Final Notes (Had to repost cause I forgot stuff)

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Yeah, I forgot a lot of stuff cause work scattered my brain and rereading this now showed me enough. All new stuff will be at the bottom.

So I bet you're all thinking the same thing....


Yes, this book is getting a sequel and before you ask. NO, I don't plan to do it for a while for a number of reasons.

The first reason is age. This book is only 2 and a half months old and people are still finding this book. If I rush the sequel out, death knows what'll happen. I can't imagine they'll be good.

The second reason is other projects. I really want to get back to other projects like The Exalted Blade of Overwatch. That picked up popularity lately and was the original book of my Profile. For those wondering, no, Overwatch plays little role in the grand scheme of things. They are just there for the ride and to help out.

Dark Savior (Demon Reader x K/DA) is now in production now that I've decided on what I'm going to do. I'll warn you that this book will have a lot of dark and sad moments. You've been warned.

Apex High Schooler is at the forefront of my mind rn so that's where all my work will go towards it.

Hero of the Stars is the first book I've ever completed obviously and its taught me a lot about writing and how my style should be. This book will probably be the most popular for a while but I can't help but think it isn't really deserved. This book suffers a lot of flaws that I could've very easily fixed. Hence one of the reasons the Sequel will exist.

The Sequel is meant to tie up loose ends. The unexplored relationship with Caitlyn, Vi and Jinx. The ending to Evelynn's arc. Ahri's baby and for those who didn't put it together with the hint I dropped, the Summoners.

I also may stockpile on on the sequel chapters and make sure I know what I'm doing cause the start of this book is a little rough given that I have two separate phases for the Foundation Chapters. It isn't easy. Harder than the last chapters of this book really. Really though, I want to focus on other projects rn. You guys know the sequel is on the way so you don't have to worry.

But now that that's out of the way, lets start dicussions!

Who was your favorite character in this book?

Which was the best arc?

How would you rank this book amongst the other K/DA books?

What are your criticisms on the book? I'll allow this now that it's finished. Don't worry about me, I can take the heat..... Most of the time.

What was your favorite part of the whole book?

LET ME KNOW!!! I really like talking with you guys. This book pretty much opened me to a completely new realm of things to explore.

Now I can pair my story writing mind with my gaming hands to fill my time when I'm not busy.

I'm gonna be going strong on here for a long while. Maybe even till the site gets taken down. Lets hope that never happens.

Who was your favorite villain?

Remember how I said you'd get to choose the guy/gal for Revenant of the Mansion (Code Vein X Creepypasta) as the romance? Well you get too now.

Male options include

Slenderman - Jeff the Killer - Laughing Jack

Female options include

Nurse Ann - Clockwork - Jane the Killer

Remember that you can only have one from these six as I'd rather not have to do a big ass reverse harem. Also a reminder that the reader is female cause I don't want to feel sexist about only having male reader inserts. This book btw is still under a large amount of construction as making this book work in my style is actually quite difficult. I may even include other killers from other things like Dead By Daylight, Friday the 13 and a few others. Though, then I'd have to replace the Creepypasta with something like Fictional Killers or something IDK.

I've got 2 more K/DA books in the making but I have no clue as too when they'll come out. I'll announce information in one of my books should I feel the need.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the book!

Logan out!

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now