Chapter 64. No Damsel, No Fear

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Giovanni POV

Upon infecting the intruder with my powers, Ra shoves her into a cell where she continues to hallucinate in fear. That's one down.

Giovanni: Ra. Track down and capture the second intruder.

Ra: Affirmative.

He turns and leaves while I return to the subjects chamber. He appears to have calm down enough and his mutters show that he still under the effects. This is good. The Upside Down has taken a toll on his mind. Much to my annoyance, he shows no signs of anger. Luckily, with the two intruders, I will be able to bring it out more efficiently. In order to make strives in progress, sacrifices must be made.

Y/N: So cold.... So dark....

Giovanni: You're suffering is a necessity.

Y/N: Chains..... Cold.... Hard... Chains....

His eyes show a sinister green. Much different from my own powers. Another force is at work. A possible answer is the spirit behind his anger. This may require study.

Y/N: Wailing.... Lantern....

No, this is the work of another force. One haunting his very soul. This could prove beneficial if utilized correctly. The outside force may also be a possible issue. I'll make adjustments to Ra to compensate for Spirits.

Jinx POV

Everything was fucking hurting. That blast was like getting hit by Vi. Actually, I wouldn't know if that comparison is correct since I've never been hit by her seriously. She'd hate herself forever if she did that. As I manage to walk a straight line without limping, I start to hear a humming sound. Shit, that ass head is gaining on me. I then see my salvation. The hole we came in at. I then get one of my crazy ideas. I might lose my badge for this one and possibly my life. Hey, Old Jinx could do this easy, I'm way better than her so I can obviously do it too. I quickly pull out every explosive I can and liter the hole with it each one. I had to work quickly otherwise he'd be right on top of me.

Once it was all set, my comm started to buzz. This must have alerted him cause that humming got real loud. I poke my head out and see him just a few feet away.

Ra: Target - Confirmed

Jinx: Shiiiiiit!!

I quickly beeline down the hole and onto the the tracks. Once on the other side my comm call goes through.

Caitlyn: Jinx, are you there?! Can you hear me?!

Jinx: In a second Chief! Might wanna grab onto something.

The moment I see the dumb future bird, I whip out my pistol and shoot one of the explosives. The resulting blast is massive. I manage to avoid any fatal injury but that doesn't mean I was getting away scot free. The worst of it all was a bit of concrete rubble crashing against me, knocking me down. The final nail in this package was it landing on my ankle, creating an audible crunch. I manage to contain my screams of pain but at least I beat that guy and gave us a good opening on the area.

Initiating Full Body Repair.

Why did I speak too soon? Polygons are quickly created out of thin air and slowly form a body. Eventually, His entire body is modeled, then detailed and finally colored. His green lights turn to orange.

Ra: Cancelling Capture Protocol /// Termination Protocol Engaged

Jinx: Oh shit...!

Third Person POV

Akali busts through the glass, a fire burning in her eyes. She was going to beat the shit out of Giovanni and show him that he can't scare her. She rushes out of the room and into the corridor. She quickly scans the area as she runs through until reaching an elevator.

Akali: Sub level 3... There are 7 floors? God damn it!

She smashes the wall next to her, leaving a small dent. She then steps back and takes a deep breath. Putting her hands together, she begins to meditate, slowly sliding to the ground until she was sat down.

To find what one seeks, they must look deep within. A heart leads to many places, including those we call family.

Akali: I'll never forget your lessons Master...

She jumps up and presses Sub Level 6. While she was going down, Jinx was having problems of her own. Ra was currently crushing her head between his foot and the ground. She attempts to claw at him but even though she could make contact with him in that moment, she does very little.

Ra: Completing Protocol.

He lifts his foot up and goes to pop her head like a pimple. Instead of that, he gets hit by a blast of void energy. Forcing him away from Jinx. Everyone else had arrived to the sight. The police officers all aim directly at him.

Caitlyn: Put the staff down!

Jinx: Don't even bother. It's a Mana Machine thing. He's only effected by-

Ra: Engaging Rage Mode.

He orange colors turn red and he lets loose a volley of energy shots from his staff. Kai'sa is quick to counter them with her own while Ahri fires a trail of fox fire at Ra. He dodges and then teleports to avoid Evelynn's sneak attack from behind. Once he reappears, he fires a laser at the roofing above them, causing debris to fall. He intended to crush them but Vi was able to shatter this attempt to pieces just like the debris. Once she was close, she helped Jinx move out of the way.

Vi: You okay?

Jinx: Ankle is sore but I've been through worse.

Ahri: So he's mana powered?

Jinx: I think. Most attacks just pass right threw him.

Caitlyn: Then that would imply he's a Mana Incarnation.

Evelynn: Too bad for him, we don't care about that.

Ra: Statement /// I am program to fight hundreds of Freelancers at once. You stand no chance.

Caitlyn: Like we'll be buying that. Camille.

Camille: I'll need a clear shot ma'am.

Caitlyn: Lets show this him what we can do girls.

They engage in combat. Ra, while outnumbered was able to make several precise actions that kept him from being overtaken. At times you would wonder if he had eyes all over his body. He countered Blasts of energy from Kai'sa, remain out of Evelynn's reach and forced Ahri to make tricky decisions. Caitlyn and Camille attempted to nullify his mana connection but each attempt ended in failure.

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