Insider's Notes

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Hi ho, hi ho my fellow Turkey's! If you didn't see that particular announcement, yes, you are all Turkey's now. Can't have any of that hooman filth in my domain. At least outside the graveyard.

I started doing this last night for Apex High Schooler and I said I'd do it here to. These are basically notes on the inside development of the book and the history it goes through. This is mostly for fun by the end of the day and isn't always interesting seeing how something is made? I miss me some practical effects. Too much CGI these days. Also, I'll only go over the stuff I changed. So for the topic of Y/N's power, Light Control, I have nothing to say other than I had no idea how strong I wanted him to be till the first arc.

The Many Scripts of Hero of the Stars

By scripts I mean all of the previous versions. I have bit of a knack for acting out certain scenes while writing to get me in the zone. This helps me make and plan out the rest of the book. Being the young and ambitious author I was at the time, I had A LOT of them. Lets start off with the complete original story line.

It basically was your average slice of life action romance. All of the things that happen up till the Xanders Arc is apart of this story line but instead of getting this more arc like setup I did, it would mostly focus on Y/N's growing relationship with the girls and the slow build up to Thresh, though time would be spent building him up more so than this version. We'd get some funny rogues gallery stuff and the PLE trio would be sticking to side characters like AJ and Sona. Sona and Marco do not have a romance in this one btw. Dark Y/N also does not exist per say rather he is an entity that looms over Y/N. Thresh wants that power. Big bad fight comes up. This is where the story line splits. In one, Thresh loses but comes back later after an attempted absorption of Y/N's Dark side, becoming Dark Star Thresh. This story line gives the Y/N x Seraphine romance, making it the full five package. In another, he just loses and we get a Fallen Angel that had a personal vendetta against Thresh. Having his kill get stolen gives the petty creature a reason to hunt Y/N next. Another big fight happens and of course Y/N wins with the help of his friends. Classic.

In the updates story line, the first Lemon with Evelynn triggers that Dark Side and it ends up manifesting Dark Y/N. Once again, a split happens. In one, he runs the whole thing solo and is basically mindless whereas in the other, Akali catches sight of him and begins a Akali x Dark Y/N romance. Everything in them proceeds like in the original though Akali in the second one is less interested in the actual Y/N. In the Mindless Dark Y/N timeline, he ends up eventually being found by Thresh and used as a way to taunt the real Y/N. ONCE MORE a split happens. The first one has Thresh absorb that power and become Dark Star Thresh and it continues like the original but without the Seraphine romance. In the second one, Dark Y/N turned out to be eating the souls Thresh had and used them to create a consciousness. A bad one. Dark Y/N kills Thresh, taking all of his souls and then the big battle between Light and Dark begins. Light ends up losing but with a last second save from Marco edges the Light to beat the Dark. This costs him his life though. Which is where we get a sequel.

This sequel was based on Y/N going against the Summoners in order to get any wish he wants. Obviously its to bring Marco and a few others back like AJ who dies to Thresh midway through. Y/N comes to find out that he is actually the Seventh Summoner but rejects the role and instead teaches the Six Summoners about real humanity since in this story line, they're kinda ignorant. It was pretty boring imo which is why I strayed from doing that by making them out to be assholes with bigger goals. In the second timeline with Akali and Dark Y/N, it gives two different love scenarios, one of which is spent in the dark obviously and Akali desperately trying to make Dark Y/N not a bad guy. She fails and the Light vs Dark battle begins again. Once more, Dark wins but when he's about to strike down Light, Akali gives her life instead. This would lead to Y/N traveling to the Shadow Isles to receive her soul from Thresh who had done next to nothing in this story line. They fight of course cause Thresh has an unfair deal. In this story line though, he's near immortal so in order to really stop him, Dark gives his soul in exchange for Akali. From there on, it's basically the first story line again but without the Akali Romance. This time making the harem only 3.

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