Chapter 45. At War I

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A few days after the last chapter...

Anthony POV

We finally launched out assault against the Void and with precise planning from Credo, we were able to push them further into the mountain pass. As Indigo Squad reported, there were swarms of imp demons ready to bombard us but Darius personally led a counter strike force and took them out. Right now, the battle was raging on.

Kayn: Now this is what I'm talking about! I never got to let loose this much before.

Luckily I wasn't allowed to envy him in this moment since during this phase of the battle, my position didn't matter too much. I had equipped my Siegkaiser and went to town. Y/N had racked up a lot of kills and was competing with AJ on who could do more. The Man of Light was of course winning. To solidify this and once he knew it was safe, he fired the biggest beam of light he could down the pass. Killing just about every demon it hit. Only the strongest or smartest of them all survived. You would think after he did that, things would go our way. As it turns out, they had planned ahead of time and brought in Void Terrors.

AJ: What the hell is that thing!?

AJ: What the hell is that thing!?

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Anthony: It's a Void Terror. Watch for their eye lasers!

Just as I said that, it aimed directly at us and fired lasers from every eye. I quickly grabbed the exhausted Y/N and get out of the way. The size of the creature did not help us at all. One head was big enough to make a semi truck look like a chew toy so that meant the eyes were pretty big themselves which meant the lasers were quite large. Taking it down was not going to be easy.

Y/N: Let me take a shot at it.

Anthony: Fat chance. You're burnt out, take a rest. Ezreal!

Ezreal: Huh?

Anthony: Take Y/N to a safer area. I'll deal with this ugly.

Ezreal: R-right!

Ezreal rushes over and begins to drag Y/N away who tried to protest. If I knew his limit on energy output I would've prevented him from firing that beam. Too late for it now. I put my Great Sword away and quickly switch too my twin pistols Eagle and Crow.

 I put my Great Sword away and quickly switch too my twin pistols Eagle and Crow

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I line my shots with its eye tendrils and fire. Hitting each one in rapid succession. This draws the main heads of the beast too me.

Anthony: Giovanni! Now would be a good time!

Giovanni comes out from behind cover on a nearby cliff and throws his fear slimes at the beast. This clouds it's judgement long enough for Jayce to set up. He aims and fires at the left head, tearing threw it like paper. The other head roars in pain and begins to fire off its laser while swinging its head. The laser hit our forces and theirs. Kayn then rushes by at extreme speeds with his scythe ready.

Kayn: This is my kill! Hey, I'm the one swinging the weapon here, not you!

I'm sure that's Rhaast talking too him but it doesn't make him look any less crazy. One the beast readjusted itself, Kayn swooped into the air and brought the scythe down on the eyeball. It roars in pains and flails around before falling over limp.

Kayn: That satisfy you or are you still gonna be a panzie?

Really crazy... I quickly survey the damage. Credo seemed to have the western end covered with his angels. Darius probably had a large pile of bodies on the ground above us. I quickly look back and see Y/N still somewhat tired running towards me with Ezreal.

Ezreal: I tried to stop him Anthony but he just wouldn't listen.

Y/N: I'm fine, I swear.

AJ then chimes in, throwing a corpse aside.

AJ: Fine enough for some ligma?

You cannot be serious. Who the hell still uses that joke?

Y/N: We are not doing this joke again.

Well at least he knows better. Oh shit that doesn't mean Ezreal...

Ezreal: What's ligma?

Anthony: Oh my god...

Y/N: Ezreal!!


Ezreal basically went dot eyes like in some sort of anime. AJ basically screamed in laughter but cut short and looked into the pass. A Void Rift had opened up and a horde of demons ran threw. This was bad. Our forces was already banged up from the Void Terror firing beams everywhere, we can't handle a horde. Wait, maybe we can.

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