Chapter 23. The Ride Home

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A/N: Just so y'all know, I was going to delay this chapter and release it tomorrow but I don't operate like that. These chapters get put out when they are made. I said no triple update, never said no double update.


It was about 12:30 now and I had just woken up. Hospital beds still suck, that much is certain. Marco had woken up before me and was nowhere to be seen. He did leave a note saying he was packing my stuff. That's right, we were heading back to Piltover today. Hopefully our flight was still at 2:30. That gives me just enough time to get out of here. Just then the Doctor walked in.

Doctor: It's been a while since we last met Mr. L/N. Some guests are here to see you.

The door opens again and the gang walked in. Sona present with them.

Y/N: You like my cosplay?

Akali: A dumpster?

Y/N: I was actually going with Crispy Bacon but-

Ahri: Stop it!

I immediately bit my tongue. I guess trying to make light of the situation was a bad idea. Ahri isn't Marco after all.

Y/N: Sorry....... Just trying to find some fun in this....

Ahri: What fun is there in all of this? You could've died!

Y/N: But I didn't and you were saved in the process. Seems like a big win to me.

Ahri: But still..... Doesn't the idea of having scars a little heavy on the mind.

Y/N: The question you should be asking is who's scars are worse.

Her ears twitch at this. So fucking cute, I wanna play with them all day! Tears started to form in her eyes so I launched out of the bed as quickly as I could and gave her a tight hug. Everything was sore but that didn't matter. What happened to her in all of this was worse than what I went threw.

Y/N: Scars to me are a testament to my goal. I want to help and protect people. So what if I get a few nasty scars. It's all about sacrifice in the end. A Hero is defined by their willingness to do what they must for others. And remember, some people out there see you as one as well.

Ahri: Huh?

She looked up at me, tears staining her cheeks. I wipe them away since they didn't suit her face.

Y/N: I may be able to protect them from those who would do harm but I could barely inspire a racoon to eat healthy. You on the other hand, you create something people listen to with their souls. Too some people, you're just as much of a Hero as I am. Remember that okay. I know you can handle this. You are THE Ahri after all.

She stared at me silent for a moment and then gave the brightest smile ever. I was then pulled into a kiss full of love and passion. Still makes my heart flutter, though in this case I was a little embarrassed cause of the small crowd we have. An 'ahem broke us apart. It was the Doctor.

Doctor: A few papers will have to be signed but it won't take long. After that, he's free to go. Try to not get involved in Proto-Drake taming again. That does require a license.

Timeskip brought to you by Ad Block.

OH MY GOD!!! This Jacuzzi is defiantly what I need to relax my sore muscles. The girls decided to join me and might I say.... Evelynn was way too close for comfort. They all were wearing a towel around them but I think Eve picked a much smaller one on purpose. I could see a LOT of cleavage. Ahri was leaning on the opposite, clearly upset that Eve was making moves. Her puffed up cheeks and twitching ears was starting to give me heart attack. DAMN I WANT TO PLAY WITH THEM!!!

Ahri: Don't you think you're a little close Eve?

Eve: I don't think I'm close enough. Gummy Hoe.

Ahri: Oh don't even start with that.

Y/N: H-hey girls... Can't you two just...

Eve: I'm simply helping him relax is all~.

Ahri: I can easily do that for him.

She then shoves her tails between the edge and wall. Despite them being wet, they were somehow still really soft. It was defiantly better than what I was leaning on. Eve smirks and started to rub my....... Sacred Ground...... It was getting a little excited since the idea of two hot women fighting for me is something that has never crossed my mind but I kinda liked it. Ah fuck nuggets! I'm turning into a pervert. I've spent way too much time near Evelynn. Akali was simply giggling at my situation, I'm not sure if I'm glad she stayed out of this or upset she did. Kai'sa was the only one with a worried expression though. I put my hands up, signalling the two girls to stop. Akali also stopped giggling.

Y/N: Bokkie, tell me what's wrong.

Kai'sa: No getting past you huh...?

I nod and moved over to her side. She leaned on my shoulder and let out a distressed sigh.

Akali: This is about that robot guy?

Y/N: Barricade?

Akali: I guess if that's what his name is.

Kai'sa: He was after me... He knew who I was... I don't know who he is at all but he knew me. "Another time Kai'sa." That's what he said too me.

Y/N: Listen to me. We're all here for you. That bucket of bolts won't lay a finger on you.

Akali: He was holding back for sure. He seemed concerned about hurting her.

Ahri: Odd behavior from a machine. Any clue about him Eve?

Eve: I don't but I think Caitlyn has a good guess.

Akali: She does know a lot. Given that she kinda has to for her position.

Eve: Being a Chief in any Law Enforcement is no easy job. The Government pick only the most capable.

Ahri: And they go threw the Summoners before any of that.

Eve: On point as always Gumiho.

Y/N: What about my situation with Xanders?

Eve: Karma promised to keep it a secret for a little bit. We will eventually have to face the consequences.

Y/N: I'm okay with that.

Eve: Even if it means you'll never see us again?

The girls and I looked at her confused and scared.

Y/N: They wouldn't.....

Eve: I'm afraid so. Xanders Corp was key in the supplement of the War Effort. Without them, they'll call a major amount of Freelancers to the Battlefront. I don't want you too go but there was nothing I could do.

I clenched my fist. Anger boiling my blood to the point it was hotter than the Jacuzzi. I knew the punishment would be harsh but this is unfair! That place is a no mans land of death and I'm still only 19. How stupid could the law be!? I was about to storm out of the Jacuzzi for a little breather but the worst had happened. I got up so fast my towel flew of my waist and exposed my Sacred Ground.

Evelynn: Oh my~.

The other 3 were blood red in the face but that was nothing compared to me right now as that color was even deeper but all over. I then hear a clicking sound. We all turn and see Sona peaking around the doorway with her phone.

Sona: This goin on my Instagram!


I was so flushed with anger that I could care less about the other seeing my naked. I knew it was a bad idea to bring Sona with us. My premonition is never wrong but I ignored one god damn time! I started chasing her threw out the jet but this god damn woman was slippery like a snake.

Sona: #HolySword!

Marco: What the hell!?


Evelynn: Sona darling. If you survive, mind sending me a copy.


Sona: #ManOfSexy!

Y/N: #Lightbeam!

Sona: Uh oh!..... Aaaand Post!

Y/N: FIRE!!!!

I fired the beam and almost hit that DJ Witch but Sera held out her trust Light Absorbing wand that I gave her as I just in case I shot at her accidentally. I shall now refer to that thing as Total BS for keeping Sona alive.

Sona: I win.


The whole damn jet shook at the sound of her voice. Sona hid behind an equally frightened Marco whereas Eve was still staring.

Eve: I must say, it's quite the large one.


A/N: Decided to take the big serious and do a funny. Are you laughing yet!? If so, don't feel bad cause someone else did it too.

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