Chapter 22. Xanders Arc Aftermath

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Evelynn POV

I watched that whole fight. I knew Y/N would get distracted if I stepped in. Knowing he'd put my safety first, I let him fight and I had faith he would win. Now he stands there, sword in the air and ready to strike. I would've loved to make that beast suffer for what he's done to Ahri but that's who I am. This isn't what Y/N is. I was about to step in and stop him but he swung the blade down before I could reach him..... But the blade never hit.... He swung it into the ground directly next to Xanders.

Xanders: Are you...... that weak that you can't.... finish the job.....?

Y/N: No....... I missed on purpose.....

Xanders: What....?

Y/N: I'm nothing like you...... As much as I want to kill you and tear you too pieces.... I've done enough already..... What I want is different from what's needed.......

Xanders: No.... don't you dare.....!

Y/N: The Summoners will know of this fight...... Of your intentions.....

Xanders: Foolish Child..... Unlike me, your sentence will be far worse....

That I already knew. I don't know the details of why Y/N was spared a harsh punishment when he killed Lunastra as killing an Elder Dragon is against sacred law set by the Summoners but this time will be different.

Y/N: I'll deal with it..... Rather be a Hero who can take public punishment.... then be a Monster like you.....

Xanders: You will regret letting me live. Do you hear me-

He then kicks the dragon across the face. Knocking him out flat. That kick took all of his strength as he started to stumble and fall over. This time though I was able to step in and catch him before he could fall.

Y/N: Who's......?

Evelynn: Just rest Darling.

He simply nods and falls asleep in my arms. I scoop him up bridal style and carry him out. I'll need to investigate this Monastery a little more and get evidence that Xanders is guilty. Anything too lessen Y/Ns punishment. We eventually make it out to the car where everyone else was at. Everyone was noticeably harmed except Ahri who was covered by a blanket. They soon took notice of me and Y/N.

Akali: Is he....?

Evelynn: He'll be alright. He just needs to rest.

Ahri: And Xanders....?

Evelynn: He has suffered fatal wounds but he'll live. We can't do anything about it either.

Marco: The Summoners law? What happened to the Diva act of always getting your way?

Evelynn: Mind your tongue boy. If I could tear him apart I would but seeing as how Y/N clipped his wings and severed his spinal cord tail. I'm not sure anything I could do would be worse.

Kai'sa: That's.... brutal.....

Evelynn: What matters is that he's alive and Xanders lost. Take Y/N with you. I need to stay a little longer and find evidence that could be used against Xanders. No is too know about this. Y/N wants to inform the Summoners but I won't allow that. God knows what they'll do to him but if they do find out, we'll need to have something to help his case.

I set Y/N in the back seat while Kai'sa gets in the driver seat. Akali lets Ahri sit in her lap in the passenger seat while Sera and Marco sit on Y/Ns sides. They take off moments later, leaving me to my devices.

Evelynn: Lets see what you're hiding.

Before I could take a step forward, the sounds of a vehicle stopped me in my tracks. Did they forget something? I turn around and see several vehicles with an IOU tag on their sides.

Evelynn: Ionian Operations Unit?

They get out of the car and surround me with their guns. Telling me to place my hands on my head and kneel.

Evelynn: There's been a misunderstanding. I'm not the culprit.

Cop 1: Tell that to the judge lady.

Cop 2: Put her hands up or we will shoot!

Evelynn: I'm already in a bad mood. Don't tempt me.

Cop 2: You heard her men. Fire!

???: Belay that order.

An armored woman stepped out of a car. I knew this woman quite well from a few encounters.

 I knew this woman quite well from a few encounters

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