Chapter 30. How about Bumblebee

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Logan: So Dawnexx asked a very curious question on what you guys should call me. If you want a bit more info on that subject, look at his comment in the last chapter. For now I think I'll just use my long lost Middle Name for my inserted moments like this. Doesn't hurt to get to know your audience better right?

Marco POV

Whelp that was a fun trip. Only problem is where I stand in all of this now. Sona has been calling me nonstop and it's starting to get annoying. Too cool off I decided to go to the local Starbucks that I was a semi-regular at. Seraphine actually worked there at one point before she started working with K/DA. Now that she's working with them, her career is showing signs of huge progress. As much as I wanted to peak into the future too see how things turn out, I really don't think I should use my powers like that. Upon arrival, I'm met with long time Starbucks veteran Ben.

Ben: Hey Marco. Here for your usual today?

Marco: I'm feeling a bit unusual today so we'll do something different.

Ben: Really? Are you sure you're Marco and not Polo?

Marco: Ben, please.

Ben: Sorry, sorry. What'll it be for today?

Marco: I'll take a Cotton Candy Frappuccino.

Ben: Coming right up.

He heads in the back too start making it. Not a lot of people were around since it was only 9:49 but that kinda works in my favor. Not a lot of people means I can get in and get out quick. Once he came back, I paid for my drink and headed out. Only to run into Sona.

Sona: Oh hi Marco!

Marco: Hey Sona.

Sona: What? Don't act like you aren't excited too see me.

Marco: I'll be honest with you Sona. As likeable as you are, I do need some me time.

Sona: I understand. Actually, I was gonna apologize for all of that.

Marco: Apology accepted.

Sona: But I didn't even...

Marco: Now now. As much as I do need me some me time, I wouldn't want to upset one of my favorite DJs.

Sona: One of your favorites?

Marco: You already know that you're number one on the list, don't even try to act like that.

Sona: How are you so fun yet not so fun at the same time?

Marco: I'm a Mood.

Sona just stuffs a laugh on that one. I really didn't want to do this but the media is about to start hounding me and I really don't want the worst case scenario. Thank god I have no problems with looking into my own future. Hey, I gotta look out for myself too keep Y/N from worrying.

Ben: Wait, is that Sona!?

Just then the few people inside started too swarm her while I stepped back. Sona quickly put on her game face and started taking pictures and selfies. Meanwhile, I moved on outside which of course craws her attention.

Sona: You were just gonna leave me?

Marco: I can't leave you if you follow me everywhere.

Sona: You're an odd one Marco.

Marco: So I've been told.

RG1: Hey, how do you know Sona?

RG2: Are you her secret love interest?

Sona then gets a massive blush that I very clearly notice. I'm more or less dumbfounded at the idea of anyone falling in love with me. I am technically a plain old teenager with serious parental issues. Just then, out of nowhere that I totally didn't see coming. The paparazzi appear out of nowhere and start taking pictures with their bright as hell camera flashes. Boy I can already imagine the hell my life is about to become. How does Y/N do this? SOna then grabs my hand and starts running off with me in tow. We eventually reach a alleyway and hide there. I knew this wasn't gonna help so I then took the lead.

Sona: What are you doing?

Marco: Trust me.

I lead us deeper in until we reach a rather empty area. This looked kinda like a storage district. We have a lot of those in Piltover but this one looked deserted. I then let go of Sona before things could get awkward like in those Anime with suppose lewd hand holding moments. Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Sona: Sorry about that. I guess I should've heeded Qiyana's warnings.

Marco: No problems here.

Mostly anyway. Just then my phone started ringing. It was Y/N and Sona seemed to notice as her eyes began to grow large.

Marco: If you squeal, I won't answer.

Sona just sticks her tongue out at me. I will admit, she is fun to have around when I actually want company.

Y/N: Hey Marco.

Marco: Hey Y/N.

Sona: Hiiiiii!

Marco: Yes, scream it to the heavens why don't ya.

Y/N: Sounds like you're having a time.

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