Beelzebub❤(You Make Me Happy)

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(This is not fit for some readers as this mentions abuse, obsessive behavior, stalking, murder, and violence) (this is short and Beel is a Yandere)

(I will be taking a small break from, Your Knight In shining Armor because I have had no mood to write it so I will post the last two parts when they are finished)

(The Readers Pov)

"You make me the happiest person in the world" he holds my hands as he smiles sweetly at me. Pulling one of my hands up to his lips before letting them go. "So would you do me the honor and let me take your hand in marriage?" he soon gets on one knee, the smile on his lips never fading. He holds a small black box. My heart dropped from the shock as I looked down at him. An overpowering feeling of happiness fills me as I grab the collar of his shirt slamming his lips onto mine. His warmth had made me feel safe as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. "I'll take that as a yes?"

"How could I say no to you?" I pull away pressing my hands to his shoulders, locking eyes with him a large smile on my lips also. My heart races as I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him




His eyes pour into mine as he stands in front of me, his smile never falling, in this moment things couldn't have been better. I feel a bead of sweat fall down and trail down to my neck, my hands meeting his as I feel the eyes of the few people boring into us making me more nervous than I should've been. I had never thought I would make it this far, to be standing in front of someone like this about to seal our fate. It was like a dream come true.

Meeting him all those years ago, I never knew he would have made such a large impact like this, I had wanted in him and he had wanted me.

"You may kiss" the man next to us smiles as he says the last lines, looking back at the man in front of me, before I could react I'm pressing to his chest and his lips are on mine in a second. Part of his hair falls to my forehead as he pulls away. A few cheers surround us yet I pay no mind to them his arms still around my waist

"God, I'm so lucky," he whispers, pressing his lips to mine once again.




"Come on!" he shouts holding my hand as I follow after him. A smile is pressed to my lips as I stare at his happy figure. The trees are blurs as we run down the street and down the long, narrow sidewalks that seem to be endless. I hear his heavy breathing mix with the breeze and leaves that crash together in the gusts. He suddenly stops making me crash hard into his back, I chuckle as I look around us and we are standing on a bridge. Water flows under it. "I wanted to show this to you because the beauty of this area reminds me of you, It makes me feel safe, but now I have you so I no longer need it," he mutters a blush coming to his cheeks.

"You make me feel safe too," I whisper breathlessly as I look down at the clear water, small fish swim under it freely without a care in the world. Birds watch them from a distance ignoring the butterflies around them "I love you so much." I look back at him with a loving smile as he stares back at me.

"I love you too," he mutters grabbing onto my hands




Happy? No how could I feel like that in this situation, my heart races as I hide behind the many trees. I hear him and his rushing footsteps surround the area around me. My hands are pressed tightly against my mouth, hoping he would give up soon. I feel warm liquid fall down my face from the top of my head. A few minutes ago he had slammed my head into the corner of the counter. The memories of him and his darker self make me shiver as I press myself even closer to the tree.

"Come on, I'm sorry... Please come back" I hear his shaky voice echo through the trees from what I could tell he wasn't anywhere near me, I let out a small breath of relief as I look down at the wedding ring that is tightly fit on my finger." I promise I'll never hurt you again, you trust me right?" his desperate voice fills the area making my heart pound against my ribs. I feel tears poking in the corner of my eyes.

I had to wait for a few seconds until I could run, get away from him, for good and leave him behind. I didn't want to live like this, I pause my thoughts when I see him in the distance, his head turning around as he lets out a loud sigh and continues forward. My eyes widen as I see a pointed object in his hand. He soon leaves my field of vision and I lean away from the tree.

Is it safe? My mind is racing as I look up to the sky, the dark trees block out the light of the moon making it harder to see. Leaving both of us at a disadvantage. Before I can think I run straight, my lungs are burning as it feels like I've been running for hours. I continue to run until I see car headlights and I frantically run out in front of it, my luck the car stops to reveal a wide-eyed woman who looks at me with worried eyes

"Please help me" I muttered looking at her with frantic eyes.




The years seem to rush by in a blink of an eye. I sit on the small chair in the living room with a book in my lap. My hand is pressed to my cheek as I sigh closing the book. Staring at the photos and books that litter the room. A small smile is pressed to my lips as I push myself off the chair. I hover over the photo I stand next to the brown-haired male I had recently met. I had found it hard to trust people after my marriage, afraid that they would be just like him, change as soon as they were behind closed doors. But my walls were broken down only a few years later by my best friend.

Only recently had I found out that my ex was arrested for a crime that was not stated in the newspaper, but I knew it had to be severe if he was mentioned in the paper, I could only assume it was something that would have happened to me if I didn't run when I did. Possibly that night I could have died.

My head snaps in the direction of the door, I hear the front door being opened, a smile still on my lips as I rush to the bedroom door to leave. I hear a loud thud making me tilt my head in confusion as I now stand in the dark hallway. Footsteps echo around the house, turning on the light to the living room before I could stop myself. A loud scream leaves my lips as I stare at the body laying on the carpet, blood pooling under him, his brown hair matted and his skin pale. My eyes scan the room to see nothing around. Tears roll down my cheeks as I lean forward.

"No, no," I muttered looking down at him, I stop when I feel an arm snake around my waist and cold metal being pressed to my neck. My heart stops as the person's lips brush against my ear as he chuckles lightly. His grip gets tighter as I try to pull away. But stop when I hear his voice.

"You make me the happiest person in the world"

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