Chapter 3. Piltover Concert Night

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Sera POV

School was now finishing up and the Limo would be arriving in just a few minutes. Y/N Decided to stick with us before he headed off the the PLE Precinct for Freelancer duty. Wonder how he'll end up on the news this time. It was nice of him to let me go with Marco, neither one of us were particularly interested in one another but I knew Marco was smart cause Y/N wouldn't have made it this far otherwise.

Y/N: I see your ride. Nice purple body and golden rims. Seems like the K/DA style.

Sera: I cannot wait to meet them! Do you think I should share my cover of their song?

Marco: Shoot your shot. Better them admit that they hate it then hoping they like it and not get an answer.

Well that was kinda depressing but he does have a point. From what I've learned, Marco is a realist to a T. Never afraid to say what's on his mind and though he seems pretty miserable sometimes I have seen him enjoy himself before. Maybe I'll get a moment like that with him tonight.

The Limo rolls up, stopping in front of us. A Security guard with K/DA logo on his right arm strap came out of the front seat and approached us. I saw his tag and learned that his name is Morty

Morty: Hello, I'm looking for the VIP Ticket winner, would any of you three happen to be them?

Marco: That'd be me.

Morty: Alrighty then. You can only take 1 person with you so-

Y/N: It's okay sir. I'm only here to see them off.

Morty nods and leads me and Marco into the van. This place looked like it was it's own little home. The seats were black and opposite of the largest seat was a bar that looked like it was made of pure gold. The floor had a nice glowing purple hue to it. Thankfully it wasn't overpowering but it did light it up just enough to see everything. The final thing it had was a TV with the latest Consoles, including the PS5.

Sera: Y/N would be furious if he saw that.

Marco: Still hasn't gotten his? Mine came in last week. Don't tell him I said that though.

Sera: Lips are sealed.

Morty: We'll be arriving in 15 minutes. Would you like to listen too some music?

Marco: Got a suggestion?

Sera: Can you play "When I Grow Up"?

Morty: Good choice. Always my first pick for rides like this.

A/N: I feel as if someone is staring daggers into me for this.

Marco: That's a very nice song. Might add it to my playlist.

Morty: You listen to a lot of music son?

Marco: Plenty. As long as the song holds meaning than I can be invested.

As long as the song holds meaning huh? I knew he was smart but that felt deep. Maybe that's why I feel so connected to K/DA's music. They sing with such passion and meaning. Before I knew it, we were at the concert, exiting the limo and entering the empty VIP lane. We got some stares and even some hostile shouts but they were just jealous.

Morty: This here is the restroom. Better use it now before the concert starts.

Marco: I'll take you up on that.

He walks in and Morty turns to me.

Morty: I'll lead you too the VIP seating and come back for him. Follow me.

I nod and follow him to the VIP Seats. This was pretty much up front seats but away from the main crowd. We'll literally be just a few feet from the Idols. I can hardly contain my excitement.

Morty: Drinks will be provided, I'll go grab your friend. What do you want to drink?

Sera: I'll just take a water.

Morty: Alright, I'll be right back.

He leaves the room so I decide to take a seat. Just 10 minutes from now and I'll see them performing. I wish I didn't have to wait. This was going to be amazing and I even get to meet them afterwards.

???: Only 1 VIP, you know you could've brought someone with you right?

I quickly snap my head behind me too see.... Oh my god it's Akali! EEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Calm down Seraphine. Don't freak out, just act normal and don't be weird.

Sera: I-I didn't come alone, he's in the restroom. Morty went to find him.

Akali: That so? Well we hope you enjoy the concert. I'm gonna get back to the girls before I get an earful from Eve. Cya backstage!

She disappears in a puff of smoke right before my very eyes. I slump into my seat, hand over my chest where my heart is. It's beating at a million miles an hour. I managed to not make a fool out of myself in front of one of the idols. Mission Accomplished! The hear the door open and close. It was Morty and Marco. Marco had a water bottle and a Coke Cola in his hands.

Morty: The Concert starts soon. Enjoy yourselves. I'll be back after the concert to show you two to the Idols backstage.

Sera: Thanks Morty!

He nods and leaves. Marco takes the seat next to me and hands me the water bottle. I quickly open it and take a sip. So refreshing.

Marco: Think you can radiate anymore excitement?

Sera: Am I really that excited?

Marco: Yeah and it's contagious. I knew I should have been vaccinated before coming here.

I laugh and playfully shove his shoulder. He grins and then turns his attention to the stage. The concert was starting and the crowd was getting hyped up. The stage goes dark and in the middle stood a single figure. A light shines down on her. She spreads her 9 shining crystal tails and holds her hands out too the crowd.

Ahri: Welcome to K/DA's Piltover Concert everyone!

The crowd screams her names. The comments range from autographs too much more.. questionable requests....

Then a shadow lurked onto the stage behind Ahri. Two lashers raised above her but quickly retracted behind her. Walking out form behind her was Evelynn herself, she slightly turns her head to the crowd, the Diva like expression very much present on her face.

Evelynn: Hello, my darlings~.

The screaming resumed and so did the requests.... People are really weird. I can see a deadpanned look on Marco's face. Even he was disturbed by this. Then beams of light swirled around the two girls before wrapping into an orb. It then burst forth in beautiful fashion and a familiar figure hovered down to Ahri's side opposite of Evelynn.

Kai'sa: How are all you people doing tonight?

The crowd gave the biggest cheer they've given so far but we all knew the biggest was yet to come. An animated dragon then appeared on the wall behind them. It roared and then swirled around before slamming into the floor and out popped the fan favorite.

Akali: Wassup y'all!

Thunderous roars could be heard as everyone screamed 'AKALI'. The girls all waved to the crowded, big smiles on all their faces. They looked absolutely gorgeous.

Ahri: Special thanks too the VIP Winner at Hextech Academy.

A light shines down on us. I waved while Marco just shakes his head.

Ahri: With all that out of the way. Let the show begin!

Marco POV

All their songs up to this point were all amazing. So much passion and meaning was behind every word. You could feel the emotion coming out of the words but the best was saved for last.

Ahri: It's been fun putting on this show for you all but all good things come to an end. That's why we saved the best for last!

Seraphine was pretty much a squealing mess after that and I was dumbstruck. That was Perfect! The choreography and clever usage of Akali's rapping made for the perfect ending too the concert but for me and Seraphine, it was far from over. We heard the door open so we both turned to see Morty.

Morty: I hope you two enjoyed the concert. Come on, let me show you too the idols.

We both nod and throw our trash away in the nearby bin. Following him backstage, we notice a group of men in front of a door with a star on it. Looks like trouble was brewing.

(RG = Random Guy)

RG1: Come, the idols are inside. Lets deal with the VIPs later.

RG2: They'll be here any moment now.

Morty: And this is why I'm around. You two stay here, this'll take just a moment.

We watch him walk over too the group and engage in conversation. They didn't seem to friendly about it so I'm assuming Morty told them to leave. One of them threw at a punch at him but he teleported behind him and kicked him in the back. He then created 2 clones and they jumped the other 2 guys. The fight was pretty one sided. Morty seemed pretty good with his clones and teleportation. His clones dragged the 3 beaten guys away while the real one approached us.

Morty: Sorry for the wait. The Idols will see you now.

He gestures too the door and we walked up. I didn't need to look at Seraphine too feel her excitement. I myself was nervous. Why did Y/N have to not get it? I understand he's always been that way but he really needs to reward himself sometime.

Morty opens the door and we enter. The door closes behind us and there they were. Akali was leaned against a wall while Kai'sa and Evelynn were sitting on a couch. Ahri came up to us with her big smile.

Ahri: I hope you two enjoyed the concert. Now how about proper introduction?

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon