Chapter 28. In Your Nightmares

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Evelynn POV

That was something else. He was able to learn so quickly and match my own stamina. I almost had to turn to my demon form just to overpower him. The look in his eye screamed at me with lust but he never once got rough with me. Always making sure to be gentle. My sweet little hero was still doing his best not to hurt me even when pleasure took over his mind. It was still early in the morning and he was still asleep.

I leaned up a little to lay my back against the pillows so I could get a better look at him. He was so cute clinging to my waist. I run my fingers threw his hair and scratch lightly. He groaned a little, causing me to fear he had awaken but he didn't. Instead he groaned again and what I could see was a tear dripping from his eye. I slid back down and embraced him. Trying to comfort him from his nightmare.

Evelynn: It's okay darling. It's just a bad dream.

But he didn't wake up. In fact..... it only got worse....


I had the most amazing night. I've never felt such.... Pleasure! Oh my god I am turning into a pervert.... Wait a second.... Why is everything so dark?

Y/N: Where am I...........? Hello....!

No one answered. All of sudden, a chill crept upon me and I turned around expecting Evelynn. But what I'm met with is something different. It was my home... My old home... Everything seemed different though. I certainly don't remember it having this much color. I heard some laughter coming from the dining room so naturally I investigated. When I peak my head around the corner, I'm met with a sight I never thought I'd see. It was my Mom and Dad.... and Trisha...

Y/N: Trisha...?

Leonardo: So Trisha, what exactly are you doing with this boy today?

Trisha: Oh my god Dad, we're just going to the movies with some friends.

Amy: Are you sure honey?

Trisha: Not you too mom.

Amy: I'm just kidding.

Leonardo: You aren't suspicious of this boy in anyway shape or form?

Amy: I'm the mother, not my job too do that. Since you do such a good job doing that already.

Leonardo: You ain't dodging the role forever.

Trisha: Are you two gonna continue to argue with lunch on the table? Waste of food ya know.

Amy: Right, right.

They go on to eat the lunch on the table. It was so heartwarming to see my parents like this. So happy. So complete. I wanted to interact with them so badly but no matter how hard I tried, they never responded. Eventually it was time for Trisha to leave for the movies and my Mom went and dropped her off. Naturally, I followed because I wanted too see where this was going. I wasn't sure what to think until I met her friends. A pretty good looking guy named Austin appeared to be the 'Boyfriend' and right off the bat, I didn't like him. Wow, I sound like Dad. The others were named Glenda and Brandon who had this odd looking green eyes. I don't know why but they were kinda intimidating.

Austin: Ready for this awesome movie Trish?

Trisha: Totally. What did you two have in mind?

Brandon: We were thinking the new Jurassic Park movie would be cool.

Trisha: The one about the dinosaurs?

Austin: I'm down. Kinda curious how they handle the CGI for the dinosaurs.

Glenda: I'm sure it'll be cheesy.

Trisha: Hey, I'm sure it'll be enjoyable in someway.

They head on in and I try to follow. Instead I end up in a completely different area. This one was.... a graveyard.... This odd black and greenish mist covered the area. From what I can tell this place was completely destroyed. I wondered around for a bit until a I saw a gravestone with.... Trisha L/N engraved on it. My worry for her turned to horror as I quickly tried to find a way out of this place. When I do I'm right in front of the theater with them walking out.

Austin: Wasn't the best movie but it certainly was enjoyable.

Trisha: I'll follow that statement with they won't be making a good sequel for a while.

Wow, way to fucking predict the future Sis. Wait, no! She's in trouble and I can tell. Brandon and Glenda look a little creepy following the two from behind like that and their expressions confirm this. When Austin turns around, they return to a normal look.

Austin: You two wanna grab a bite? I was thinking a nice buffet.

Glenda: We know a place. It isn't far from here either. Follow us.

Though Austin and Trisha were suspicious since they were heading towards an alleyway. Brandon reassures them that this was pretty much a jewel hidden in the dump closer to Zaun.

Y/N: No, no, no, no, no!

They agreed to go with them and followed. The deeper they went however, the darker and creepier it got. Eventually the two lost sight of the green eyed duo and got lost. All I could do is watch. No matter how much I looked away, I could always see them. They never left my sight. My heart rate increased and a cold sweat came over me as a shadow loomed over the two. When they turned Trisha was startled and fell over. When Austin turned around, he was smacked into a wall.

???: The slaves did their job well.

When Austin came too, he created a magic sword and rushed the shadow. Trisha got up and got behind cover. From what my parents told me, her power was related to gardening. Acting as a healer for plants. She really made it a habit of watching over the plants like they were her children. That made me horrified even more. She was unable to defend herself so when a hook like scythe was pierced threw Austins abdomen, she was left defenseless.

Y/N: Please run.... Trisha run!!!

It was almost like she heard me as panic took over her and she ran away, instead of running deeper into the dark alleyway, she took her chances and ran past the shadow who simply laughed. It then pulled out a lantern and sucked the soul out of Austin. His body reduced to saggy skin and bones.

???: Another toy to play with.... But the real prize is the girl...

In almost a flash, the shadow chased after her and I unfortunately was forced to follow. The shadow laughed as it finally started gaining on her. I wanted to look away but my eyes were forcefully glued to this. Tears began to stream down my face as the shadow catches her. She screams for help but before she could get any further, the scythe is slashed across her neck and her head falls to the ground. The lantern is once again pulled out and her soul is sucked inside. I wanted to puke, scream and die all at the same time. When I was told she was killed, I was never given details but now I wish I never knew them. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Everything started to go dark until there was nothing. I started panicking and the panic only got worse as it felt as if I was being drowned. I could hear her screaming, begging for the pain to stop.

Threw Tragedy, a Light will be born. Through that Light, a Shadow looms. In that Shadow lies the Key. The Key to the End of the Gods.

I was finally given the chance to breath but when I did, my lungs started to burn like hell. I started choking on that air, I felt as if the pain Xanders caused me was back with a vengeance. Then all I could feel was the cold chill of death, breathing down my neck. Finally, through my teary eyes I saw a figure. I couldn't tell what they were but the green glow like the one in the eyes scared me. I've never felt so helpless. Then all of sudden, everything went dark but I wasn't awake. Until....

???: Hello Y/N. What took you so long?

Evelynn POV

Y/N woke up screaming in a cold sweat. I was startled by this but quickly calmed down and embraced him. He was sobbing uncontrollably and he showed no signs of stopping. Gently, I placed forehead upon his and forced him to look me in the eyes.

Evelynn: Sssshhhhh.... It's going to be alright... I'm here for you... We all are...

He leaned his head down on my shoulder and continued to sob. Eventually he returned the embrace and his sobs turned to sniffles.

Y/N: It felt so real.....

Evelynn: It's going to be okay. I swear it.

Before long his sniffles stopped and he looked up to me.

Y/N: It was Trisha...

Evelynn: Your sister...?

Y/N: I watched her.... I watched her die.... And I couldn't do anything....

He began to cry again but I quickly gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Evelynn: It's in the past. There was nothing you could do.

Y/N: But what if that man is still out there....?

Evelynn: Then we'll catch him. Make him pay for causing your family so much grief.

Y/N: Mhm....

Evelynn: Go back to sleep darling. I'll be right here.

He nods and buries his face into my neck. I rub his back slowly to try and comfort him. Eventually he was completely silent. Sound asleep.

Evelynn: I won't ever let you go through that pain again. I promise.

A/N: Late night triple upload! How dare I but this was honestly way to important to wait on. So what do you guys think of the book so far? I mean it may as well be a K/DA LoL Anime too this point with a lot of copyright problems but hey, if the media has a logical placement like the Transformers, I think anything is fair game in fanfic. Well, probably is even with out logical placement... Know what, fuck it. ALL IS FAIR GAME!!!

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now