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(Before you skip this Author's note, I just wanna remind all of you guys to stay safe and make sure to keep yourself clean. Wear face masks if needed. You can just spend less time outside and stay at home reading Jelsa fanfics or doing something else because you might have corona virus, thank you for reading this author's note and I hope you have an awesome time reading this! I loove you sooooo much guys and KEEP SAFE!)

Elsa, the love of Jack's life. Went to find their daughter, Julia (A/N: theyr'e married in this one shot and had two kids. And oh, THAT'S ME! MY NAAME!) who just got lost.

"JULSY!!!" Elsa's son, Julia's older brother, Xander called out for his little sister's name... or should I say, nickname.

"Mommy!!!!" A loud yell was heard behind them. Xander and Elsa turned around and saw Julia covering her nose with the collar of her T-shirt. Corona virus is spreading everywhere so they had to wear face masks.

"Oh!! Thank goodness your'e here!" Elsa said in relief as she hugged her daughter tight.

Instantly, Elsa removed her face mask and hand it over to Julia. She hesitated and said "What about you, Mommy?"

"Mommy is not afraid of germs." Elsa answered to her daughter's question. "But it can kill you!!" Julia argued.

"It might kill me, yes. But Mommy is old enough to die now. But your'e not. You still have a life to live and me..... I have accomplished everything." She said and handed over her face mask to her daughter.

"Well, if you die, there's something you wouldn't accomplish." Julia said and then pouted, still holding on to her T-shirt's collar.

"What?" Elsa asked, confused. She had accomplished everything in her life. Meet the special someone, get married to that special someone, have kids with that special someone...... what more?

"Watching me grow up." She answered. Their whole world felt silent. Until, Xander took the face mask out of his mother's grip and made her little sister wear it with no hesitation.

"Mom's doing this for you." Xander said and put his hands on his sister's shoulder.

Julia sighed in defeat and just walked away.

After that incident, Elsa started to get sick. She always coughs and she looked paler than usual. She had dark circles under her eyes and she felt weak.

Days have passed and Elsa couldn't take it anymore. She went to a doctor and had a test if she had Corona virus and .....


She cried and cried. She's gonna die and leave them soon.

When she told her husband,Jack about her getting positive, she expected him to stay away from her. But instead, he wore a face mask and then hugged her. She tried to get away from his grip but she couldn't.

Elsa was now lying on a hospital bed, with a big glass window on her right. She didn't know if she's ever gonna survive this.

Who is she kidding? Of course she's not gonna survive!! This disease keeps spreading and they didn't know how to find the cure.

Meanwhile, a knock was heard from outside of the big glass window and she saw her husband. He was waving at her and she smiled all of a sudden. He still continued on visiting her despite of the busy work, busy dad duties, and other stuff, they still continued seeing each other even though they cannot hold each other even just for a day.

She walked towards the glass window and put her hand on where Jack's hand was touching the glass and smiled. She put her forehead on it and Jack also did.  They stared at each other and Elsa mouthed an 'I love you.' On the other side of the glass. Jack removed his face mask and mouthed an 'I love you too' as a response to the word she said.

Despite of her condition, Jack didn't give up on her. He kept seeing her everyday at the hospital just to say 'I love you' so that she would never forget that. He loved her so much. So much that he'd kill for her.

A year has passed, Elsa was this close to dying. She requested that she could see Jack and hold him before she dies. The doctor didn't agree on that but Elsa begged them. They couldn't resist her. So they gave her a chance to see him.

Once she saw her husband, Jack, she quickly ran to him and hugged him. She said 'I love you' tons of times.

Few months later, she died, but she still remained in Jack's heart. No other girl than her. He swore to himself that he would never NEVER EVER try to replace Elsa. That she's his only snowflake. And that remained until the day he died.

Julia and Xander is currently visiting their parents at the cemetery. Their graves are beside each other. The siblings would sometimes send flowers and would sometimes even talk to them.

"Theyr'e love is so strong." Julia exclaimed. Her older brother nodded. "I've never seen such one true love that can last forever." Xander agreed.

"I always thought that nothing is permanent. But Mom and Dad prooved me wrong. Some things are permanent and will always stay the same..... like LOVE." Julia added as she stared at the sky in awe, reminding her of their parents who are now in heaven.

Jack and Elsa's love lasted forever until their last breaths. And now they are together in heaven.

The end


So I was saying..... STAY SAFE GUYS!

Their love lasted forever and all I could say is SANA ALL

So with that being said

Water has memories❄❤

Bye and stay safe!!!!!

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