Chapter 17. Sona's Curiosity

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A/N: Quick update. My dentures are in and my long recovery has started. I've got just enough strength in me to keep up with updates for now. Also, thank you all for the 5.6K reads!

Marco POV

As awesome as this trip is, I still can't shake the feeling something bad is happening. True Damage and AJ showing were both outside of my Foresight and then Sona shows up. Whatever the hell is going on can't be good. Right now we were down by the pool with Sona and while everyone was swimming, I was pretending to read a book about a Demon Lord and Hero. I don't know the details but I know the Hero and Demon Lord are in love and the Demon Lord turned out to be a succubus. The story is pretty neat but my mind was focused on other things.

Sona: Everything okay Marco?

Marco: Huh? Oh yeah, just lost in thought is all.

Sona: Wanna talk about it?

Marco: Just had weird things have been. I'm just a normal guy who gets to be friends with someone who may as well be a superhero, 4 famous pop stars and a pop star to be. Now here I am talking with THE DJ Sona.

Sona: Life is weird like that you know. I guess sometimes you just gotta learn to expect the unexpected.

Marco: I guess you're right.

Sona: You jealous?

Marco: Of Y/N dating Kai'sa?

Sona: Of him dating all of them.

Marco: You figured that fast.

Sona: Wasn't hard to. I've known them for a while and I knew that they wouldn't let someone like Y/N only date one of them.

Marco: Should've figured. Too answer your question, not really. I, along with Seraphine encouraged him to take the chance. No one else would've been good enough for him.

Sona: Do you think Seraphine likes him?

Marco: Probably. With her it's hard to tell. I'm able to read others pretty well but she is a whole different type of book.

Sona: Sorry if I'm prying a lot. You don't seem like the type to have a lot of friends even if you had powers.

Marco: Just due to certain conditions. Before I met Y/N, I was bullied a lot and got death threats. Most of the time it was just a bunch of empty words. To be honest with you, I agreed with them. I was powerless, waste of space in school. Death would've been much nicer than being forced to suffer. But then, one day when one bully finally had enough and tried to kill me after school, Y/N appeared. Fought them off single-handedly and made sure that I got medical attention.

Sona: Such a sweet soul but I know there's more.

Marco: Way more. At first I hated him with a passion. He basically took away my one chance to be at peace. Even my parents refused to give me this despite how much they thought I was a problem but Y/N never stopped. Always shouting about that friendship crap. That was until... I gave him a chance. We had a little hangout after school one day and to be frank, I really enjoyed it. He wasn't the smartest person but when you've got a heart that big, who needs a big brain. Every since that day, I haven't stopped being thankful for having him around. My life really has changed in the 9 years I've known him.

Sona: You get any bad mouths talking about you, a powerless, being friends with the Man of Light?

Marco: Plenty but Y/N scares them off. He's very protective of me. That much I still find annoying but at the very least he doesn't treat me like I'm an endangered species.

Sona: So are you suppose to be the brains of his operations?

Marco: No, that would be Caitlyn. Since I'm a powerless I can't exactly help out in this kind of stuff but I have thought about becoming a detective.

Sona: You seem like the type to be good at the kind of stuff just off of first glance.

Marco: I get that a lot. I may eventually go threw with it but for now, I'll enjoy my time as a guy working at Dairy Queen.

Sona: Can you give me a discount for when I visit?

Marco: I'm sure my boss will give that too you regardless of my intervention. Hell, I'm sure he could be convinced to give you something for free.

Sona: I wouldn't do that. A business needs money to survive after all and I'm not one to abuse my position like that.

She shoots me a wink and walks back to the others. I'm glad I had that talk, I think she may have noticed me worrying but thank god she didn't figure out what.

Sona POV

That Marco guy sure is cute and mysterious. I wonder how much I'll get out of Seraphine and Y/N. Just before I could though, I heard Evelynn call for me. I quickly head over to hers and Ahri's seat. They quickly eyed Marco before returning their gaze to me.

Evelynn: Do you think he's hiding something?

Sona: Absolutely. Whatever it is though, I doubt he'll budge.

Ahri: Figuring it out is the hard part though. I asked Y/N a few times but even he didn't know a thing. Although he's not as concerned about it.

Sona: Do you think he may be a problem?

Evelynn: I wouldn't know but it certainly feels as if he's not telling us something. Hmm...

Ahri: Do you think you could do us a favor Sona?

Sona: What is it?

Ahri: You seem to be the girl that-

Sona: Stopping you right there. No.

They both were stunned by my quick response. There was no way I was going to get close to him for one little secret even if I was curious.

Ahri: But he seems to like you more, this could be a huge help if he turns out to be an problem.

Evelynn: I agree with Gumiho. Marco could be hiding something that could prove to be a problem.

Sona: Are you two really concerned about his secret or what he may be planning for Y/N?

Neither of them responded. Bingo.

Sona: I understand you both care about Y/N but I doubt Marco is planning something you need to be concerned about. He's known Y/N longer and if he was going to do something bad, he would've done it by now.

Ahri: S-sorry... I guess we're a little worried we can't understand him...

Sona: That's alright. Being curious is fine but jumping too conclusions could lead to problems. What if Y/N starts having trust issues?

Evelynn: I guess you do have a point. Still, I can't shake the feeling he knows too much.

Sona: Well whatever it is, I'm sure it'll come up eventually.

I wave them goodbye and head over to the other four who were in the jacuzzi. Y/N looked like he was in a place better than heaven while the girls were having their girl talk.

Sona: Hey y'all. Got room for one more?

Akali: Hop on in!

I quickly join them and take a seat next to Y/N who seemed to be enjoying himself way too much.

Sona: Is he gonna be okay?

Seraphine: He loves a nice hot bath. His reaction never gets old. Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Huh, what, who, where?

Akali: PFFFT!!! So entranced in the heat he forgot he has 4 beautiful women in here with him.

Y/N: And? The nice relaxing hot water is soooooo gooooood.

Seraphine: That's Y/N for ya. Hot women will never beat out a jacuzzi or good food.

Kai'sa: So d-did Eve and Gumiho need something?

Y/N: Wait hold on. Ahri's nickname is Gummy hoe?

We all busted out laughing when he said that. I think Ahri heard us can she was giving us a dirty look while Evelynn was on her phone smirking. Marco was looking at us with a weirded out face but he quickly went back to his book. I wonder if he knows the book is actually porn.

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