Chapter 32. Family Time

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Logan: The start too all Monster Hunter games for me are always rough. For Rise, I proceeded to get sat on by a Honey Bear for thirty minutes straight. Also, don't expect any of that April Fools day shit with me. Whoever invented it can fuck off cause it ain't funny.

Seraphine POV

We're here to stay for a few nights. We didn't have a lot of places to sleep but Y/Ns parents tried to make it as comfortable for us as possible. I'll admit, I didn't expect the girls to take to this so kindly. I expected Eve to flip out at the idea but she was okay with it. Right now, Y/N was outside with his Dad, getting the next batch of berries to harvest. After a little bit, the rest of us decided to join them.

Amy: Ahri, dear. You have to make sure the soil is properly dampened for that particular seed. We use the soil near the river.

Ahri: How hard is this suppose to be?

Y/N chuckles at her which she, thanks to her increased hearing was able too hear. The pout she made only made him laugh a little.

Y/N: Psychical labor is not easy to do or understand sometimes. Farming in particular has a lot more dots too connect. If you want, I can take care of it.

Ahri: No, I can handle it Y/N. Just trust me.

I walk over to Y/N and whisper that I'd make sure she take care of it properly. My time with Y/N gave me a few ideas on these things so I should be able to help her. We go over to the river and there was a small are fenced in next too it. Once we got down to work, I started to talk with her. She may not have looked like it but she was clearly upset about something.

Sera: Everything alright?

Ahri: Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine.

Sera: Gumiho, when has anyone ever believed that in these situations? Y/N always tries to answer honestly because...

Before I could finish, she finished for me.

Ahri: Because it's the right thing to do for yourself.

I smile a little. Y/N is starting to rub off on some of them.

Sera: So what's wrong?

Ahri: ................ It's Xanders.....

Sera: Hey, he's behind bars and Y/N is okay. Even though he only has a little bit of time left before...

She once again cuts me off but this time with more pain in her voice.

Ahri: It's none of that...! It's my fault all that happened....

Sera: Ahri...

Ahri: It was because I trusted him that it all happened. If I had simply been a little different... If I didn't trust people so easily....

Sera: Hey... Calm down okay...?

I wrap my arms around her and slowly rub her back. Trying to sooth her before Y/N finds out. I don't want them both worrying right now. Not while we're here.

Sera: I know it's hard to look back at that but I swear, things will turn out alright. I believe in Y/N. You should too.

Ahri: But what if I...

This time I cut her off.

Sera: You won't. You are the Ahri after all. You would never make that mistake again.

After a little bit more soothing. I finally let her go and she's got a much happier expression. She thanks me for the encouragement and we get back to planting. We then hear Akali burst into fits of laughter. When we turn, we see Evelynn was slightly muddy and quickly find out Y/N was the culprit.

Ahri: He's gonna die.

Sera: Yep.

She then starts chasing him around, claws out and lashers swiping. Y/Ns parents sweat dropped at the sight. Akali laughed even more, getting her own outfit dirty. Kai'sa giggled while trying to focus on the berries rather than the screaming boy and demon. She was failing. I simply scratched the back of my head while Ahri fought back her own giggles.

Today is going to be a busy day.

Timeskip brought too you by Logan playing with his Palico and Palamute.

After a disastrous 2 hours, we finally managed to properly plant all of the seeds. Who knew seed planting was so hard but hey, these berries are particular and there were a lot of them this time around according to Amy. Everyone was a mess, especially Y/N and Eve who ended up wrestling in the dirt after she finally caught him. I couldn't tell if she was enjoying it all or not but she may have second thoughts on giving Y/N a helping hand like this.

Leonardo: Okay, we only have one shower so you can decide who can go first. Me and my wife can wait our turns.

Amy: Just don't take too long or all the hot water.

Y/N: I think we should let Eve go first. As my apology.

Eve: It'll take more than a shower for me to forgive you darling.

Y/N: I didn't do it on purpose!

Akali: Tell that to a judge that does care.

We all start laughing while Evelynn goes to take a shower. While waiting in the living room, Ahri is playing with Yumi who is having the time of her life.

Akali: So what type of dragon is Yumi?

Amy: There isn't a specific name for her species yet at least, that's what we were told.

Yumi squeaks a little which earned a giggle from Ahri.

Ahri: Who's a good little dragon? You are, yes you are!

Yumi lets out a happy squeak and to this, Y/N chuckles.

Y/N: You know, when I think dragon, I don't think a dog toy that squeaks.

Yumi then looks at him furrows and puffs her chest up.

Y/N: What's she doing?

She then spits out a ball of blue energy that hits Y/N directly in the gut. He doubles over and all the wind in knocked out of his lungs from the sounds of it.

Y/N: What the... hell!?!

Yumi then makes what I assume is a 'hmph' sound while looking away like she's some sort of tsundere.

Kai'sa: S-she has quite the personality.

Amy agrees as she picks her up, much to Ahri's dismay. Y/N finally gets his bearings and stands back up.

Y/N: How strong are these things?

Amy: Well from what I know, Yumi isn't the strongest recorded dragon related species they have. Though her family tree has made a notable mark amongst them.

Y/N: I need to seriously get me one of these things.

Eve: I hope you plan to take responsibility for it's actions then.

She says as she walks back in with a fresh set of clothes on. Thank god we planned to stay for a bit. Next up was Ahri who looked more upset at having to leave Yumi than before.

Amy: Allow me to wash your clothes for you miss Evelynn.

Evelynn: Please dear, allow me. I wouldn't want my employee to think we're overworking his parents.

Leonardo: And while you two ladies were talking about it, I already placed them in the wash where it awaits the rest of the messy clothes.

Y/N: You know, I'm more than happy to do all the work.

Everyone then disagreed to that.

Y/N: Alright then...

He then takes a seat next to Akali to avoid getting Evelynns new clothes dirty. His Mom then asks a question I didn't think she'd bring up.

Amy: So what exactly are you girls to my baby boy?

Y/N: M-Mom!

Amy: I've seen how you interact with them. Them being your boss is one thing but K/DA specifically? There is no way something fishy is going on.

Leonardo: Honey, don't do this too the poor boy.

Amy: I need to know whether or not they've been up to something with him. His innocence is on the line Leo.

Y/N then breaks into a nervous sweat while Eve starts playing on her phone. His Mom then looks furious.

Amy: Y/N dear.

Y/N: Yes Mom?

Amy: What are they too you?

He doesn't answer. He simply gulps and starts sweating more.

Akali: This deserves some popcorn.

Amy then snaps her head towards her, earning 'EEP' as she tries to hide behind Y/N. I wonder if she always does that in these situations.

Kai'sa: We swear Miss L/N, we haven't done anything with your son. At least... Not all of us.

Amy narrows her eyes at Eve who is still playing on her phone. Leonardo was clearly nervous and Amy's fury was clear as day. I looked over at the clock too see it was only 2:30.

Sera: Well, this is going to be a long day.

Logan: So how would you guys feel if I gave the K/DA girls a Palico servant? Gotta have some sort of butler and we certainly ain't giving that job too Marco. Mostly cause he'd dodge that faster than the Flash gets to the friend zone and cause Sona may not let him. Next Arc will probably start in a couple of chapters and it's gonna be a long hard road for me so bear with me on it.

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