Chapter 10. The Reward

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Third Person POV

It was later that day and the sun was setting. Most of everyone in the K/DA Penthouse were now awake. All except for 2 who currently shared a bed unknowingly. Y/N slowly stirred in his sleep, letting out a nice yawn and stretched until he got an audible pop. He slowly but surely takes in his surroundings up until his hears the sound of someone else yawning. Directly next to his ear.

He slowly looks over until a pair of eyes were on his. They were Kai'sas eyes. Neither one made a move or sound. Slowly, a massive blush formed on both their faces. Y/N immediately shot to the other end of the bed, never breaking his gaze from Kai'sa who in turn, never broke hers. Many questions going threw their minds but one of them stood out more than others.

Why did that feel so nice?


The long, awkward silence between us was deafening. I could've sworn my heart also stopped for the entirety of the stare. I tried apologizing but all that came out were incoherent noises and stutters. The door swings open, revealing Evelynn who smirks at us.

Evelynn: I didn't know I was interrupting something~. When you two lovebirds are done being honest with one another, we need you both in the lounge room.

Kai'sa: W-w-w-w-wait!

It was too late. Evelynn had already shut the door. Leaving the two of us alone again. This was far more intense than anything I've ever been in. What am I suppose to do?

Kai'sa: H-hey Y/N....

Y/N: Y-yeah.....

Kai'sa: I-it was n-nice s-sleeping with y-you.....

I stared at her in silence. I expected to get yelled at or something but to get this type of reaction. I mean, yeah it was nice sleeping with her, best sleep I've gotten in a while.

Y/N: T-that we can a-agree on....

She blushed a little more. She needs to stop blushing or else I'm gonna die. All of sudden I feel a pull. It's telling me to act on my feelings. I don't know what to do. I mean, yeah she was a likeable person and no doubt cool to hang out with but is that really enough to like somebody? I then suddenly hear a smooch and a felt a nice soft feeling on my left cheek. I look over and Kai'sa is sitting right there. She just kissed me on the cheek. Steam was starting erupt from my ears, I was embarrassed but that didn't change how good I felt. This was nothing like Caitlyn, no this girl was shy and introverted to a good degree but she has a heart of gold. I shot up from the bed and composed myself when I remembered people were waiting on us. I look over my shoulder to Kai'sa, a sad look on her face.

Y/N: Hey Kai'sa....

Kai'sa: Y-yeah...?

I give her a peck on the cheek and bolt out of the room. I cannot believe I just did that. I've fought all sorts of criminals with super powers but doing that was a challenge in its own league. I compose myself once again and head to the lounge room, Kai'sa far behind me. Once we make it, I get awkward stares from everyone except Evelynn who just smirked.

Y/N: So what was it you needed to talk about?

Evelynn: We're offering you a job here.

Y/N: I'm afraid I'll have too-

Sera: Listen to her first please.

Evelynn: I've given Sera an opportunity of a lifetime. She will be working with us on her music. We wish to give you a similar offer.

Y/N: And that would be?

Evelynn: I know your job as a Freelancer is important so I'd like too offer a similar position in the form of a bodyguard. I already spoke with Caitlyn on the matter and she agrees with it. She mentioned something about last night as well.

Why Caitlyn....? I should've suspected it but this feels way to early.

Y/N: I'm not..... I don't really....

Evelynn: Think about it for a bit. Our concerts normally go on without a problem but should one ever arise, we could use some help. Besides, I'm sure you need a better living space anyways.

Y/N: Living space? You mean I move in with you?

Evelynn: Along with Sera of course. We have 2 extra rooms to accommodate you both.

I take my time to breath all this in. The Man of Light, Hero of Piltover, living with five of the most beautiful women on the face of the planet..... I just realized how I worded that in my head and couldn't help but blush.

Yasuo: Someone getting dirty thoughts?

Y/N: N-no!

Ekko: My man looks like he the sauce in spaghetti right now!

Y/N: AAAAAAHH!! This is worse than Caitlyn teasing me!

Ekko: Hey, at least you got a chance right?

This was way to much to take in. I would be going through a serious life change if I accepted. I looked around the room, seeing Ekko rub the back of his head after he got smacked by Qiyana. Yasuo giving me the thumbs up and Sera looking at me with those pleading eyes. The deck was stacked against me on this.

Y/N: Alright... Where do I sign?

Ahri: I'll get the contract and you can wait here. I'll be back in a moment.

She leaves the room and heads for the elevator. Before anything else could happen, Evelynn grabbed my attention and led me to her room. It was neatly organized unlike the living room when I visited yesterday.

Evelynn: So darling, what do you think~?

Y/N: What do I think of-

I then feel that warm, fuzzy feeling in my body again. She was using her charm on me but I didn't hate it for some reason. It made me feel.... safe...

Evelynn: What do you think of us of course. 4 beautiful women and your best friend, all under the same roof as you. Isn't it a dream come true?

She pressed her body up against mine until my back was on the wall. I then felt her arms snake around and held me in a warm embrace.

Y/N: W-well, it certainly s-strange.... but I don't h-hate it...

Evelynn: I know about that moment between you and Kai'sa~. You have feelings for her don't you?

Y/N: H-how did-

Evelynn: Shhhh... Such a strong man in physical ability but you lack emotional strength. She can help with that. We can help with that.

Y/N: W-we.....?

Evelynn: Me, Kai'sa, Akali and Ahri all want to help you. I can just feel the tenseness in your muscles. And your eyes tell a different story from it.

She then rubs her hands up my arms and down my back, making me shudder.

Evelynn: I know you didn't take Caitlyns rejection very well. She told me that if she was into men, she would've said yes. No doubt that hurt you more.

I couldn't disagree with her. If anything, I wish she hadn't said that last night.

Evelynn: You're still human like the rest of us. Stay here and rest. Get to know us and we'll show you all you need to see.

She stared into my eyes. I couldn't look away. Something about those golden eyes made me trust her. That feeling started to flare up as she inched closer to me before capturing me in a kiss. At first it was gentle but soon it got rough and passionate. I wrap my arms around her waist to keep her in place. She responds by putting her arms around my neck. She then licks my lips for entrance and I gladly let her in. That charm spell was starting work wonders on my body and mind. Part of me was screaming at me too stop this but it was overruled by the rest of my body. I'm certainly way stronger than her but here I stand, getting dominated by the Diva of K/DA in a heated make out session. She eventually pulls away and licks her lips before giving her signature smirk. At that point the charm had worn off, leaving me there to process what just happened. Once everything did, I'm pretty sure I invented a new color variant of red.

Evelynn: That was my reward~. Come to me anytime you want more darling~.

She steps outside the room, swaying her hips in a seductive manner. I take a few minutes to think on what just happened until Ahri calls me from the other room. I just shake my head, still not making sense of anything.

Y/N: I guess this is just the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I head on over to Ahri and sign the contract.

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