Chapter 9. One Awkward Sunday

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These last few days have been pretty eventful. So, why is it, on a Sunday... nothing happens!? I've been studying since 9:30 and it is now 1:00 and I just got done with everything. No a single interruption, no calls from Caitlyn about crime. Absolutely nothing. I was honestly pissed off but I was also happy I managed to get all my studies done. I shouldn't have to many issues with the test but we'll have too see.......... Noting still......

Y/N: AAARGH!! Why is nothing happening!? There's almost always something happening even on a Sunday!

I quickly put some outdoor clothes on and head to the park. Maybe I just needed some fresh air. Wait, no, better idea. I'll call Sera and she is she wants to have another get together. I ring her up but she never answered.

Y/N: That's odd.... She never misses my calls.

I ring her up again and still no response. I start panicking, she must have been kidnapped! I quickly head over to her place and use the hidden key under her welcome mat to get inside. Everything is in order, she's just not here but where did she go? Maybe Marco knows. I quickly run over to his place and give the door a knock. After a few moments, the door opens.

Marco: Hey, how ar- What the hell is up with that expression?

Y/N: Do you know where Sera is???

Marco: Slow down, slow down. Come on in and have some tea.

I come in and sat down in the living room. Marco comes over with two cups a tea and hands me one. I take a long sip to help calm my nerves.

Marco: So what's wrong?

Y/N: So nothing has happened today.

Marco: Mhm.

Y/N: I finished all of my studying without interruptions.

Marco: Oh.

Y/N: I went over to the park to help clam down since I was freaking out.

Marco: I see.

Y/N: I gave Sera a call and she didn't answer.

Marco went wide eyed after that.

Y/N: See what's wrong here?

Marco: More than you know. Yeah that is weird. She never misses one of your calls.

Y/N: It was just gonna be a little song and dance since we didn't have time Friday.

Marco: She's probably with K/DA then.

Y/N: Why would she- Oh...

Marco: She's got talent, so the girls may be interested in helping her out. You could always try heading to their studio.

Y/N: I don't know where that is.

Marco: Fair point. Why not just go to their Penthouse then. I'm sure the receptionist can tell you.

Y/N: Thanks Marco!

I quickly finish the tea and make a beeline to the Penthouse.

Marco POV

Okay, this is not good. Sera was suppose to answer him on the first call but she didn't. Something certainly isn't right here. I better keep a close eye on Y/N. Most of my Foresight recently has been on him and if things aren't going correctly, I can't be the one messing things up.

He seemed awfully aggravated. That's not normal of him and he seemed somewhat obsessive over Seraphine. What the in world is going on?


I finally arrived at the Penthouse, it was on the other side of the city which I had completely forgotten and was now walking in to see the receptionist.

Y/N: Are the K/DA girls in?

Receptionist: No sir, they're currently... Wait, aren't you the Man of Light?

Y/N: Yes ma'am I am.

Receptionist: I-it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Y/N: Thank you for holding me in high enough regard. I need too see the girls. Do you know where they are?

Receptionist: They're currently at the local studio with a girl named Seraphine.

Y/N: Can you give me the directions. I need too speak with Sera.

She gives me directions and I speed off to the studio. I stop just outside to catch my breath, I've never ran around this much in just a few minutes before. If I didn't who know I was, I'd say I was out of shape. I walk inside after catching my breath and look around for Seraphine and the K/DA girls. Walking past a doorway, I look inside too see K/DA and...

Y/N: True Damage!

This catches the attention of everyone in the room.

Ekko: Ayyy if it isn't the Man of Light himself!

Y/N: What are you guys doing in town?

Yasuo: We decided to drop by and check on our favorite people.

Y/N: You could've called first.

Evelynn: I called us darling.

Y/N: Buuuut nooot meeeee?

Senna: It was suppose to be a surprise visit.

Yasuo: So if you don't mind me asking, what's up with that worried look in your eye.

Y/N: Nothing has happened today and that almost never happens. I actually managed to get all my studies for the finals done without a single call from anyone.

Ekko: Nothing to keep you occupied?

Y/N: I gave Sera a call but she never answered.

I see Sera biting her lip with a nervous look on her face.

Y/N: What's the reason?

Sera: I may or may not have been recording a song with the girls...

Y/N: Okay, I thought something bad had happened. I checked your place and weren't there.

Sera: I'm sorry for making you worry.

Yasuo: Hero of Piltover need a hug?

Y/N: Not from you, you wear that mask to cover up your bad alcoholic breath.

Yasuo: Now you listen here.

Ahri: Anyway... Since you're here Y/N, we were just about to head over to a Karaoke place and enjoy our time. Wanna come?

Y/N: Don't expect me to sing anything good.

Ekko: No probs, Akali don't either.

Akali: Hey!

Yasuo: Since we're in town, we'll be paying for drinks.

We all head over to the Karaoke place just a few minutes from the studio. I, of course make it there first and act like I've been waiting for the past 2 hours. This got a few laughs from everyone until Senna made a friend zone joke that really stung. If I didn't like Lucian, I would've smacked her upside the head. We all head inside and get the Super VIP room. It was big enough for all of us thankfully.

Qiyana: Alright, who wants to take bets on who gets drunk first.

Akali: It's either gonna be Ekko or Yasuo. I'm going Yasuo.

While they were off having a heated argument about who's gonna get drunk. I walk over to Sera and pull her into a hug since she looked really nervous.

Y/N: It's gonna be okay.

Sera: I know... I just never thought this would happen

Y/N: Recording a song with K/DAs help?

Sera: It feels like a dream. One I don't want to wake up from.

Y/N: I know the feeling. Just know that if I can achieve my dream of helping people in their time of need. I'm sure you can achieve your dream of becoming an Idol. Who knows, maybe you'll end up as a member of K/DA.

We pull back from the hug and stare at each other.

Sera: You really think so?

Y/N: Of course. Now enough worrying. Lets have a good time here.

She nods and we go off to enjoy ourselves. It was a really good time till Ekko gave us his drunk, overly dramatic version of how Lucian and Senna got together. That was a fucking train wreck. I legit thought Yasuo was going to die from laughter. The singing was.... Horrible. Akali's version of Sweet Home Alabama was 'Oh my god kill it with fire'. Despite the difficulties everyone had with booze, save me, Evelynn and Sera, they all still had a good time. When it was time to leave, that's where the difficult part came in. I had to transport everyone from True Damage to the Penthouse one by one while leaving their vehicle behind. We'll pick that up after everyone stops hating themselves in the morning. Evelynn was able to drive her group and Sera back to the Penthouse just fine. I still had to transport everyone to the Penthouse since they were all pretty much unconscious to this point. I ended up with Kai'sa last and just as I was about to lay her down in her bed, she clings to me. I was pretty unsure what to do so I just sat there, waiting for her to let go.

This doesn't happen as she just clung to me tighter. I was starting to feel really embarrassed about this until I felt something prick the back of my neck. Drowsiness quickly clouds my mind and I lay down in the bed with Kai'sa still clinging too me.

Evelynn POV

Despite how powerful he is, he's still effected by simple abilities. I watch him lay down with Kai'sa clinging onto him like a child would her favorite stuffed animal in the middle of the night. I exit the room after a few moments and return to the lounge area with Sera waiting on one of couches.

Sera: Where's Y/N?

Evelynn: He decided to rest with Kai'sa.

Sera: Him, sleeping with a girl?

She slightly blushed upon finishing that sentence.

Evelynn: Jealous he chose Kai'sa?

Sera: N-no... I told you, we aren't anything like that.

Evelynn: Tell me something Sera. Was he always like this?

Sera: Hmm?

Evelynn: He seemed to be more than worried about you. I could feel something from him I didn't feel yesterday.

Sera: That dark presence he has about him? That is typically him just being really upset. Last time this happened it got out of hand and he almost.....

Evelynn: Don't finish that thought. It's clear that you don't want to relive that memory and I won't force you too. In fact, it tells me everything I need to know.

Sera: What you need to know?

Evelynn: I have an offer for him that will benefit everyone. He needs and deserves this. Listen closely dear.

So I had like 200 reads a couple of chapters ago and now I have over 300. This was just meant to be a side project but here I am. I'll see about getting another chapter out today. No promises though.

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