Chapter 2. One VIP Ticket

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Y/N: Ooow!!

Fiora: Late again. That is the third time this week Mr. L/N.

Y/N: I know but Highmaul was robbing the bank and I couldn't just leave the girls to try and catch them again.

Fiora: And I'm thankful you did but you are falling behind on your grades. At this rate, you won't be ready for finals next week and you'll have to redo the school year all over again.

Y/N: Why can't I just drop out? I understand my education is important but I also feel as if I don't need it for what I want to do.

Fiora: I know but rational thinking is not smart thinking. You can and will come across the situation that requires knowledge you can acquire during school hours. How do you think detectives work?

Y/N: I imagine they use some math to figure out certain details.

Fiora: That is correct but that is but one question of several I will ask you today.

Y/N: Uugh...

Fiora: I know you don't care for school but I promise that you'll get something out of it. Besides, you don't have very many friends so it can do you some good. What about that girl Seraphine?

Y/N: Her? Wouldn't say we're the most amazing friends but she likes my dances moves.

Fiora: Goes along well with her music. She's inspired by K/DA you know?

Y/N: Speaking of which, aren't you suppose to announce the Raffle winner soon?

Fiora: After we get done with this private lesson.

Y/N: Alright, alright....

Fiora: You seem awfully interested in going.

Y/N: Not really since I'm not too big into K-Pop but it never hurts to go to a concert.

I sure as hell won't be telling her that I don't plan on going even if I win. Marco could really use something like this in his life so I promised to pass it off to him if I win. After about an hour of painful lessons from Fiora she went back to her office too get the Raffle announcement ready while I head back to class.

The moment I open the door, all eyes are on me. Most of the guys are envious whereas the girls look at me with hearts in their eyes. Being the Hero of the city has weird perks. I'm the most popular guy in school though I could care less about popularity. Most bullies don't dare come out to play when I'm in area which I actually like cause I know the school won't be "proper" about bullying.

Then there's the weirdest perk of the bunch. Every girl has a thing for you. This one bothers me most cause I don't really understand having a relationship. Not saying I'm not interested even if I have to reject 3 girls a day. None of them really strike my fancy. I remember when Sera first came and all the guys were the same. Then they found out me and Sera are childhood friends.

I don't think the lovey duvey stuff would work with us either. That Ben guy at her part time job seems like a better fit. I take my seat in between Marco and Sera, all eyes still on me. OK this is officially getting awkward.

Sera: You okay Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, it's just that the staring is getting old!

I shouted and everyone immediately went back to what they were doing.

Marco: You certainly know how to convince a crowd.

Y/N: I wouldn't mind it so much if they'd stop staring so much.

Sera: Well you are the Man of Light who has a knack for helping people all over Piltover. Lets not forget how bully-free Hextech Academy is because of you.

Y/N: And then I leave for a week and all the bullying starts up again. It's like a lion amongst sheep kinda thing.

Marco: Some prove to be goats and pick fights with you. Course that story is a bit painful for some of us.

Y/N: Look man, I didn't mean to destroy your book bag. I even bought you a replacement for it.

Marco: And I thank you for that but still, that thing was limited edition and was signed.

Y/N: I'm sorry!

Marco: I forgive you but I'm never gonna let you live it down.

The speaker then turns on. Must be the announcement.

Fiora: Good afternoon students. I'm happy to announce the winner of the Raffle Prize for the K/DA VIP Ticket.

The class started whispering amongst themselves. I could already hear the girls talking about how they're gonna ask me to take them when I win.

Fiora: The winner of the raffle is....

Everyone in the class leans in except me. God, everyone looks weird doing that but it got a chuckle out of me.

Fiora: Marco Martin! Please report to my office to claim your prize.

Marco: What...?

Y/N: Good job man.

Marco: But how did...?

Y/N: Marco.

Marco: Y-yeah?

Y/N: Go and claim the ticket.

I watched him hesitantly get out of his seat and leave the room.

Sera: So are we gonna fight on who's going?

Y/N: Nope. I got a city to watch and you know more about them than me.

Sera: Ah, thank you Y/N.

Y/N: This'd be a good bonding moment for you two. Marco may be distant but he's not out of reach.

Sera: I know. Hey, how is it we've both in in your life but didn't meet until we all came here?

Y/N: Plot convenience?

Sera: This isn't an anime Y/N.

Y/N: I will have you know I wasn't thinking anime...

Sera raises an eyebrow in suspicion. The awkward silence was getting too me until I finally broke.

Y/N: I was thinking of anime....

Sera: Knew. It.

Marco POV

I walk out of class more concerned than anything. Yeah, I was a big fan K/DA but not like Seraphine. She thrives off their music and makes her own. She even did a cover that I heard Y/N listened too.

No what concerned me was the fact my ability was wrong. Foresight is a unique ability that pretty much made me the smartest person ever. I can see a week into the future but only if I came in contact with someone. I regularly check up to an hour into the future.

What I saw what Y/N getting the ticket and passing it off to me, telling me to take Seraphine with me. I know my Foresight isn't always accurate but it's rarely off. Something immediately felt wrong but I knew Y/N would just say "I'll fight it off so don't worry".

I never stopped worrying. I arrived at the Principals office with a very happy Ms. Fiora waiting for me.

Fiora: Congratulations Mr. Martin. Here's your ticket.

She holds it out and I hesitate to take it. She seems to notice and her face shows concern.

Fiora: Is something wrong?

Marco: N-no, everything's fine. I just didn't expect too win, that's all.

Fiora: Are you surprised it wasn't Y/N?

Marco: Yes actually...

Fiora: He felt like and obvious pick so I decided not too. Now, the limo will arrive at 6:30 after school and the concert starts at 7:00. You can bring one person with you and you get to meet the idols backstage. Tomorrow on Saturday, the limo will arrive at your address at 9:00 so you get too spend the entire day with the Idols. Clear?

Marco:  Yes ma'am. 

Fiora: Very good. Enjoy your time Mr. Martin.

I left and headed back too class. Upon entering, all stares were on me. Is this how Y/N feels? The main difference is that everyone looked at me with spite and envy. I thought one of the guys were gonna rush me but Y/N clears his throat and gets everyone to go back to working.

I take my seat and resume my work for class. I glance over at Y/N and I could see him doing the OK hand under his desk towards me. I really hope this is alright and that my suspicion is misplaced.

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now