Best friends

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"Jackson!!!" A platinum blonde girl in a french braid exclaimed and tackled him into a hug. "I missed you!" She squealed.

"Miss, I don't know you." He said and removed her arms from him. "Huh? You don't remember me? It's me, Elsa! Your best friend. Don't you remember?" Elsa asked.

"I don't know any Elsa." He said. "And I'm not Jackson." He added and walked past her. "Huh? Ofcourse you do! And how come you're not Jackson? And when is your hair white? Why did you dye it? You look handsome in brown hair. Bring it back! White hair doesn't suit you." Elsa said and pulled his hair.

"Ow!" He shouted. "We used to play a lot, you know? You've changed. ButI know some things don't." Elsa said with a wide smile.

"You gave me the name Elsa when you were a little kid! You love to play with me and you even gave me this." Elsa handed him a drawing Jack holding a doll.

"We were best friends! But we still are!!" She said and hugged him tight. "You said you'll love me forever." Elsa says in a cute humming way. "And you gave me Snowflake as a nickname."

She saw Jack tearing up and snatched the drawing from Elsa. She wiped his tears. "You used to hug me until you fall asleep when you're scared. I was always there for you. I never left your side." She caressed his soft cheek.

"Why did you disappear?" He asked. "I was turned back into a.. human. I was a human back then. So mean and.... cruel. The most spiteful girl in town, they would say. They call me ice queen because I was so cold to people. I was a kid when I got turned into a doll. I was inside the doll version of me. But then... 20 years ago, you found me and took me to your home. And we would always bond together. Until you were... 14. I stayed by your side. One day, I woke up and felt something odd. I had my human form again. You were still sleeping and I was sleeping beside you that time. I didn't want to wake you up, so I carefully.... got up and... left. I'm sorry, Jackson. If I hadn't left.... we would have been together by now. I'm sorry...." She looked down to the ground.

Jack hugged her tight. "It's okay. I would freak out if a girl was sleeping beside me." He chuckled.

"I'll always love my Elsa." He added and kissed her forehead. "And I'll always love my Jackson." She said.

"You never told me you were this beautiful." Jack said wich made her blush. "I could say the same to you, gorgeous man. But I prefer my Jackson's brown hair. And his brown eyes." Elsa said in a swooning tone.

"That's okay! Now we have almost the same hair color." She cheered and Jack kissed her out of nowhere. Elsa was shocked but just closed her eyes and kissed back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed.

"I remember what you said when you were little. You want to get married to the most beautiful girl in town." Elsa giggled and Jack pecked her lips. "Now I am... soon to be." He smirked at her.

"With me? But I'm not the most beautiful-" "You are the most beautiful girl for me. Not just in town. But in the whole universe." He said and Elsa hugged him.

"I'm not good with this couple thing but.... I would love to get married with you someday in the future." She said with a smile.

"Shall we, my love?" He said and held her hand. "We shall." She said and they walked to their class.


What a f l o p-

I'm scared of dolls and now I'm making this something is really wrong with me....

Mom I'm scared!

(I know! But you're gonna be alright! You have to believe in me!)

Kay sorry for adding salt in ur wounds...

*proceeds with laughing and sobbing and wheezing*


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