Solomon❤(Don't leave)

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"You'd rather this than be alone
'Cause I love you
And I need you
I only want you
And nobody's going to know if it's true"

Solomon cheats on the reader continuously, though the reader knows this, they still continue to be with him, not wanting to be alone. (this is not fit for some readers as this mentions a toxic relationship, drinking, cheating, and other topics)
(No Ones Pov)

A soft sigh leaves his lips, as he leans back in the chair. Arms crossed over his chest as he looked up boredly at the ceiling waiting to hear a voice sooner or later but it seemed to never come. Every night he would come home late and that would end with him getting yelled at by them, asking where he has been, what he has been doing. He could lie, but it was obvious to both of them what he was doing late at night. 

He pushes himself up from the chair looking down the dark hall as he waits for them to come from their room but nothing happens. Had they given up? In all thoughts he could care less if they left or so he told himself. In all honesty he knew it would hurt if they chose to leave them. He may get on his knees and cry, begging them to stay just like they had over and over again to him. His pride was too large to turn away from someone who needed him, wanted him, loved him. 

It had been over three years since they had started to date, the moment they met at R.A.D an attraction formed between them. Yet he knew it never would last with (Y/N) or so he believed. He kept coming back to them each night after lying to them each time knowing they stopped believing him but let him come back. Deep down he still loved them. 

“(Y/N) I’m home” he yells down the dark hallway still expecting someone to rush down the hall and into his arms, that was what he always counted on no matter the time of night. He feels a headache coming along from the many drinks he had at the bar, his throat still burning from the liquid and possibly the acid coming from his stomach that he would push aside later. Another sigh leaves his lips as his fingers trailed down the walls of the hall until he stood in front of their shared bedroom. Though it wasn’t shared since he was never home. His fingers rest on the door knob pushing on the door he is met with the dim light of the lamp next to the bed and a figure. “(Y/N)?” he whispers, closing the door behind him even after no response. Inching closer he hovers over them to see them sleeping with a tear stained face. Feeling his heart ache he sits next to them resting his hand on the blanket. He soon finds himself being pulled down next to them by their tired hands, their eyes locking with a sad smile on their lips as they pull him closer. 

“I missed you Solomon” they whisper resting their head on his shoulder, subconsciously his arms wrap around them pulling them closer into a warmth he had forgotten but didn’t want to miss either. He knew it was wrong to keep coming back, to keep doing this. Yet he couldn’t stop himself because he knew he was still in love with them, that he still needed them no matter how much he pushed them away. 

“I missed you too” he whispers back, he lies as he pulls them closer again. His lips resting on their forehead a soft hum slipping past the space of his lips as he pulls away from them. His head hits the pillow under him as his hand still is near them. 

He felt a flow of regret fill him as he thought about everything. What he was doing, all the lies he had been telling for the past three years. Still not fully understanding why they had stayed by his side even though they knew he had cheated many times. 

“I love you so much.” He hears their voice break as they push against him and tears once again seep through his shirt. It had been a while since he had seen them cry, he knew how much they cried while he was gone and out getting drunk while he spent his time messing around with other women and men. Knowing how much it affected them but a part of him didn’t care since it was his life. His hands trail on their back, fingers fiddled with the fabric of the shirt that clung to their body, soon tightening his grasp on them as they cry into his chest. Their sobs fill the room as they cry into him, making him feel a type of way he wasn’t used to, he wasn’t used to someone crying over him and if they did it was someone he knew little of. But this was different, this was a person he had been living with since they started dating, and that's the moment he couldn’t stay loyal. Not even to the person he loved dearly. 

“I love you too…” he mutters again, another lie he can’t help but slip past his lips as a sigh follows after, he feels their hands cup his face as they look up at him with a smile. Pressing their lips to his for a split second. Pulling away again, locking eyes with him before their voice breaks the silence again. 

“Please don’t leave again…” 

Dancing With You| Obey Me! x reader (Oneshots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora