Chapter 63. Facing Your Fears

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Logan: Imagine staying up all night playing Destiny 2 just to complete 2 and a half quest lines just so you can do a quest just to have an Exotic Sword only to find out you have another quest to do.

Akali POV

We had been walking around for about 20 minutes now and it felt like nothing was helping. Talking to the locals is out of the question cause none of them would help. If anything, they'd just try to kill us or something.

Jinx: Damn it, why isn't this thing working?!

Akali: Where is it telling us to go now?

Jinx: Right back to the Plaza. He's not there, that much we can confirm.

Suddenly, her comm starts to buzz so she picks up.

Jinx: This is Jinx.

Camille: Jinx, where are you right now?

Jinx: Still in Zaun, trying to locate Y/N.

Camille: I just finished scanning the Blood Sample. I'm able to locate a match from here. A joy of what technologies bring.

Jinx: Yeah, when you're in range. Fancy smancy tech these days.

Camille: Have you been to the plaza?

Jinx: Only 3 times now.

Camille: According to schematic data, there should be an old railroad system underneath that specific spot.

Akali: So we just need to find an entrance.

Camille: I'm looking threw video surveillance right now. There should be a subway entrance you can take to your east. Be warned though, if this enemy is using such a large place as their base...

Jinx: We may have to wait for backup, I know. We'll do what we can and relay the information.

Camille: Akali, I'm radioing your band mates now. They'll be on their way.

Akali: Thanks Camille.

Jinx: Lets go.

We both immediately book it for the subway entrance. We passed by some Zaun pedestrians who were less than thrilled to see us but we paid them now mind. So long as they stay out of our way. I was pretty much running off of fumes to this point. Who ever these people were, they're in for a world of damn hurt. As we were running down the tracks, Jinx pulls out her tracker and begins to trace it before suddenly stopping.

Akali: Why'd we stop here on the tracks?

Jinx: It says he's threw this wall.

Akali: Do you think we can...?

Jinx: You ain't the only one mad Akali. I think we can afford to break the rules for once.

She then pulls her rocket launcher Fishbones. She apparently has a Weapon Pack power that allows her to carry numerous weapons on her at all times. Handy. She proceeds to blast a hole into the wall to get see nothing.

Jinx: Good thing I brought plenty of ammo!

She continues to blast in the hole she made until we saw a white wall. We stepped threw until we were in a corridor.

Akali: Where the hell are we?

Jinx: Don't know but I do know one thing.

She holds up the tracker which was going haywire.

Jinx: We may be in trouble.

Then the alarms start to blare.

Akali: Really big trouble.

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