Chapter 53. Heroes and Reunions

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Logan: I ain't on break no more so lets get back into the swing of things! Also, this book has now reached 1K votes!

Logan: I ain't on break no more so lets get back into the swing of things! Also, this book has now reached 1K votes!

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Two days later...

Third Person POV

The warriors that fought against the Void were still currently in recovery but that certainly didn't stop the public for praising them. In fact, the news had quickly spread all across the planet. As of right now, the surviving heroes were all currently meeting in the compound they first met in. Darius, Garen and Credo, the leaders that led these warriors to victory stood upon a stage overlooking the survivors. Noble Squad, the only squad that completely survived stood behind them as Credo gave a speech.

Credo: Brothers and Sisters! You have all fought well this day. Runeterra is safe due too your willingness to stand against the shadow. You are all Heroes today and forever. However, we mustn't forget those who fell in this war. Many lives were lost but they will forever hold a place in the Halls of Bastion. Eternally revered as Heroes. May we celebrate this victory and mourn for our fallen comrades.

Garen: And let us not forget the ones who turned the tide of this war to our favor.

He looked back to Noble Squad, each in full gear and almost fully recovered due to Bastion Priests amazing healing capabilities. Each bowed before Anthony stepped forward.

Anthony: It was our duty to protect our home and our families. You honor us greatly commander.

Darius: Finally, our unexpected allies from Viktor Tech.

Everyone looked to the corner of the room where the Autobots were. Optimus Prime stepped forth.

Optimus: Our creator informed us of our dark history. The mistakes he had made. We owe it too him for giving us what he should have given to our older brothers. When the Void took them, it was our duty to lay them to rest and ease our father's pain. The world may have a similar opinion to us but, Runeterra is as much our home as the people before us. We will continue to fight against her enemies until the light in our Sparks grows dim.

Credo: Victory is ours! Let us claim it together!

The combined forces of Runeterra roared in victory, throwing their fists into the air.


It was over. I could go home, back with the people I love. It'll be weird readjusting to city life. I still have my duty as Freelancer too. I'll ask if AJ is going back to Demacia soon. I do need to talk with Caitlyn. We all moved to the mess hall that was saved for city defense forces though it was now a place to celebrate our victory. It was defiantly well earned. Everyone from Noble Squad but Giovanni join Darius and Garen.

Garen: You all have done such great works recently. We cannot thank you enough.

Anthony: It was a pleasure.

Darius: If there is anything we can do to reward you. Please, ask.

AJ: I have a reward in mind but...

He glances at Garen who has a sour expression. Darius laughs like there is no tomorrow.

Darius: Lighten up Garen. Lux is the heir to her family name, she needs someone to help continue that line if you're gonna continue to throw your life in harms way.

Just about everyone here was stunned. And for the first time since his body change, AJ actually had a visible blush. I'm informing his sister about this.

Jayce: Wait, you're with THE Luxanna Crownguard?

AJ: Darius.... I just wanna clarify... I wasn't asking her hand in marriage. Just Garens approval.

Darius: Gonna end up marrying her anyways.

AJ: Can we like, save that for another time?

Garen lets out a huff, catching AJs attention.

Garen: Do anything too her and I'll break that metal spine.

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