Regain what I deserve.

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(Attention! Now I have your attention, thanks for paying attention.)


"Jack!" I cheered as I put my arm around his shoulder. "Hey, Els." He replied with a grin. "Wanna hang out?" I said making him look at me sadly. "I have a date with Tooth later, sorry."

I frowned. I really hate that girl to the bone. When I was about to confess to Jack about my feelings, Jack says that they're officially dating. And yes, I faked my happiness and support. I kept my feelings for him until now, I still love him.

"Aww.. We never had a friends date ever since." I whined and he pinched my cheek. "You little baby.." He said making me whine more.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked. He still shook his head. "Another date?" I guessed. Who knows? "Appointment with Tooth's mom. You know she likes my teeth clean." He replied and I giggled.

"A shame. I bought you chocolates." I pouted and he looked at me with a grin. "Can I have some?"

"Sure. It's yours." I replied with a smile.

Then we heard a knock from the door. Jack got up and opened it revealing a piece of sh-

"Hey, Jack!!" Toothiana exclaimed and clinged on his arm. By the way, Jack and I are roommates.

"Hey, Tooth." Jack chuckled and I looked away knowing what he'll do next.

Then they've talked about their date and all stuff since I didn't pay attention on it. But I heard one thing as I looked up to them. Tooth was looking at me in the eye saying, "Yes, Jack. You're mine and I'm yours." Then looked up at him since she's so effing small. A freaking dwarf.

I walked into my room calmly, confused on why did she look at me. She probably knew about my feelings for him. I smell war. I could win if I could just lay a hand on her hair and pull it until it comes off. She wants a battle.. well then,

I shall regain what I deserve.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered, If I'm this beautiful how come Jack chose Tooth? Is he dumb, stupid, or dumb?

"Hmm..." I hummed as I was looking at the long blade I use for self-harming. Yes, I cut myself whenever I feel like it. And I'll use it for something interesting if you know what I mean.

"You look sharp, huh? That's just interesting." I said with a smirk. "Very interesting."

I started to call Aster. That dude who likes Tooth and hates Jack as much as I hate Tooth. "Hello?"

"What in the bloody hell do you want?"

"I was just gonna ask a favor, chill."

"I'm not into those, mate."

"It's about Toothiana. If you don't wanna help me, fine. I'll do it myself."

"Woah there, mate! What's the big deal?"

"Well, do you perhaps.. still love her?"

"Yes, I do. Just get to the point!"

"Well.. I also love Jack as much as you love Tooth... romantically."

"I see.. continue."

"Well, I was hoping you could help me about my plan, to get something that I want. We can make them split up, you know?" I say with a wide smirk. He stood silent but knowing that he's listening made me feel so happy.

"Come here at the appartment and I'll explain everything, okay?" I said and he hummed his response and hung up.

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