Chapter 19. Marco Six, Going Dark

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Marco POV

Lunch was a disaster. Y/N refused to eat and nothing the girls could do to comfort him were working. I managed to catch a glimpse of the future and it isn't pretty but I do have some ideas to make it a little better. Just gotta make sure I do it right.

Marco: Hey Y/N.

He merely grunts at me. I've never seen him like this. Normally he's the happiest person on the face of the planet whenever I start talking to him. Like a dog after its owner gets home from work. This seriously worries me but I've got a plan. A crazy one but crazy normally works for some reason.

Marco: Can I have a minute to talk with you.

Y/N: ........ Fine.....

I lead him outside and away from any potential listeners.

Marco: I know you're upset, never having to feel jealous or suspicious of someone but try to relax okay.

Y/N: How can I relax? Who knows what that guy is up too. He's probably planning something that involves Ahri.

Marco: I can't agree with you but I won't ignore that possibility. Tell you what, I'll keep an eye on him during dinner. If he's up to something, I'll let you know right away.

Y/N: No, I can handle that myself.

Marco: Y/N L/N. In a relationship, one has to trust their significant other with every fiber of their being. Are you saying you don't trust Ahri to be with another man?

Y/N: What? N-no! I trust Ahri-

Marco: Then why won't you let her go?

He was starting to hesitate. I've got this in the bag.

Y/N: I..... I just.....

Marco: You're still new to this. Trust Ahri and trust me. It's okay to worry but this borders obsessiveness. You're better than that.

His head dips down and he stares at the ground. I don't know much about relationships in general but I'm pretty sure I hit the nail on the head. Suddenly I felt him wrap his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

Y/N: Sorry..... I didn't.....

Marco: It's alright. Just make sure to apologize to the girls. They're really worried you know.

He lets me go and nods. We walk back in and he apologizes to the girls. They seemed relieved and shot thankful smiles at me. Well, Evelynn was more of a smirk. I guess she just likes to tease guys like me. Least, that's what I hope...

Timeskip by AJ doing a car showcase.

I kept an eye on Y/N the whole time, he was still worried about Ahri cause he was like a piece of metal on a magnet. I wonder if he could use that as a flirt. Actually, scratch that. I don't want Y/N to ever flirt. Lord knows I'd be getting a lot of text in the middle of the night about possible pickup lines. Not to mention all of them would be cheesy. God my brain would be in so much pain. Ahri was getting ready to leave but it was clear she was having second thoughts. I knew that expression all to well. Mostly cause I invented it.

Ahri: Alright, I'm about to head out.

Y/N: Mmmm.......

Ahri: It's gonna be okay Y/N. I only have eyes for you.

Y/N: ........ Okay.... Can I get a kiss before you go..?

Ahri smiles and gives him a peck on the lips. The doubt was still present on her face so I decided to step in before she got to the door.

Marco: Be careful Ahri. And get rid of the doubt. It doesn't suit your face at all.

Ahri: Sorry but I can't help but worry about Y/N.

Marco: It'll be okay. He's still new, remember that and everything will pass. You'll simply use this memory as a way to tease him. Doesn't he look cute when he pouts?

Ahri: Hehe... He does, yeah.

We both hear a 'I heard that!' from across the condo. I chuckle while Ahri giggles.

Ahri: Take care of him while I'm gone okay?

Marco: Way ahead of ya.

She smiles again and heads out the condo. I then head over to my room and get everything a bootleg spy would have. A stupid disguise including a fedora cause that worked so well for the Ninja Turtles and a sweet ass trench coat that Y/N bought me for my birthday one year. I still haven't figured out how he afforded this since he wasn't getting donations at the time. The moment I got done, a chill ran down my spine. I knew exactly what was going on.

Marco: If you're gonna try and stop me, don't bother. I told Y/N I would do this. Also, your invisibility ain't really gonna work if you always have such an intimidating aura.

I hear some heels click for a moment and stop. I turn around and Evelynn was directly in front of me.

Evelynn: I understand his concern but this may be going too far.

Marco: I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Evelynn: Which is why I'm helping. Take this.

She hands me an amulet. I knew right away what it was.

Marco: You copied your power?

Evelynn: It can only be used for a short duration so time your usage well.

Marco: I'll keep that in mind.

I put the amulet on and it gave off that sinister purple that Evelynn is so fond of. I walk past her but she puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

Evelynn: What exactly are you hiding?

Marco: I have nothing to hide.

Evelynn: Then why aren't you telling?

Marco: Because there is nothing too tell.

Silence then fell on the room. I knew of all people, the Diva would suspect something and eliminating her suspicion would be difficult. No doubt she doesn't trust me and only keeps me around because of my friendship with Y/N. She eventually let go.

Evelynn: Try not to get caught.

Marco: I won't.

With that done, I head out and go to their dinner spot. They were at Freya's Paradise. This wasn't hard to figure out since only the rich could afford such a place. I use the amulet to turn invisible and sneak in. Finding a hiding spot in this place would be incredibly difficult. Especially if I wanted to listen in on their conversation. I see them at their table, it was a large round table that looked like it was meant for 6. Fucking hell, here goes nothing. I quietly sneak under the table, barely avoiding their tails and disable the amulets powers. Thank god they're far enough apart that I can hug the center piece.

Ahri: This is a nice dinner.

Xanders: Only the best for us folk Miss Ahri. Now about business.

Ahri: You seem really excited about this.

Xanders: You're an amazing model. I have several pieces already in store. We simply need to head to my Monastery.

Ahri: You have a Monastery?

Xanders: I prefer a much larger, quieter place to stay. Fear not, we won't be long. Besides the drive that is.

Okay now I'm starting to get suspicious. Wouldn't he have some store they could go too? That seems far more reasonable than going to a secluded place.

Ahri: Well... I don't know....

Xanders: Please Miss Ahri. The funds would help us supply the war effort.

There it is. Using a greater good purpose to go to a secluded place. Not to mention the guy won't stop acting like a goody two shoes. Being a dragon means he has a lot of power so no doubt he's acting. Nobody good ever acts this nice. Oh no, I feel a sneeze coming on.

Marco: Achoo!

Xanders: What was that?

Shit! I quickly activate the amulet before they both peak under the table. I don't think this was helping since they were both sniffing rather loudly. Xanders started to growl but Ahri decided to be the angel that she is.

Ahri: I'm sure it was someone else. There are plenty of people here tonight.

Xanders stared for a moment longer, before finally getting back up above the table.

Xanders: You do have a point though it seemed awfully close.

Ahri: Nothing to worry about. I'll go with you but I'll have to be back before Midnight. We'll have to start packing tomorrow so we can head back to Piltover. We have a new album in the works so we can't ignore it for too long.

Xanders: Very well. Let us be off then.

They both leave the table and I'm able to sigh in relief. Stupid sneezing almost got me in serious trouble. No time to complain though. I turn the amulet back on and quickly follow them outside. They were both hopping into a limo accompanied by a rather odd looking Police car.

 They were both hopping into a limo accompanied by a rather odd looking Police car

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"To Punish and Enslave..."? Seems very uncop like. What made it even weirder, I didn't see a driver. The limo took off and the police vehicle followed behind. That was really weird. I head into a small alleyway and reappear.

Marco: I need to inform the others of this. I don't like what I'm seeing in the future. How exactly am I gonna tell them without rousing anymore suspicion from Evelynn.... Damn it! Why wasn't I actually powerless?

I head on back to the Condo, mentally preparing myself for the storm that was about to hit.

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