Chapter 86. Tribute (Finale)

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Seraphine POV

It has been 2 months since the funeral. A couple days after it, the media found out and the whole world was.... Yeah, it hasn't been easy getting by without him. The girls have had a hard time adjusting. Ahri most of all. She did have a kid on the way after all. But through it all, we were constantly being reminded of one thing. As long as we hold him dear to out hearts. He'll never truly be gone. Marco has been visiting a lot more lately due to Sona rejoining Pentakill. Said he was having Akali train him for something. All of the big bands are here at the concert tonight. All to celebrate the miracle Y/N gave us that day. It was also my debut concert.

I was really nervous. I've performed in front of crowds before but this is concert. There's way more people. Pentakill went first so they can reveal their big come back. Akali had her hands full but lucky Ahri knew enough illusion magic too seem like she had her old style on. True Damage had just got down with theirs and the girls are now doing their singles. In just a few songs, K/DA would reveal their newest member to the world. Along with her, a song I wrote for him. I hear a knock at the door.

Seraphine: Come in!

The door opens and Trisha pops her head in.

Trisha: Hey.

Seraphine: Hey. You doing alright?

She walks in with a box in her hand. She sets it on the ground and takes a seat next to me. I've done my absolute best to get too know her. She was my only connection Y/N right now. And since she's only 17 in body and mind, she's behind with the times.

Trisha: It's been weird to say the least. I remember when things were really different here in Piltover.

Seraphine: Back in my day!

We both share a laugh before we both simmered down.

Trisha: I got you girls something. I made sure to grow lots of them while I was at the house.

She grabs the box and hands it too me. As I unwrap it, I could easily tell what it was. Once it was open, my assumption was correct. It was a potted Marigold flower.

Trisha: I grew a lot of them so I thought I'd give you girls one.

I give it a quick whiff. Smelt like a real marigold.

Seraphine: Thank you Trisha.

We smile at each other before hugging. It's weird too think that this is technically his older sister yet she's much younger than everyone else. Eve actually wants to get her a Private Tutor so she didn't have to worry about school. We won't be having money issues since tonight was the release of the new album. Not to mention tickets were pretty much sold out.

Trisha: So... The girls are all dating him right?

Seraphine: Yeah. Weird isn't it?

Trisha: Are you....?

Seraphine: W-what?! N-no, I'm just his best friend!

Trisha: Sorry for assuming. You just look like the perfect match for him.

She really thought that huh? I don't think I agree. He deserves the girls. I mean, he already has 7 of them. All of them are really strong and talented whereas I'm just a girl with the power to make my Vocals work with any song I sing. I mean it works with his dancing but... He's not here anymore... God, now I'm making this sound depressing. Before she could ask another question, Ahri came through the door, clearly exhausted and plops down on the couch.

Ahri: That was rough...

Her illusion drops, revealing her slightly bigger belly. The others walk in after her. All of them were tired looking too but not nearly as much as Ahri.

Kai'sa: Well Sera. Time for you to go.

I nod and get up but as I go to leave, I turn around and hug Trisha again. She giggles as she returns the gesture.

Trisha: You'll do great Sera. Show the world your song.

Seraphine: Right.

Third Person POV

The VIP sections had a lot of people in it. Just about everyone from the funeral minus the Cop Trio. They were currently on the further parts of the stadium, making sure nothing happens. Marco sat next to Sona who was in her Pentakill attire.

Sona: So what do you think of my hair?

Marco: What do you think of mine?

He had grown it out a little. It was no longer short hair. Sona smiles and ruffles it a bit. Marco fakes a scowl as he turns his attention to the stage.

Marco: Not as good as mine clearly.

Sona: Oh you.

AJ: You two lovebirds gonna makeout or what?

Lux: Will!

AJ: What? I'm gonna be an uncle in under 7 months, might as well try and help these two progress. I ain't seen em kiss once in public yet.

Marco: I'd sooner die.

Everyone laughs at the remark. The stage then went dark. The crowd was silenced. Then one spot light came down on the blue haired girl. Her hands were held to her chest and her eyes closed. She then opens her eyes and looks at the crowd.

Seraphine: Here goes....

Logan: If you don't fucking cry, you're not worthy of having man in your gender.

The first time the lyrics came to a stop and her elegant movements started to pick up, she encapsulated the crowd. Once the lyrics picked up, it was clear that she was trying her best not to breakdown. Not from the pure pressure she was under but the weight behind her words. The crowd on the other hand. Their cheers were laced with tears. Most of all, the people Y/N called Friends and Family.

The lyrics came to a stop once more and so did the movement. Kai'sa watched with bewilderment and tears. The movements told such a story. One of Pain, Love and Hope. Seraphine's own makeup was started to get ruined as her own tears were now dripping as she continued the lyrics. She continued on and on. This was on Live TV all over Runeterra. Together, they all cried in unison as the Man of Light had left them. However, the Hope he instilled in others would never die.

The finishing verse had now come up. Everyone was in tears. Seraphine's voice was cracking with her pain but she broke through with everything she had to deliver her final words to her best friend and brother.

And then the song ended. Seraphine, the fifth K/DA Member had made a Grand Debut and with her, a Tribute that would be sung throughout the ages.

Once it was done, the crowd roared in love and excitement as the rest of K/DA came out. Their own makeup had been ruined by their tears as well but no one cared.

Evelynn: Well done Seraphine. And there you have everyone. Our latest member and her Tribute. Eternal Encore.

The crowd one again roared in their cheers. This was the time not to mourn but to celebrate. For their Hero would not want them to shed tears. Only smile and be happy for what they have now.

To be continued in Book 2.

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