Chapter 40. Noble Squads First Mission

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Logan: So Chapters will shift from viewpoint to viewpoint to give you guys a sense of character progression and plot. Things will happen on both ends. For Y/Ns end of the deal, he'll get these longer chapters. Expect a delay on these too due to chapter length.


Our job was simple. Infiltrate the enemies back line and take our their commander. Without their leader, their continued assault on the border shoulder halt and we can begin advancing. Before we could do that though, we have to get there. Our Stealth fighter called the Buryat can get us there but in order to make sure it's safe, it has to be slow and precise while maintaining it's stealth. It isn't perfect like most stealth things are but its good enough. The ship was somewhat small interior wise though. You enter underneath the front deck, just one quick turn and it's right there. It's built with a specially programmed AI to fly for us but we do have single pilot seat for manual flight. In the middle was our communication room.

There we also got too see a map and check in on information constantly being put out. Special Task force gets a lot of info after all. It was the smallest but still big enough for all six of us. The last rooms were split into 3 separate bunk rooms. They looks more like they were designed for 4 but it was probably to give more room to those who'd be using this thing. Right now, I was sitting in the left bunk room by myself. AJ was currently napping across from me. Glad he got to be my bunk mate. Anthony seems to be suspicious of Giovanni since he's always staring at me so he took on the role of watch dog. Speaking of who, he just walked in.

Anthony: Hey Y/N, got a minute?

Y/N: Yeah.

I follow him to his Bunk Room which was the one in the center. Giovanni wasn't in here which made me feel relieved.

Anthony: So how much do you know about the Demons?

Y/N: Gonna be honest. Very little.

Anthony: Figures.

He sounded pretty annoyed. I have a feeling I know why he asked so might as well ask.

Y/N: Something to do with the Summoners?

Anthony: Protocol says that those sent here are to study up on all important demons before or on the way here. I don't believe the nonsense people spout about those guys. Being Gods and all that so they think they can break the rules cause they don't like someone.

Y/N: You don't think they're gods?

Anthony: I'm not religious by any stretch but I do find myself believing in the old legends of Aurelion Sol with each decision these Summoners make. We'll talk about that after this mission though. For now, I want to catch you up on what we're facing. So we got plenty of demons to choose from but I'll focus on whatever we're facing and what's important. Do your best to remember this.

Y/N: Roger that sir.

Anthony chuckles and talks about all sorts of demons. Apparently this Commander was what was called a Wrathguard. A pretty low ranking demon in terms of power but this one made up for its lack of power with smart tactics and skillful combat. He doesn't fight alone however, he has his lesser brethren the Felguards to back him up in a pinch. Gotta say, he was somewhat smart considering who exactly he could end up fighting. Before Anthony could tell me more, Giovanni walks in.

Giovanni: We've arrived.

So he does talk. Not sure if I want him too though. He sounds like a serious smoker. That could be a reason for why he wears that breather mask though. Might have lung issues. We all head to the front, coming across the other 3 in the Com room.

Anthony: Alright gang. Our job is simple and clear. Kill the Commander while causing as much damage as safely possible.

AJ: How safe can we be?

Anthony: Safe enough that we don't have an army on our heads. This ship does have a bit of a process till it's safe to be in.

Jayce: Noted. What exactly are we moving around in.

Anthony: The Environment is a mountain side platform with an Obelisk at it's center. This Obelisk acts as the point of command for the demons. Allowing for annoying stuff like communication and an eagle eye view. Without the assigned demon commander, they cease function. We normally destroy them anyway. Credo says it's about keeping the ground from being tainted.

Y/N: So I'm guessing that Void Energies could corrupt the land and make it more unnatural and probably less helpful.

Anthony: More than likely but we have yet too see any signs of major corruption. Mostly due to us getting pushed back so much lately. Steel Squad should be holding their ground right now so it'll be our job to take out their main problem.

AJ: Then lets get a move on then.

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