Chapter 55. Ixtal Adventure

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This morning was a little awkward. We managed to wake up before anyone came in. Can't really make an excuse for the stains other than we sweat a lot. Which would've been a lie considering it was like 69 degrees. Ahri arrived shortly afterward with a bag of clothes for Kai'sa though she looked kinda upset. I tried asking her about it but all I got was a mumble. Something about a heat? I'm sure she'll come around eventually.

Once Kai'sa was discharged, we met with everyone else, including this cool pirate lady Ahri knows.

Marco: Okay so we gonna vote on food now?

Ekko: Come down there chunky. Food will eventually come so just be patient.

Marco: I'm not that fat.

Y/N: He big bone.

Marco: If I had a big bone, I'm fairly certain I'd have broke it by now.

Sona: I don't mind his shape. Kinda works with the haircut.

Marco: I always keep it short. Brings out my freckles more.

Ms. Fortune: He's not wrong. In fact, it's almost a literal statement.

Evelynn: Alright, everyone focus. Ixtal is a place very few can visit but since we came here to see the end of the war we get front line service to a lot of places. Kai'sa, where would you like too eat?

Kai'sa: Oh um......

Now that I think about it, I don't think Ixtal has anything but high dining places. I doubt we'll find a fast food restaurant here.

Yasuo: Just found out some info you all might liketo know. The lower parts of the city is where 'low quality' stuff can be found. They got a Golden Coral up towards the north.

Kai'sa: Lets just do that then.

???: Got room for a bunch more?

We all turn and see the rest of my former team. Giovanni was actually present this time.

AJ: We all pretty much had the same idea huh? Sticking to Ixtal for a bit. Turns out, War Heroes get a discount on hotel rooms.

Evelynn: I'm making a mental note of that.

Jayce: We were just about to head out and find a place to eat until we saw a transforming Camaro parked next to a suspiciously large group of people.

Bumblebee honked his horn at Jayce. No doubt to display dominance! Jayce wasn't buying it though. We all load up in separate vehicles and head over to the Golden Coral. There, we all decided to eat like kings and queens. And god damn, this food is awesome! They serve Fried Chicken as a breakfast item here so that means the legendary combination of Chicken and Waffles can be done. Qiyana ends up comparing it too pineapple on pizza and that topic spiraled out of control. Akali looked as if she was about to throw hands with Senna when the latter said spaghetti was the superior ramen. I miss these days. Anthony looked like he was really enjoying himself too. That was good to see. He deserves this kind of atmosphere in his life. Giovanni on the other hand, I never saw him take of his mask yet..... He had like 5 empty plates at his spot, what the hell!? I even watched him come back with all those plates of food.

AJ: You know, the only thing we're missing is alcohol. Who could drink more whiskey, me or Lucian?

Lucian: Please, as if you can hold candle to me. I had drinking problems when I was younger so I adapted pretty quickly.

Senna: You still drink a lot you know?

Lucian: Only because Yasuo won't stop keeping the cabinet full.

Yasuo: So you are the one drinking my Goblin Snots!

Lucian: It's a good drink. What else can I say?

Qiyana: It is a pretty good alcoholic beverage.

As we're all having a good time, Giovanni walks up too us with his unreadable expression as usual.

Giovanni: Pardon my interruption but I have to be going.

Anthony: Something come up?

Giovanni: No.

He walks away, leaving everyone confused.

Ezreal: I think that's the most he's ever talked.

Ahri: I wonder why he had to leave.

Sera: Well whatever it is, we should finish up too. Ixtal won't explore itself.

Akali: Girl has a point. I wanna know what this Goblin Snot is too.

We finish up our meals and head out. We decided to explore that particular stretch of the city and end up splitting into our usual groups. Marco ends up with Sona, Bumblebee and everyone else who isn't apart of a band. I mean, I'm not part of one either but I work for one which is kinda similar. We roam around and see the beautiful sights of the religious capital. According to Runeterra history, Ixtal is possibly the oldest capital. Competing with Shurima of course but the capital of the deserts hasn't been heard from in a long time. I'm sure its just them keeping to themselves. Shurima certainly is different from the other capitals.

We pass by a district filled with cats? Lots of walking, talking cat people.

Evelynn: Interesting. They have a Palico District.

Sera: What's a Palico?

Evelynn: They are a race of evolved cats called Felyne and they can grow up in one of two ways. They either are tribe like and stick to themselves or what we see before us. They are a race that are indebted to kind hearts very easily. They mostly just do what can be called slave work.

Y/N: Slave work? That sounds horrible.

Evelynn: A nicer and more accurate way to put it would be servants. Those who aren't feral can easily fit the roles.

Ahri quickly clings to her with those irresistible puppy eyes.

Ahri: Can we have one pleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeee!!!!

Evelynn: Hmm.... We could make use of one and they don't require pay....

Kai'sa: If we don't pay them, what exactly do they want for compensation?

Evelynn: That I don't know. We should just look around until we found one that suits our fancy.

We search around, earning a lot of meows and bows from the Palicos. They all were really cute and friendly. Kinda weird that they choose to serve so willingly but Eve did mention that they are easily indebted to kind hearts. Good thing we have a whole group of people like that. Ahri then lets out a loud squeal and runs up to one sitting to the side.

Ahri: You are so adorable! The suit is perfect on you!Palico: Thank you meo'am

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Ahri: You are so adorable! The suit is perfect on you!

Palico: Thank you meo'am.

Oh my god it meows with words close enough to the word. Does that mean it calls its master Meowster? That sounds dumb coming from me.

Akali: Hey there buddy. You gotta name?

Happy: Happy.

Ahri's ears were pretty much twitching like a damn leaf in the wind. Just one minute with them is all I ask.

Evelynn: Tell me Happy, do you happen to have a master?

Happy: Not anymore....

His name was Happy yet this whole time he seemed sad. Why did this make me so sad? Cause I don't like seeing upset animals! What kinda of heartless monster would enjoy such a sight? Eve then leans down to him.

Evelynn: What happened to them?

Happy: They came to fight in the war but never came back. I was left here by meoy lonesome.

Damn, that's tough. Even Ahri was upset by that. He had nowhere to go but here. Something tells me a lot of the Felynes here have similar issues. If only we can take all of them!

Evelynn: Well, we're in need of someone to help take care of our home. If we gave you that position, what would you want in return?

Happy titled his head from side to side. Once he comes to a stop, he hops up.

Happy: I want to be part of a family.

Ahri's ears perks up as she practically scooped him from the ground.

Ahri: We'll gladly be your family! You're name's Happy after all so we'll make sure that name rings true.

Happy: Meow!

Me and Sera share a laugh at how silly Ahri looked in that moment. I'm glad Xanders didn't change her that much. I hope Kai'sa turns out the same way.

Logan: Fun Interlude stuff! I never got a response when I asked about the Palico a while ago so I took matters into my own feathers and gave them their own Felyne butler. Enjoy any of the references I made in this chapter? No? Well I'm gonna keep doing it just too annoy you then. I'm a villain character, not a hero. The hero would be my arch nemesis Captain Colorblind.

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