Chapter 13. Time with the Idols

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A/N: Number 1 in Harem? 2K reads? You people flatter me with your support. All I can do is continue trucking for you and your eyeballs sake. We about to get too the real stuff people want in a harem so buckle up.


The finals were over, thank god. I just barely managed to pass with what I had. Marco didn't have a problem at all and Sera didn't struggle nearly as much as I did. Right now I was chilling in the living room, playing (Favorite game) with Akali watching me. She apparently was a pro gamer but I knew who the real pro was. Me! I could easily speed run this game and set a record to this point. I say as I proceed to miss a very obvious item.

Y/N: Am I fucking blind?

Akali: Yes.

Y/N: I did not ask for your opinion pipsqueak.

Akali: Aw, is someone upset they missed that very obvious thing?

Y/N: If I said no would you be surprised?

Akali: I'd say you're a liar. How could such a great hero of Piltover tell such a beautiful young lady such a lie!

She did a very dramatic pose and flopped onto the couch. We both share a laugh but then Eve joins in.

Eve: Seems you two are having fun.

Y/N: This one likes to be dramatic.

Akali: That one is a sore loser.

Eve; And you're both children. Same age, height and personality.

Me and Akali both go 'Wooow' before laughing. I've only known them for about a week and I feel real comfortable around them. Except for when.... I'm alone with one of them.... especially Eve. I can't even remember the last time she didn't look at me with lustful eyes. Actually, thinking about it now I don't think she's ever had a different look for me. Ahri pops up holding a bucket of popcorn and a copy of (Favorite Movie). I never get tired of watching it.

Ahri: Wanna watch?

Y/N: Yes ma'am I do.

Akali: Kai'sa! Sera! Get in here!

The both come in from upstairs to see what they're called for. Bit a small talk later and they agree too watch the movie with us. As the movie plays along, I notice my rather odd placement. I'm was on the coach with all four of the idols surrounding me. Both Ahri and Eve were leaning on my shoulders, Akali leaning on my legs on the floor and Kai'sa behind me with her hand in my hair, playing with it. I look over to Sera for help but she just moves her eyes towards the TV and sips her drink.

Y/N: You traitor...

Eventually the movie ends and I am granted the hope that the girls would move... Except that they don't and remain where they are. My blush is becoming very visible.

Sera: I'll be in the bathroom.

Y/N: W-wait!

She just gets up and heads to the bathroom, shooting me an 'innocent' smile. My blush becomes worse and I hear all the girls giggling.

Eve: Are you comfortable darling~?

Y/N: U-uh..... I um.....

I feel like a fly in a spiders web right now. I could easily force them off but something tells me I shouldn't do that.

Ahri: Wanna know something Y/N?

Y/N: W-what do...

Ahri: I can do the charm thing as well.

All of a sudden, a heart appears in her hand and she shoots it at my chest. Since I can't move, it hits its mark and all of sudden I couldn't break free from her gaze.

Y/N: Her tails look so..... fluffy..... I wanna rub those ears....

Ahri giggles before capturing me in a kiss. I didn't even bother trying to fight back at this point. I'll be honest, the charms made me feel nice. I could tell there is no ill intent from the girls so I never bothered resisting the charms. The kiss lasted only a minute but it sure was nice while it lasted.

Eve: You seem pretty relaxed. Finally decided to be honest with yourself~?

Y/N: I've had a weeks worth of affection. Better just sink into it now rather than fight it. You girls are really nice to be sharing me like this.

Akali: We love each other so sharing would have no doubt been a thing even if Eve didn't suggest it.

Eve: I'm surprised you didn't turn it down.

Y/N: I couldn't bring myself to do it. Even if something like this is my reward, turning it down would hurt me and all of you more than if I take it.

Akali: Still keeping other peoples lives in your thoughts huh.

Y/N: Who would I be if I wasn't?

We all smiled and cuddled together on the couch. If I was any weaker, I'd say this was a hug of death. Squeezed from all sides and to make it worse, their breast were smothering me. I was starting to get concerned cause all the blood wasn't going to my head. Eve figured this out first.

Eve: Seems like someones excited~.

Y/N: E-Eve.....

They released me from the death hug and I gazed at Eve.

Y/N: I'm not ready for that yet..... It's only been a week after all....

She nods her head in understanding.

Eve: I won't force it on you if you're not ready. Just know I'll be waiting~.

She then shoves her tongue into my mouth but I quickly retaliate and win the battle for dominance. This seems to surprise her since I'm not getting much resistance. I pull back leaving a trail of saliva.

Y/N: Remember that the strong guy here learns quickly.

Akali: Apparently not with school work.

Y/N: And the moment is ruined.

We all laugh and slowly head to our rooms for the night. When I get to my room, I'm greeted by a  very happy looking Sera.

Sera: I hope you're not too mad.

Y/N: I am mad and not at the same time.

Sera: Not much I could've done to help your position and you need to take the initiative more. You learn quickly right?

Y/N: You hid around the corner didn't you?

Sera: Hehehe... I'm really glad they're doing this for you. You needed this.

Y/N: You needed it too. That Cafe wasn't going to make for a good career.

Sera: Maybe not but it does provide good money on the side.

Y/N: And a few other things I'm sure.

Sera: There's nothing going on between me and Ben Y/N.

Y/N: He's a good guy. I'm sure he would love to date a future pop star.

Sera: Wouldn't everyone?

Y/N: Heh, maybe so. You need anything?

Sera: I was wondering if I could sleep with you actually.

The heat in my face was starting to build up. I know this wouldn't be the first time I've slept with Sera but it's still embarrassing.

Y/N: W-why would you want that?

Sera: I'm doing it for your sake really. Need to learn sooner or later. I'm afraid one of the girls might start sneaking into your room and if you're unprepared...

Y/N: Fine, fine. I see your point...

She giggles and crawls into bed. I slowly join her, obviously embarrassed at the act of sleeping in a bed with a girl. I turn my back towards her so that I can at least sleep, knowing someone wasn't directly in front of me. Eventually my mind starts to go blank and I fall into slumber.

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter. This was more of an experiment with slice of life elements and I'm not particularly good as those as you can probably tell. Next Chapter will actually be an Information and Announcements post so that you guys know some things about this book and what I have planned for the future.

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