Chapter 70. No Room for Failure

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Third Person POV

The Void suffered a crippling blow on Runeterra. Never had they been so horribly defeated. Normal campaign length would range at about 12 years before the Void fully consumed a planet should Bastion be unable to stop them. Runeterra staved them all in a single country for over 4 years. This was an embarrassment to all that they stood for. Chaos and Blood. No demons were more furious than the Void Lords. Powerful demons with great influence within the Void. As they waged war through out the cosmos, few had little time to care at first until the full news reached them.

Most of them were rather unpleased, some didn't care and others wanted to show the true, unrelenting might of the Void. However, to do so, they would need another Void Gate. Without a Gate, they couldn't possibly launch another full scale attack. Icathia's World Rune was also locked away so they couldn't use it. The other World Runes were available but due to Vel'kozs failure to win, it costs them every chance to take them. The most they could do were small operations. Right now, at a tall tower in one of the darker parts of the Void, a Void Lord and his best were looking at the corpse of the Eye. He was rather unpleased.

??? What a waste. Too think we put someone as ignorant at this one in charge.

Two of his servants were currently kneeling before his throne. An Archvile and Baron of Hell.

 An Archvile and Baron of Hell

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Baron: And to think, some actually thought he was Void Lord material

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Baron: And to think, some actually thought he was Void Lord material.

???: Do not underestimate his intelligence Baron. His research brought about the Void Bringers. Assets we could make use of and more troops for our numbers. That doesn't excuse his inability to lead a war however.

Archvile: If I may speak master.

???: Speak.

Archvile: During the retreat, one of the lesser demons claimed to have seen a Reincarnator. She had golden eyes.

The Void Lord leaned down from his throne, his interest raised.

Archvile: They say her aura was fierce and powerful and radiated lust. A succubus no doubt.

???: Interesting. Most Reincarnators or Worldborne remain far away from our activities if they are able. 

Baron: What is so important about a single succubus?

Archvile: I believe she is Evelynninye Krydashi Huldina.

The Void Lord immediately shot up from his throne, his sword appearing in hand. If his face could appear angry, it would be indescribable.

???: The Eldest Daughter of Succubi. How is it she still lives?

Archvile: I do not know master.

Baron: Eldest daughter of Succubi? You mean one of the oldest demons to live?

???: Indeed Baron. If this traitor still breathes. Bring her too me.

Archvile: You wish not to silence her?

???: No. She possesses too much knowledge on these humans. We have seen their potential first hand. If she is amongst these humans than she wields this same power and with it, this knowledge. You two have your task. Complete it by any means necessary and take the machine with you.

Baron: Do we have to take him?

Archvile: He is not trustworthy.

???: No, he isn't but he is a resource that I intend to use. Should he show signs of betrayal. Kill him.

The two nod and leave to set out on their mission.

Archvile POV

As we walked down the corridor, I sensed my partners unease and annoyance.

Archvile: You are troubled Baron.

Baron: The same could almost be said for you.

Archvile: I'm merely concerned with the completion of our task. How we do so is a problem.

Baron: Well if we plan to utilize the bucket of bolts then we should have him scout out first. Perhaps try and locate where she resides.

Archvile: You understand what you are asking?

Baron: I simply wish that he not bother me all day. He has quite the arrogant mouth.

We kept on going until we reached the right level. This one was a mostly empty floor with a large balcony. It allowed us to see a Black Lake where damned souls were left to drown. Someone would be lucky and reach the surface. If they didn't get immediately eaten, they would later. Or survive long enough to be made into Void Bringers. They'll wish for the mercy of the latter. As we approached the balcony. A jet came up and transformed in front of us.

 A jet came up and transformed in front of us

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Archvile: Starscream. I assume you were picking off stragglers from the Lake?

Starscream: I have to make sure my systems are fully operational. It isn't every day you come back from the dead.

Baron: You're lucky our master saw use for you. I would've made you a chew toy too the beast master's pets.

Starscream: Archvile, muzzle your dog.

Archvile: Both of you can remain silent.

Starscream: But of course.

Archvile: We have a task to complete. Our lord wants us to locate and bring him a succubus residing on Runeterra.

Starscream: I would assume she had something to do with my fellow transformers dying?

Archvile: It is possible.

Starscream: Then please, tell me what I must do to find her. I must thank her in person.

His voice was defiantly annoying. More of snake than a Void Powered Jet. No doubt he plans to deceive my master. He'll probably try to kill me and Baron off and take the succubus to him personally. I'll make sure too kill him before we return. With him, we make our way to the bottom floor and onto the bridge. We couldn't take many demons with us but I was certain on the choices I made. Once I had gathered them and totaled our team up to 6, I open a Void Rift and we step threw. Watch yourself Evelynninye. Elga Masquerade will have what he wants.

Logan: Oh shit son. Get your asses ready. Shit is about to get SPICY!!!

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