Chapter 26. Farewell Hextech Academy

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The time has come for us to leave Hextech Academy for good. Thank god. I mean I don't hate school but this shit got old pretty quickly. Especially after failing to graduate last year. I am very thankful for the help I got from Sera and Marco. I'd still be here if it wasn't for them.

???: Hey Man of Light! Looks like you finally managed to pull it off.

I turn my head to see my old school rival and friend.

Y/N: Well if it isn't the Defender of Tomorrow! How have you been man?Jayce: Better than you after a Proto-Drake roasted your ass

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Y/N: Well if it isn't the Defender of Tomorrow! How have you been man?

Jayce: Better than you after a Proto-Drake roasted your ass.

Y/N: Hey! I almost had it.

Jayce: Sure, sure.

Y/N: Hows the rich boy graduate life treating you?

Jayce: It's been pretty good. I heard an incident with Xanders Corp came up and they're having too shut down so Giopara Industries is having to step up to the plate.

Y/N: Can you and your old man even handle the position?

Jayce: It'll be tough but we take some lessons from you.

Y/N: Oh please. You're gonna make me blush.

Jayce: Save the fangirling for when you see me at the beach young man.

We both share a life and a quick fist bump. I always wanted to knock his perfect teeth in but Jayce is a pretty good guy once you get too know em. Though he's got a bit of pride issue going on. One I regularly exploited, hehe. Course I ended up failing last year and he left me in the dust. Guess the mutual respect we have is still there if he's here to see me off. Speaking of which, I need to find Marco and Sera. After a quick search, I find them in the main auditorium with a fanboy I typically avoid, Ezreal Lightfeather.

 After a quick search, I find them in the main auditorium with a fanboy I typically avoid, Ezreal Lightfeather

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Ezreal: Huh? Oh Hey Man of Light!

Y/N: Sup Ezreal.

Sera: Come on, don't sound so deflated about him being here. He worked hard to graduate.

Marco: Unlike you....

Y/N: What was that?

Marco: I said I can't hear you from down there.

Y/N: Speak of boy, I can't hear you from up there!

Another laugh is shared. Feels weird knowing we won't be sharing these here anymore. As much as I hated school, the memories are still there. Weird.

Ezreal: So I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out after the ceremony. Catch up on things.

Y/N: As much as I would love too, I got plans. Well, not me but someone else....

Marco then looks at Sera with a pleading look. She easily gives in as she knows what's been planned.

Sera: Well me and Marco would be glad to go with you.

Ezreal: Awesome! Kinda bummed out the coolest guy in the school can't come...

Y/N: oh no more flattery. I'll make it up too you somehow, I promise.

Ezreal: Can you help me with my trainer? I plan to become a freelancer soon so I can help you out.

Y/N: I'm not sure if I have enough time for that but I'll see what I can do.

Ezreal: Sweet! Call me and let me know. I know you tend to stay busy.

Just then Principal Fiora walked up to us.

Fiora: It's time to get ready for the Ceremony children. Get to back stage and in proper attire.

We give her a 'Yes Ma'am' in unison and do as we're told. Along the way and see the K/DA girls in the crowd. They spot us and wave, well except Eve who was staring at me with her signature smirk. I might not sleep tonight.


Sera: Hey Y/N, we gotta get ready to go. The Graduation Ceremony is later today.

Y/N: Alright, just let me grab my phone and I'll be down.

I went over to my room to grab my phone since I left it on the charger. What's weird was, it wasn't on the charger. I then felt a chill on spine and arms wrapping around me. Why does she do this?

Y/N: How and why do you always do that?

Eve: I do it because I can. Looking for something~?

Just breathed down on my neck, almost making me giggle cause it tickles.

Eve: Because I found what I'm looking for~.

Y/N: E-Eve....

Eve: I have to pay you back for saving Gumiho. I was thinking... A night of just two of us~.

Stutters are the only thing coming from my lips. This seems to have gotten Evelynns attention.

Eve: Is that a yes, my little hero~?

I'll be honest with myself. I've been curious about experiencing that but I've never done it before and Eve looks like she'd be a predator tearing apart it's prey. I gulped before finally saying.

Y/N: Be gentle.... Please....

I couldn't see it but I could sense the smile she had on her face. Something tells me to run for the hills but I don't know if I can or want to do that.

Back in the Present

The Ceremony proceeded as follows. Fiora calls us out. Hands us our diploma and shakes our hand. We give a speech and then we leave the stage. Marco seemed a little nervous cause he hates stages but with a little reassurance he was ready for when he was called. Once it was my turn, I did as the procedure told. Once it got to the speech part, I had nothing planned cause I never liked giving speeches but I had something in mind. I told the people that I would continue to study and put them to use in helping make Piltover a safer place. I wasn't sure how true that was since I still caused a lot of trouble. Once everything was said and done I went and met with the girls.

Ahri: Great speech. When did you have time to write it?

Y/N: I winged it. Speeches aren't really my thing.

Akali: I'd say it was pretty good all things considered.

I looked around and didn't see Evelynn anywhere so I asked where she went. They told me she went home to get ready for something. She wouldn't say what it was but I already knew. I quickly told them that I'd go on home too see if she needed help. When I arrived at the Penthouse, everything was dark and cold. Like no one had been here in years. Out of the corner of my eye, I see those piercing golden eyes. They were coming from behind the door of a room. Her room to be precise. Once they disappeared into the darkness, I gulped and followed. Once I was in the room, the chill was even worse. Like death was breathing down my neck. I couldn't see her but I knew she was here. All of sudden the door closed and the lock clicked. When I turned to see her, my eyes widened in a mix of horror and excitement. She just stood there in see threw black lace undergarments.

Eve: Hello Darling~.

A/N: Gonna come clean here. I got a little lazy with this chapter. This was really just meant to introduce a couple of characters and setup for the Lemon. I also had a couple of IRL issues with my dentures. Looks like I got a bit of a bone issue that is preventing me from wearing them. Problems problems. I also was about to be forced into a week long vacation by my Grandmother. As much as I want to get out of the house, my dentures come first before anything else so I'll still be able to update.

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