at first was stressful to Lucifer. Almost as if he wasn’t needed any longer but of course he would never admit it because of his pride. Though you could tell as he would often sigh and run his gloved fingers through his hair. 

“Do you feel better?” I mutter pressing my face deeper against the bed sheets and his chest, a low rumble escapes his lips making his chest vibrate softly. 

“I don’t know what you are talking about” he states, resting one of his hands on my shoulder pulling me closer to him, he lowers his head again pressing his lips once again to my forehead. 

“You just like feeling useful, and Diavolo giving you the day off sets you to feel off” I mutter lifting my head to look at him. A slightly annoyed expression was on his face as his eyes shifted from mine. Chuckling softly I cup his face pulling his face to look at me, a smirk falling to his thin lips. 

“You are just imagining things, I can live without work” his voice sounds sluggish as he leans against the touch of my hand. A soft moan leaving his lips, as his eyes meet mine again. 

“Can you really?” I mutter again this makes him raise an eyebrow as he leans closer to me. Feeling his breath against my face, I know my face is a pink tint at the moment. No matter how long I spend with him he always finds a way to make me feel flustered at any moment. He chuckles again pressing his lips against mine for a split second before pulling away again. 

“Are you challenging me?” he slyly asks as his voice is just a whisper. His hands wrap around my wrists pulling my hands away from his face. 

“If that’s how you take it” I state back pulling my hands away from him as he sits up, his hair slightly disheveled and messy as a soft yawn leaves his lips picking up his phone his eyes narrow at the time. 

“It's early in the morning, we should begin to head out soon.” he speaks softly pushing himself up from the bed, the sheets falling from his body. His shirt untucked from his pants making him look different then normal as he was always nicely dressed.

“Heading out soon?” I ask standing up from the bed not looking away from him, he looks over his shoulder and his black hair falls over his eyes. 

“Yes, we have a date” he says in a matter of fact tone, resting his hands on his hips as he turns to fully face me with his signature smirk. As if he had something planned up his sleeve making me somewhat nervous. By no means was he anywhere near as chaotic as his brothers which was a relief but it didn’t mean he couldn’t be up to no good as long as his pride was still strong.   

“When did you plan this?” The question slips past my lips as an uncertain tone is present, causing him to chuckle lowly. 

“Last night when Diavolo gave me the day off” he states again fixing the shirt he had on, tucking it back into his pants. A deep sigh fills the air as he tugs his gloves back on, slowly moving his fingers to adjust in the small space. 

Dancing With You| Obey Me! x reader (Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя