Chapter 75. Forcing Them Out

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It was late at night and we were back at the penthouse. I was laying next to Ahri who had just got done with her shower. Her wet hair was currently wrapped up in a towel and we were watching Hamtaro. This was her favorite show when she was growing up. Watching it with her right now really showed a playful, childlike side of her. It was honestly really sweet and heartwarming. Soon enough though, she fell asleep so I turned the TV off and begin to make her more comfortable. Starting by removing the towel and letting her hair free, covering her with a blanket and finishing with a kiss on her forehead. As much as I wanted to stay and sleep with her, I'm afraid duty called and I promised to tell the others what was going on.

I head over to Eves room and give it a knock. I hear a faint come in and I open the door. She was currently reading a book but set it aside and turned her attention to me.

Eve: Something you need darling?

Y/N: Just gathering everyone up. Ahri is already asleep which works out cause I don't want her knowing this. If she gets caught up in it...

Eve: Easy darling. Ahri may be pregnant but that doesn't mean she can't fight. I myself am against the idea as well but I know how tough and stubborn she can be.

Y/N: Then I suppose that means when she wakes up, you'll tell her everything I'm about to tell you.

Eve: Precisely darling.

I gesture her to follow me and she does so. I gather the others real quick and gather them in the living room.

Sera: So what's up Y/N?

I take a deep breath and looked towards Evelynn. She suddenly has a hint of worry on her face.

Y/N: We were conducting a routine patrol near Zaun since they have been showing increased activity. Turns out they were being convinced and forced to work under demons.

Kai'sa: W-what..?

Y/N: They came here for someone else Bokkie.

Eve: I see now...

Akali: Eve?

Eve: Do you know their intentions?

Y/N: No but the others might be figuring that out right now. Right now, my job as a bodyguard comes before Freelancer. I won't let them lay a finger on you all. Especially you Eve.

She pulls me into a hug and kiss with her lasher before I could even blink. Instead of trying to dominate me like she always does, the kiss was gentle and loving. When she pulled back, she stared into my eyes.

Eve: I know darling. We're safe from danger but just know that we can fight too. You are not alone in this.

Y/N: I don't want any of you getting hurt.

Akali: Relax Light. I was the one who saved you after all. None of us are slouches.

Y/N: I still never properly thanked you for that.

Akali: Properly?

I couldn't see it but I felt Eve's smirk punching a hole into my soul. I was actually just going to share my ramen recipe but now that I think about it.... I haven't done it with her yet and she may feel left out... Maybe tomorrow...? I'll have to ask her... Just then Akali started to blush as well and shook her head. Thank god no one decided to make things awkward.

Y/N: Anyway, I'm gonna stay up a little longer. Eve, could you sleep with Ahri for me? That way I can watch you both.

Eve: Of course darling. You're free to join us~.

God, that is tempting. Maybe later within the night er... early morning.

Kai'sa: Since you'll be here with us, care to help with the dance choreography? I'm sure it'll be wonderful to explore our passion together.

Y/N: That I can behind. You head back at 9 right?

Akali: Yeah... UGH, not enough sleep!

When we get a mansion in the future, we'll defiantly need to look into a very large bed. I'm sure they'll play the card of cuddling and sleeping with me in the same bed would do wonders for them. I am fully with this plan cause I love cuddling and sleeping with them. It's really nice and helps my own battery stay charged.

Sera: We should be getting to bed now anyways. Happy, care to join me? We're sorry we haven't gotten you your own sleeping place yet.

Happy: Nyaot a problem.

While she and Happy go off to her room, I give Eve a kiss. I follow this up by giving Rogue and Bokkie kisses too. Akali had a bit of a blush, knowing exactly what I was thinking but I do need to save it for another time. They each go to bed while I remain in the kitchen. I fix me up something nice to eat. How about some good old F/F. That always hits the spot.

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