Call it what you want

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These are drafts lol


It was supposed to be a successful coronation, it was supposed to go smoothly. She was supposed to be in control of her emotions and get over the whole party, and she would retire for bed and let it all overflow like a water that keeps getting higher, building up until her walls couldn't handle them anymore.

But no, it never went like that. And she should have known her sister would ask such questions. If only it'd been easy to tell, that is. If only things had been normal. If only she had been normal.

Long story short, Anna had introduced a prince from another kingdom and asked Elsa for their blessing, which is weird because they'd only met this day. If she'd been seeing him for a long time, she'd know. Some castle staff or Kai would inform her about the lucky man and she would be happy for her.

But this.. she couldn't help but see the red flags.

And so her answer is no. And what really set her little sister off, was when she had said that Anna doesn't know anythinh about true love.

A little bit bold, coming from herself, who shut her only bestfriend out for years, probably almost her whole life.

When she called off the party and dismissed everyone, Anna has had enough. The only things that came out of her mouth were the questions she kept wondering to herself for thirteen years.

And Elsa had accidentally showed her deepest, darkest secret to everyone in the ballroom. If only Anna had given her glove back, then this whole thing wouldn't happen. If only Anna hadn't met that prince. Not that she was against Anna finding romance, but it seemed too early, and she wondered if they really got to know each other or if they were just enchanted by the outer looks. Elsa's got to admit, he was fairly good-looking.

It was worse when she got outside, it seemed like she was the main event of the night, but in a terrible way. All eyes were on her, and she seemed to feel trapped, wanting to get away.

Especially when her sister was calling out her name as she began chasing her.

She had no choice but to tell them to stay away, trying not to hurt them. But she was scared, she was badly trembling and the next thing she knew was the blast of ice that she never wanted to come out of her hand. The only thing she was thankful for was that no one turned to solid ice.

Everyone was scared of her, she looked at the mother who asked her if she was alright, and she was holding her baby close to her, protecting it from the queen who was supposed to govern her own land, not harm it and her people.

It was like her castle crumbled overnight. Now the people hated her, cursing her for something she didn't mean to do. Something she couldn't control.

It was as if they'd seen a monster out on a cage, and that's when she realized she couldn't be here anymore. She couldn't hide it.

She just wanted to let it go.

And so she ran far away from the people, her people. The people she was supposed to help, the people she was supposed to take care of.

But it was alright now.

Nobody's heard of her for hours now, even months. It was the same as always in Arrendelle. It was freezing, and everyone had to give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods, as the duke would say it.

But she didn't know about any of that, not when she's doing better than she ever was.

She'd met someone on the way to the north mountain. Said he was like her. She was a bit skeptical about what he meant, but when he showed her his hand, and a single snowflake appeared out of nowhere, ot out of his palm.

It landed on her nose, though. And she smiled, she suddenly had the urge to have some sort of fun. She unbuttoned her cape and let the wind carry it, like she even cared about where it would land to.

She tried to see what she could do with her magic, and it felt like the world's weight lift off her shoulders for a while. She felt so free, and so fascinated about the man she'd just met. They were both laughing after she'd just made her own palace made of ice. Everything was made of ice, and the creation she was most proud of was the ice chandelier above them.

Days went by, and he would always fly to her. They'd been the closestof friends, and no one was ever aware of where that would end up. When she told him about her past, the hardships she went through for thirteen years, he just listened, as he held her hand to remind her she would never hurt him. She was the only person she'd trusted right now, like a brother who knew all of her secrets.

She's made mistakes in her life, the biggest one being the person who hurt Anna, shot her in the head and shut her out for years.

But atleast she did one thing right.

Now they were laughing together, not as friends anymore, but as lovers. It felt like she was allowed to open up around him, it felt like he wouldn't mind if she showed him who she truly was, who she truly is because he would accept her either way.

Yep. She did one thing right.

Now he was walking towards her castle with his head down, and when he flew to her balcony, he was greeted by his snow queen. Before he could say anything, a pair of arms wrapped around him and soft lips captured his cold ones.

She had scars, she was broken for a long time. She'd been hurt and damaged all her life, atleast that's what she thinks. It was like she was shattered pieces he put together, and still he loved her like she was brand new.

He then offered his hand to her, like he was her prince charming and she was his queen, wanting an escape from the world in his arms. She was his, not because he owns her, but because he knows her. He sees her.

"May I offer you a flight, my queen?" He asked rather curtly.

Elsa giggled, playing along with the role. "You don't need to save me.."

His eyes looked directly at hers, the shade of cobalt blue she knew and loved more than anything. He smiled at her, as if she was the most magnificent thing he'd seen and adored. Her Jack Frost loved her more than anything, that she'd known.

"But would you run away with me?"

The answer was obvious.


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