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(Risky 😳 risky 😈 wiggy 💃🏻 wigi 🚨 this 🙈 is✨ an 🗣 emergency 🆘 help ‼️me 👩🏻 help 🥺 me 🤸🏻‍♀️ somebody 😩 stop🛑 me 👻cause 👅 I 😌 know 🧠 I 🧚‍♀️can’t ❌ stop ✋ me😼)

{3rd person:}

Jack has been waking up with ripped clothes lately and he never knew why. He never felt something strange when he was asleep. Well, they moved to another house a week ago and then weird things started to happen.

Like every night, he would hear a door-creaking-like sound but his door never moved. He thought maybe he was just hallucinating but as days go by, the sound keeps coming and it's really frustrating him.

And then this one time when his sister, Emma left the house, he would hear deep breaths from here and there. He never minded the sound but it keeps getting louder and annoying everytime.

He asked Emma if she can also feel strange and weird things. She replied with a 'no'. Jack started to wonder what does life want with him this time?

Then he started to feel uncomfortable alone in his room. As if someone was staring at him. He never knew what it was.

But when he bumped into an exorcist, (wich he never knew it was one) the man felt terrified with his presence.


"Are you alright?" Jack asked the man he just bumped into. "Ah.. y-yes. But you..." the man paused his sentence. "You have a strange presence... I can feel someone else's presence in you.." the man said. "What do you mean?"

The man ignored the question and touched Jack's forehead. "I knew it." The man muttered and Jack knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "It's that girl again."

"I'm sorry. What are you talking about?" Jack asked. The man's eyes widened in realization. "I'm very sorry. My name's Nicholas. You can call me North if you like."

"I'm Jackson Overland Frost. I prefer being called Jack. Uhh.. nice to meet you." Jack said and smiled. "Anyway.. back to what you were talking about?" Jack said.

"Allow me to explain...."

He told Jack that what was following him everywhere was a succubus. It's been the one ripping Jack's clothes every night and the source of all the strange and weird things he feels in THAT house. It was a former demon's house and the only one left was the succubus that's following Jack. Hundreds of exorcists failed to find her as she was sneaky. She can conceal her presence and then a sudden technique of hers will push them all away. They never had an idea of her physical appearance but they found one of her possible images.

She has platinum blonde hair. She has two sharp fangs and horns. She has blue seductive eyes and some says she has the most beautiful voice. Her nails are very sharp. Sharp enough to pierce your chest if you don't make love with her. And she only has one target wich is the only one she can make love with. She's a very picky girl and hasn't been able to do it with a boy in 200 years. And then she surprisingly chose Jack.

North also gave him a special bracelet wich he also hoped it would prevent her from bothering him. He came home with it and it surprisingly stopped. He was very thankful that he won't waste any clothes anymore since he's broke. Broke but with a lot of kpop merchandise.

~present day~

Jack woke up from his deep slumber. He got up but then, he saw the bracelet North gave him was gone from his wrist. He never took it off since he doesn't want a succubus bothering him again. Then he heard a knock on his door. He opened it and saw North.

"North. The bracelet was go-" he was cut off by a door-creak-like sound he heard from back then.

It's her.

A beautiful platinum blonde haired girl showed up and her two blue seductive eyes turned red. She smirked. Her horns were getting very big.

(SHE'S HORNY! Get it? Cause she has horns. Nevermind.)

She was wearing a very short skirt and she was wearing a black tank top. Her smirk grew wide as she held the bracelet in her hand. She giggled.

North turned to Jack but he didn't find him there. Then he turned to the girl's direction. He found Jack being held by her. "Too slow." She said with a wide smirk. She licked Jack's neck making chills go down his spine. "Sweet.. as usual." She muttered.

"And you..." she looked at North she pulled out her palm and pushed him away with her demon technique and closed then locked the door while doing so. "That's better."

"I like your little accessory over here.." she said and gestured to his bracelet. "Anyways.. May I..." she whispered and licked his neck. "This is a good spot." She muttered and dug her nail into that spot on his neck. Jack winced in pain as she was carving something. "My name's..


She whispered seductively in his ear after she carved the first letter of her name on her neck. Elsa surprisingly had a rope and tied his hands with it. She then pecked his lips. "Be a good boy, alright? I'll get rid of that old man outside and.." she sat on his lap and buried his head on her breasts. "You'll get this later." She said seductively and giggled. "I won't be long, so be patient and wait for me,


And with that, she left.


Risky 😳 risky 😈 wiggy 💃🏻 wigi 🚨 this 🙈 is✨ an 🗣 emergency 🆘 help ‼️me 👩🏻 help 🥺 me 🤸🏻‍♀️ somebody😩 stop🛑 me 👻cause 👅 I 😌 know 🧠 I 🧚‍♀️can’t ❌ stop ✋ me😼

So I caught my uncle watching some random ppl doin' the nasty at 5am and in my head I was like 'Hentai is better.'

Ignore that. My cat wrote that.

My white cat, Elsa wrote this whole chapter whole props to her.

Because I'm innocent and would never write naughty stuff so credits to my cat<3

And yes I really named that stray white cat I always play with, Elsa.

Cause whenever I do the FROZEN2 siren call from the balcony, she looks up at me like,  'Julia wtf it's 4 in the afternoon!'


Anyways, Bye. I tried a halloween concept this time- I mean my cat.

I would never write naughty things.



I am innocent.

Please keep that in mind:)

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