Chapter 42. Who is Anthony

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Garen: With the Void pushed back into the mountains, they'll no doubt have fortified their defenses and placed many imp hordes within the passes.

Darius: Too counter these, we'll be sending Ghost Squad to scout the area and figure out their weak points. Steel Squad will be put on standby while Indigo Squad tends to our wounded. Noble Squad will be put on Standby as well. We'll need you for the front lines next.

Anthony: Sounds good to us.

Kayn: Try not to steal my kills. Rhaast doesn't like it when he doesn't get his blood.

Garen: You'll all get plenty of kills. For now, take it easy. This war will be a long one if we exhaust our best troops. Dismissed.

The meeting concludes and we head down to our Squad Bunker. Nice of them to prepare a living space for us. I really do like the Ixtal architecture. So beautiful and serene even while underground. Once we all entered the bunker, Giovanni immediately disappears into his assigned room. Ezreal heads to the training chamber while Jayce checks his equipment.

Y/N: I'm gonna hit the shower and get some sleep. It's getting pretty late.

AJ: But it's only 10:30.

Y/N: That's too late for me. I have to be in bed by 11:00 and it takes me 25 minutes to shower alone.

AJ: Well if you didn't dance in the shower while listening to music, you'd be out sooner.

Y/N just sticks his tongue out at me. I simply roll my eyes and gesture him away. Anthony goes over to the rest room and takes a seat. Time to investigate what he was talking about. Aurelion Sol... I walk over and take a seat opposite of him.

Anthony: Need something Will?

AJ: Heh, you can call me AJ too. We'll be buds till this is all over anyway.

Anthony: Well AJ, what's on your mind.

AJ: Got a little nosy and overheard you talking about your beliefs. Something about the Cosmic Dragon the Summoners deny existing.

Anthony: Probably another lie.

AJ: Don't know if I believe he exists but I certainly don't trust the Summoners. They don't seem like the type of people to care about us.

Anthony: If they didn't, why did they unite the entire planet?

AJ: Fair point but why do we have no choice?

Anthony: They don't believe in it.

AJ: So....

Anthony gets up and walks to his room. After a few moments, he comes back with a book with a uniquely shaped dragon head on the front.

Anthony: This book tells us an ancient story about how Runeterra came to be. You can read it for yourself if you want all the details. The story goes that Aurelion Sol created the very universe itself. Before Runeterra was at peace and the arrival of the Summoners, a group of powerful mages summoned him for worship. He didn't care for it and planned on leaving. Humans, proving to be humans, wanted him to stay anyway and bound him to Mount Targon. What he planned to do once he was freed was up for debate, whether he would destroy Runeterra entirely or leave it in peace. Whatever the case, a little girl with sparkling hair took care of the dragon.

AJ: A little girl?

Anthony: There's not real lore on her. All we know is that she was quite powerful and may have come in contact with a real God besides Aurelion Sol. The book says she convinced the Dragon to leave Runeterra in peace should she free him and that he did. I don't believe the Summoners to be the creators of Runeterra. They have never mentioned their origins and if they did, it would probably be a lie.

AJ: Who exactly are you?

Anthony: A man who just wants to do the right thing.

He sits back down and sets the book aside. I eyed it for a moment before returning my gaze to him.

Anthony: I didn't plan to come here at first. Had a bit of a rough life. My wife died about a year ago. We were alone, living just outside of Glaserport. I was the town defender. I got three different powers so I trained them well. My E-Tracker Power allows me too see energy signals in my left eye. My red lightning what uses my rage and my Photons to utilize unique powers and weapons made from them. That's just the short of it all though. One day a group of creatures called Jormungar attacked the town. Naturally I defended it. The damage was horrible and about 8 people died. Including my wife.

AJ: I'm sorry for your loss.

Anthony: Hmm.... I stuck around for a while. I wanted to get away but I knew those things would come back. Eventually, they did and I made sure to kill every single one of them. The last one was different. It was purple with these glowing veins. After killing it, a rift opened up and out poured the demons from the Void. The entire town was wiped out and I barely survived.

Damn, that's tough. Losing family is hard but losing your home afterwards is enough to make a man lose his will to live.

AJ: What kept you going?

Anthony: The man with a symbiote suit. A single magic blade, from his right arm. He was powerful, at the time I wasn't strong enough to face him. He made me watch as the town was destroyed. After that, he left me to bleed out, grieving over my failure. Most would've died, but I was too angry to give up.

He stands up and begins to walk away but stops and looks back at me.

Anthony: I know he's here. I've been here for 5 months now but I know he's here. And when I find him, I will kill him. It is the right thing to do. No one should ever go threw what I've been through and I'll see to that.

He walks off to his room, leaving me here with his book. I think about everything he said before reading it. If what he said was true, this girl did the right thing to save Runeterra. What he's trying to do is similar but motivation is different. Just then my phone buzzed so I looked at it. I got a very interesting picture from Marco.

AJ: This going to be juicy.

Logan: A bit of a short one but trust me, this will mean something in the future. We're starting to approach the serious stuff so strap in. THE SPICE IS COMING!!!

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя