Chapter 83. Together

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My eyes shoot open and I see I'm in a realm of pure white. It's oddly soothing. Upon looking around more, I see a darkness out of the edge of my vision. When I turn to look at it, it's nothing but an entire realm of pitch black and in it...

Dark Y/N: So it looks like you finally made it.

Y/N: You...?

Dark Y/N: Yes me. Did you already forget Light?

Y/N: What.... happened....

Dark Y/N: Thresh happened Light. Kicked both our asses and killed just about everyone you cared about.

I look at him and remember that image before all that pain. As fear and sorrow crept in, my side of being slowly overtaken but a smack from the other me quickly replaced it all with anger.

Y/N: What was that for!?

Dark Y/N: For losing focus dimwit! If you knew how we worked then you'd understand the situation you're in.


Dark Y/N: Yes, situation.

Y/N: Wait... Did you just read my mind?

He then deadpans his expression at me.

Dark Y/N: We are literally the same person at this very moment... Of course I know what you're thinking!!

Y/N: So.... What are you...?

Dark Y/N: Figures you wouldn't remember. I'm your dark half. While you were born with Light, as some prophecy foretold, I was born in your shadow. Always watching from this world but could never interact.

Then it all hit me. Every moment I was enraged and blacked out. I threatened to hurt Ahri. I almost killed Kai'sa. It was almost too much to bare but I got another smack to the face and the realms balanced themselves.

Y/N: Can you stop with the smacking!?

Dark Y/N: Hey, I'm having fun doing it and you've made a lot of terrible decisions in your life. You've earned each smack you get.

Y/N: Is this how I'm going to die?! Remembering things I'll regret in death and get berated by you of all people?

Dark Y/N: Of all people!? So you got some fightin words huh?

Y/N: Why am I even bothering to speak with you...?

Dark Y/N: Because this is the end Light. We're mere moments from dying cause you fucked up.

Y/N: I fucked up? How was I suppose to not fuck up!?

Dark Y/N: By not being stupid and actually paying attention to your problem. You had what two nightmares that warned you about this and you still didn't do anything? Dumbass.

Y/N: I can see why you're my shadow now. You're the type of guy who would sulk over absolutely nothing too look cooler.

Dark Y/N: Wow! Way to call me edgy, Light!

The rest was silence.... Until we shared a laugh.

Dark Y/N: So I bet you're wondering what's next.

Y/N: We lost... We can't do anything....

Dark Y/N: We did lose... Pretty badly if I may add.... I spent all my time in here, training. Trying to get stronger but as it would turn out, Dark Control is far different from Light Control.

Y/N: So how do we fix this? Or, better yet. Can we fix this?

Dark Y/N: Sure we can.

Y/N: Huh?

Dark Y/N: What? Were you actually expecting a no? And here I thought you were the optimist.

Y/N: No, I'm more curious about how.

He holds his hand out, just scratching the line between our realms.

Dark Y/N: We're two souls in one body. Yin and Yang to one another. This is our last chance Light. If we don't do this or this crazy idea of mine doesn't work. Well.... You can say goodbye too everything living...

I take in what he just said and look down at his hand. Two souls. Yin and Yang. We mirror each other but never once face the other. If what he's suggesting is true...

Y/N: Will we be able too....

Dark Y/N: Doubt it.

Y/N: Right... What will we become? Personality wise.

Dark Y/N: I don't know man.

I nod and take his hand.

And just like that. Everything in my vision was literally black and white.

Third Person POV

Ghouls poked at the body. Checking too see if he was still breathing. They all let out a low laugh and went to feast on his corpse. But then his eyes shot open, reducing half of them too nothing and the others were dragged down into darkness.

He slowly gets up and sees that there is no blood on him. No pain. He looks up to the corpses of his loved ones. His right eye was E/C and it shed a tear. His left eye that was red did not. Above it was a streak of white in all of his H/C hair. He looks over to the nearby summit. A pillar of dark energy, mixing with the souls of the damned. The pressure was intense but it didn't phase him.

He made his way to the summit and as he reached the first step upward...

The final battle began.

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