~Beelzebub ❤(In Your Honor )~

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(this is not fit for some readers as this mentions death, violence, attempted murder, and forced marriage…

 So the reader and Beel soon find out they are soulmates but cannot marry because of a rule the past rulers have made and the reader is forced into a marriage with a man who wants them dead.  

(Soulmate Au! Soulmates can feel the pain of each other, while also getting bruises, cuts, and injuries the other one does. When you meet your soulmate their name will be on your wrist. When your soulmate dies, you will as well because of a broken heart/ crushed heart. It is an excruciating way to go, but it is quick though in this world it is an unknown fact since barely anyone ever finds their soulmate) 

(The Readers Pov, in the end, it slips out of the readers Pov)

Slight pain is in my arms and legs. A soft groan left my lips as I pushed myself off of the bed. My bare feet resting on the carpeted floor. Looking at the skin of my legs I notice many bruises scattered across them. A loud and annoyed sigh fills the air as I lay back on the bed with my eyes closed tightly. 

“What the hell are they always doing that gets them hurt?” I ask myself as if thinking someone will answer yet no one will. A soft knock is on the door before I could answer a pair of heel footsteps making their way to me and the door closes only seconds later. 

“So you are up” a feminine voice fills the room making me look at her over my shoulder.  Her hand resting on my shoulder as she sits on the bed next to me. “You need to get ready… today is when you meet your suitor” she states lightly with somewhat sad eyes. She had often told me that she wished she could change the rules of marriage. So I wouldn’t have to marry a stranger, but her husband was the king and her being the queen she had little power over what was said. She had shown strong dislike in marrying at random and by force. She had said once she was lucky the man her parents chose to be her suitor was her soulmate. 

Yet in this world meeting your soulmate was no easy task. Over 80% of people never even met them because some people have the same injuries at times. Most give up or die as soon as depression hits them or their soulmate dies. 

“Do I really have to meet him? Can’t I say I feel sick?” I mutter laying my head on her shoulder as she caresses my hair. 

“You know both your father and your suitor are very impatient, I wish you could but they will not care about your health,” she says softly lifting her hands to cup my face. 

“I am well aware” I huff as she lets go soon pushing herself off of the bed “let’s just get this over with” the tone of my voice drops as she soon walks out of the room. Leaving me to my thoughts. I grab the kimono from the edge of my bed soon slipping it on… 

“I want you to meet your new suitor! He comes from the neighboring kingdom to take your hand in marriage!” my father boasts happily as his arm is wrapped around the male’s shoulders, both males seem to have fake smiles plastered onto their faces. Of course, who would really be happy if the marriage was to keep power between two people while in the process you only lose power for those who have more experience. 

‘It’s nice to meet you” I bow slightly still looking up at him with narrowed eyes. His brown hair gelled to the side as he looked down at me with a glare. 

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