Chapter 73. Trouble on Two Fronts

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Based on the information we had, this Transformer would be near Hextech. Good thing school was out. We stationed ourselves on the roof and kept an eye out for it. Now here's the problem with this. We could be here for a long time and he could probably just show up in a different area. Yeah, Camille would let us know but we may not make it in time. This is a jet we're talking about. I may be fast but I do have a limit whereas this thing probably wouldn't even care. Then there's Caitlyn and Ezreal, both of which couldn't help out. What a pain.

Caitlyn: Ezreal, you keep an eye towards the south. I'll take the east.

Y/N And me?

Caitlyn: Be ready. You're our best chance at forcing it to the ground.

Y/N: Aye aye captain.

I lean against the railing and stare off into the city. Need to start thinking about that mansion. I know there's plenty of land in Piltover but I don't want to raise a kid here. Not while Zaun has its panties in a twist. The people there absolutely despise Piltover which was made even worse during the Power War Crisis. There have been rumors of another one but Zaun might actually be smart enough to team up instead of going into a full blown war with itself and Piltover. I may be good but even I can't advert an entire crisis by myself. We're still recovering for that. That's when K/DA came in. Their music brought hope to the people. Hard to believe they'd even setup shop here.

And now all of them are in a relationship with me. Hell, I'm about to be the father of one of their children. If I ever complain, I'm having Marco smack me. I've got every reason to feel happy. It isn't everyday you date four K-pop idols. I'm also dating three cops that are all very capable at their job even with the odds stacked against them. I need to take the time to spoil them at some point as well. A few minutes pass until Ezreal makes a callout.

Ezreal: Bogey spotted.

Y/N: Technically speaking, he is identified. Not unidentified.

Ezreal: Just let me have this!

Caitlyn peeks through her scope and confirmed it was the transformer.

Y/N: Well how do we go about this?

Starscream POV

Out of all the things I could've been tasked with, I get bait duty. Who do they think they are making me the genuine pig! Oh well, at the very least I can terrify the fools below. Once we've located this Evelynninye and can wreck this city as much as I want. With the powers of the Void at my finger tips, hardly any of these fleshlings can challenge me.


Someone or something slams into my back, knocking me course a little.

???: Holy shit, I made it!

Starscream: Who the hell are you?!

Y/N: Names Y/N. I just made the biggest jump in history.

Starscream: Well prepare for one of its most painful falls.

I spin in place but he rips into my wing with an iron grip.

Y/N: I'm gonna have to ask you too pull over!

Starscream: In your dreams!

Y/N: Fair warning. My last dream became reality.

He fires a blast of left into my left wing which messes with my ability to fly. I transform, throwing him off and landing safely.

Third Person POV

Starscream: You're going to be sorry for that!

Y/N lands on the ground, Iron Man style and smirks at him. Caitlyn informed Y/N to capture Starscream alive so they could get information from him. When deciding on a plan of approach, Ezreal suggested that Y/N tries to get the jump on him by getting close enough to hit him with a Light attack. So when Y/N actually landed on Starscream, both Ezreal and Caitlyn were shocked by what he just achieved. He jumped at least 3 whole football fields.

Caitlyn: Come on, we gotta help.

Ezreal: Right!

Starscream swings his mace at Y/N but the latter is able to easily dodge. Though he was much smaller and stronger than before, that didn't make Starscream a better melee fighter. Y/N uses his blade to parry one of his swings and counter by slashing at his chest piece. Starscream narrowly dodges this and uses his larger size to his advantage and kicks him away. The hero skids back and upon coming to a halt brushes the dust off his shirt.

Y/N: That all you got?

Starscream: Silence worm!

Starscream retracts his mace into his body and turns his arm into a twin gatling gun, making Y/N sweat a little.

Starscream: Lets see if you're bulletproof!

He revs it up and begins firing a barrage of bullets. Y/N was about to dodge but notices that the bullets are kinetic and not energy. His new response was to just fire a beam and destroy them. When he does, he gets a different story. The beam actually clashes with the bullets, almost like a beam struggle but with bullets on one end. The people nearby were afraid of this conflict and quickly got to safety.

Starscream: That all you got fleshling? I could do this all day.

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